Prognose der Verkehrslage in der Region Hannover
Die primäre Anforderung der Verkehrsteilnehmer im Bereich des Straßenverkehrs ist die Kenntnis der aktuellen Verkehrslage. Diese basiert in der Regel auf der wirklich benötigten Reisezeit von sehr vielen Verkehrsteilnehmern, deren Daten häufig im Kontext von Routingdiensten abgegriffen werden.
Im Rahmen von Data4UrbanMobility wurden Werkzeuge entwickelt um eine ganglineinbasierte Prognose der Verkehrslage zu ermöglichen. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt eine Oberfläche auf der typische Ganglinienverläufe und Ausreißer visualisiert werden.
Die Prognose der Verkehrslage kann dann mittels einer Karte für den Endnutzer visualisert werden:
Erste Version der MIC-App bereitgestellt
Eine erste Version der MIC-App (Move in the City) konnte allen Partnerinnen und Partnern des Projekts und einer geschützten Nutzer*innengruppe der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die mobile App MiC ist ein Instrument zur Datenerhebung.
Dabei verknüpft MiC – eine Entwicklung des Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU der TU Braunschweig und Projektionisten GmbH Hannover – das wachsende Bewusstsein und die Notwendigkeit für digitale Bürger*innenrechte mit den Potentialen mittels der Auswertung großer Datenmengen neue Formen der menschzentrierten Entwicklung von Stadt und Mobilität zu ermöglichen stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, sich aktiv als Bürgerwissenschaftlerin und Bürgerwissenschaftler an der Forschung und Entwicklung der Mobilität für alle in der Stadt der Zukunft zu beteiligen.
MiC erhebt – durch die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer gesteuert – Daten zu Strecken und Art der Fortbewegung. Diese Daten werden pseudonymisiert, so dass ein Rückschluss auf die jeweilige Person nicht mehr möglich ist. Wichtig ist die Vielzahl der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer – nicht die einzelne Bewegung. Die Stadt der Zukunft zeichnet sich aus durch den barrierearmen Zugang zu Mobilität und Erreichbarkeit für alle. Der holistische Ansatz der Forscherinnen und Forscher des Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU (TU Braunschweig) sowie der Projektbeteiligten betrachtet Stadt dabei auf verschiedenen Maßstabsebenen und bringt intelligente Planungen – wie z.B. die 5-Minuten Stadt –, Städtebau und innovative Technologien zusammen. Für ein umfassendes Verständnis individueller Mobilität und darauf aufbauende neue Methoden und Werkzeuge für integrierte Verkehrs- und Stadtplanung werden mittels der MiC-App uns umfangreiche und detaillierte Daten darüber geliefert, wie und auf welchem Wege wir uns in der Stadt fortbewegen.
In der ersten Version ermöglicht das Stadtforschungstool MiC den Nutzer*innen durch eine einfach Handhabung das Starten und Beenden der „Tracking-Time“ (Bild 1). Wichtig ist, die Nutzer*innen entscheidet selber über den Zeitraum. Als erstes Ergebnis für die Nutzer*innen steht eine Zusammenfassung ihrer bisher aufgezeichneten Routen (Bild2). In den Einstellung (Bild 3) kann der Nutzer sich aktiv an Feedback beteiligen (Bild 4) sowie seinen Account und somit seiner zur Verfügung gestellten Daten löschen (Bild 5).
von links nach recht: Bild1-5 MIC App Interface – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Die aktuelle Weiterentwicklung sieht eine Visualisierung der Routen für den jeweiligen Nutzer vor.
Um Teil der Testgruppe zu werden ist zur Zeit noch eine Anmeldung unter: notwendig. Die Anwendung ist nicht frei im App Store / GooglePlay Store zu erhalten.
Auf der Internetseite wird zusätzlich detailliert auf häufige Fragen (FAQ) zur Anwendung sowie über Entwicklungen und Neuheiten informiert
D4UM Plattform und Dashboard V2
Die neue Version der Plattform inklusive des Dashboards gibt noch detailliertere Auskünfte über die Verkehrssituation
Die farblich unterschiedlichen Label lassen eine schnelle Unterscheidung zwischen den verschiedenen Event typen zu. Durch das klicken auf eines der Events wird der typically affected subgraph angezeigt für diesen Eventtyp.
Beispiele: Visualisierungen eines Konzerts und eines Fußballspiels
Zusätzlich gibt der Graph in der oberen rechten Ecke Auskunft über die Verkehrssituation vor und nach dem Eventstart.
Es wurden die API Endpunkte mit zusätzlichen Information erweitert.
Diese werden mittels der als Teil der Forschung entwickelten Modellen erstellt.
Erste Version der D4UM-App bereitgestellt
Eine erste Version der D4UM-App konnte allen Partnern des Projekts zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die App stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, sich Fahrtauskünfte mit dem öffentlichen Personennahverkehr in Niedersachsen und Bremen (Datengrundlage: EFA – elektronische Fahrplanauskunft für Niedersachsen und Bremen) ausgeben zu lassen. Im Fokus stand hierbei, dass der Nutzer schnell und einfach an die für ihn wichtigen Informationen gelangen kann, um so seine Reise möglichst simpel planen zu können.
Folgende Funktionen dienen dabei in der ersten Version der schnellen Auskunft:
Abfahrten und Verbindungen
Über die Funktion Abfahrten lassen sich Abfahrtszeiten an einer bestimmten oder an nahegelegenen Haltestellen ermitteln. Unter Verbindungen können hingegen Fahrtvorschläge von einem Startpunkt (Adresse oder Haltestelle) zu einem Zielpunkt gesucht werden. Zeiten stehen dabei auch in Echtzeit zur Verfügung, sodass auch Verspätungen direkt von dem Nutzer erkannt werden können.
Über die Karte sind alle Haltestellen zu finden, sodass sich der Nutzer einen Überblick über die nähere Umgebung oder auch den Weg zur Haltestelle oder einem Ziel verschaffen kann.
Wird auf der Karte auf ein Haltestellensymbol oder den zugehörigen Haltestellennamen geklickt, öffnet sich der Abfahrtsmonitor zu dieser Haltestelle. Die nächsten Abfahrten können somit auch über diesen Weg aufgerufen werden.
Darüber hinaus kann sich der Nutzer auch den Verlauf seiner Fahrt anzeigen lassen.
Weitere Funktionen und Einstellungen finden sich ergänzend im Menü der App.
Der Nutzer bekommt hier zum einen die Möglichkeit, dass erweiterte Einstellungen zu den Suchanfragen bei Verbindungen oder Abfahrten vorgenommen werden können, und zum anderen, dass er weitere Features verwenden kann. Darunter befindet sich zum Beispiel das Feedbackformular. Hierüber kann unkompliziert Kontakt mit den Entwicklern der D4UM-App per Mail aufgenommen werden. Icons ermöglichen es, dass ein Eindruck zu der App übermittelt werden kann. Ein weiteres Feld für Freitext bietet zudem Platz für individuelle Kritik und einer Meinung zu der App. So kann in Zukunft kundennah an der App weiterentwickelt und einfach auf Wünsche und Meinungen reagiert werden.
Quantifizierungen und Vorhersage von Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen
Neue Data4UrbanMobility-Forschungsergebnisse ermöglichen es, die räumlichen Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen zu quantifizieren und vorherzusagen. Dazu werden zusammenhängende, betroffene Straßenabschnitte in der Nähe von Veranstaltungen identifiziert. Auf dieser Grundlage kann dann die räumliche Auswirkung quantifiziert werden. Das Verfahren ist in der folgenden Grafik dargestellt.
Hier in Gelb markiert ist eine Veranstaltung, in Rot betroffene Straßenabschnitte und in Dunkelblau die gemessene Auswirkung. Weiterhin wurden Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens angewandt, um diese Auswirkungen zu prognostizieren. Dabei konnte der Fehler gegenüber bestehenden state-of-the-art Ansätzen um bis zu 40% verringert werden.
D4UM – Plattform V1 fertiggestellt
Die erste Version der Data4UrbanMobility Plattform wurde fertiggestellt. Dazu wurde zunächst eine 3-Schichten Architektur der Plattform konzipiert und implementiert. Die Plattform bietet RESTfull Webservices für Mobilitätsapplikationen wie Dashboard-Anwendungen oder Apps an. Als erste Beispielanwendung wurde dazu eine interaktive Karte entwickelt, die die Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen visualisiert. Ein Ausschnitt aus der Anwendung ist im folgenden Screenshot zu sehen.
Zu sehen sind 4 Veranstaltungen in Hannover. Die Farben entsprechen dabei unterschiedlichen Veranstaltungsarten (etwa Konzerte, Messen, Fußballspiele). Die Kreise visualisieren die räumlichen Auswirkungen, die diese Veranstaltungen auf den Verkehr hatten.
Umfangreicher Anforderungskatalog
Die Data4UrbanMobility Anforderungsanalyse umfasst die Erfassung der Anforderungen der Anwendungspartner Region Hannover (RH) und Wolfsburg AG (WAG), sowie der nicht-funktionalen Anforderungen. Aus den Anforderungen der AnwendungspartnerInnen (RH und WAG), die von MOMA erhoben wurden, sind von L3S Forschungsfragen für die Datenanalyse abgeleitet worden, die sich speziell auf die Informationsbedürfnisse der AnwenderInnen beziehen und im weiteren Projektverlauf adressiert werden.
Die aktuelle Forschungsfragen adressieren insbesondere:
- Automatische Verifikation von Verkehrswarnmeldungen und Prognose von deren Auswirkungen.
- Identifikation von Veranstaltungen und Prognose verkehrsrelevanter Auswirkungen.
- Korrelation von IV-Reiseflussdaten, EFA-Querylogs, Warnmeldungen und Twitterfeeds.
- Bestimmung von optimalen Reisezeitpunkte.
Wachsende Datensammlung
Das ISU hat einen umfassende Datenmatrix mit potentiellen Quellen für mobilitätsrelevante Daten erstellt. Das von L3S entwickelte Data4UrbanMobility Datenmodell beschreibt alle projektrelevanten Daten und setzt diese in Verbindung um die Daten sowohl für die Analyse als auch für die Anwendungen und Apps einheitlich zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die ausgewählten Datenquellen sind von L3S in das Data4UrbanMobility Datenmodell überführt. Einige der Datenquellen wie EFA-logs, und IV-Daten sind dabei auf deren Qualität geprüft worden.
Um die Datenintegration zu ermöglichen sind Werkzeuge zur Extraktion der relevanten Daten aus Mobilitätsrelevanten Datenquellen entwickelt worden:
- Straßen- und Graphextraktion aus OpenStreetMap
- EFA-Anfragen Bulkloader für die Extraktion der ÖPNV Anfragen aus EFA Logs
- Integration von Daten aus dem Zentralen Haltestellen Verzeichnis (ZHV) inklusive Verknüpfung der Daten mit den EFA-Anfragen
Die aktuelle Datensammlung (Stand: 12 Dezember 2017) umfasst:
EFA-Logs: 17 Mio. Suchanfragen
IV-Daten: 174 Tsd. Straßen, alle 15 Minuten
GTFS-Daten: 90 Tsd. Haltestellen, 2,6 Tsd. Routen
Wetter: Radolan Regenraster
Twitter: 2,5 Mio. Tweets ab Juni 2017
OSM: 440 Tsd. Straßen
Events: 21 Tsd. Veranstaltungen (14.08.2016-17.07.2018)
Warnmeldungen: 13 Tsd. Warnmeldungen (ab 06.2017)
Visualisierungen der ÖPNV Informationen
Zur intuitiven Analyse von mobilitätsrelevanten Informationen, insbesondere von ÖPNV Informationen, wurde von den PROJEKTIONISTEN (PROJ) eine Dashboard-Webapplikation konzipiert. Erste Prototypen visualisieren Anfragen an das regionale Fahrplanauskunftsystem EFA ( und dienen als Ausgangsbasis für explorative Analysen und die Implementierung der produktiven Version des Dashboards. Im Folgenden ist eine im Dashboard integrierte Visualisierung der häufigsten Start- und Ziel-punkte zu sehen.
Analysen der EFA-Logs
Als erste Forschungsfrage wird aktuell die Analyse der Auswirkungen der Veranstaltungen auf dem ÖPNV mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens analysiert. Hierzu wurden in explorativen Datenanalysen der Einfluss von großen Veranstaltungen wie z.B. Fussballspielen und mittelgroßen Veranstaltungen, etwa Konzerte, auf Anfragen an den ÖPNV betrachtet. Als Grundlage für umfassende Analysen wurden mit Hilfe visueller Methoden exemplarisch Korrelation zwischen ÖPNV-Nachfrage und Veranstaltungszeiträumen detektiert.
Dabei zeichnen sich z.B. für Hannovers Innenstadt klare, sternförmige Muster ab, die zentrale Mobilitätsknoten identifizieren.
Das Bild stellt die Luftlinie zwischen Start- und Ziel-Ort der Anfragen dar. Dabei entsprechen dunklere Farben häufigeren Strecken. Hier werden deutlich Hannover Hauptbahnhof und Hannover Kröpcke (die zentrale U-Bahn Station) als Mobilitätsknoten identifiziert.
Analysen der Nachfrage für einzelne Stationen lassen wochentagspezifische Muster erkennen.
Hier dargestellt sind die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Anfragen mit der Ziel-Haltestelle “Hannover Stadionbrücke”. Zu erkennen sind vor allem Unterschiede zwischen Werktagen und dem Wochenende.
Auch der Einfluss von Veranstaltungen kann mit Hilfe der Anfragen visualisiert werden:
Dargestellt sind die Anzahl der Anfragen mit Ziel “Hannover Stadionbrücke” für Mittwoch, den 26.04.2017 (Orange) sowie die durchschnittlichen Anzahl von Anfragen, die mittwochs mit gleichem Ziel gestellt wird (Blau).
An diesem Tag fand in einer nahe gelegenen Konzerthalle ein Konzert statt, das um 20 Uhr begann. Die signifikante Abweichung zwischen 17 und 19 Uhr wurde sehr wahrscheinlich von den anreisenden Gästen verursacht wurde. Dies illustriert, dass Anfragen an den ÖPNV eine wertvolle Informationsquelle sein können, um Prognosen über die Auswirkung von Veranstaltungen auf Mobilität zu erstellen.
Agent-based Modeling in the Edge Continuum using Swarm Intelligence. Schranz, Melanie; Harshina, Kseniia; Forgacs, Peter; Buining, Fred (2024). (Vol. 16)
Edge zeros and boundary spinons in topological Mott insulators. Wagner, Niklas; Guerci, Daniele; Millis, Andrew J.; Sangiovanni, Giorgio (2024). 133(12) 126504.
Dynamical correlations and order in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. Rai, Gautam; Crippa, Lorenzo; Cǎlugǎru, Dumitru; Hu, Haoyu; Paoletti, Francesca; de’ Medici, Luca; Georges, Antoine; Bernevig, B. Andrei; Valent’i, Roser; Sangiovanni, Giorgio; Wehling, Tim (2024). 14(3) 031045.
Im Gedenken an Wolfgang Engelmann: Leidenschaftlicher Forscher, Lehrer und Künstler (26. Februar 1934 - 1. Juli 2023). Helfrich-Förster, Charlotte (2024).
The New Costs of Physical Memory Fragmentation. Halbuer, Alexander; Ostapyshyn, Illia; Steiner, Lukas; Wrenger, Lars; Jung, Matthias; Dietrich, Christian; Lohmann, Daniel in DIMES ’24 (2024). 33–40.
External fragmentation is becoming a serious problem again after paging temporarily solved it with its one-size-fits-all 4 KiB approach. The increasing adoption of mixed base, huge, and giant page sizes, DRAM energy-saving techniques, and memory disaggregation, necessitates a memory management system capable of handling larger entities in the range of multiple megabytes up to several gigabytes.A case study in Linux reveals that the operating system reasonably minimizes fragmentation up to huge page size, but falls short when it comes to larger granularities. Therefore, it requires much effort to entirely free a memory block for powering down or returning it to the memory provider; in some cases, this may be entirely impossible due to immovable kernel memory.Additionally, our analysis highlights that the page cache is responsible for a large share of memory usage, as it keeps all cached pages until memory pressure rises. This behavior originates from the outdated assumption that utilizing memory comes at no cost and, therefore, requires further investigation.
The New Costs of Physical Memory Fragmentation. Halbuer, Alexander; Ostapyshyn, Illia; Steiner, Lukas; Wrenger, Lars; Jung, Matthias; Dietrich, Christian; Lohmann, Daniel in DIMES ’24 (2024). 33–40.
External fragmentation is becoming a serious problem again after paging temporarily solved it with its one-size-fits-all 4 KiB approach. The increasing adoption of mixed base, huge, and giant page sizes, DRAM energy-saving techniques, and memory disaggregation, necessitates a memory management system capable of handling larger entities in the range of multiple megabytes up to several gigabytes.A case study in Linux reveals that the operating system reasonably minimizes fragmentation up to huge page size, but falls short when it comes to larger granularities. Therefore, it requires much effort to entirely free a memory block for powering down or returning it to the memory provider; in some cases, this may be entirely impossible due to immovable kernel memory.Additionally, our analysis highlights that the page cache is responsible for a large share of memory usage, as it keeps all cached pages until memory pressure rises. This behavior originates from the outdated assumption that utilizing memory comes at no cost and, therefore, requires further investigation.
Divide and Conquer: A Performant Approximation for Two-Dimensional Markov Models. Technical Report (Master thesis), Baur, Carina PhD thesis, Universität Würzburg. (2024, September).
FIX Protocol: The Backbone of Financial Trading. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Kognole, Swapnil (2024).
Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction. Fischer, Elisabeth; Schlör, Daniel; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
Adapting Sequential Recommender Models to Content Recommendation in Chat Data using Non-Item Page-Models. Zehe, Albin; Fischer, Elisabeth; Kaiser, Jonas; Wagner, Toni; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
PreAdapter: Pre-training Language Models on Knowledge Graphs. Omeliyanenko, Janna; Hotho, Andreas; Schlör, Daniel (2024).
More conservativity for weak Kőnig’s lemma. Freund, Anton; Uftring, Patrick (2024). 17 pp.
Graph Harvester (Software Abstract). Deynet, Julius; Hegemann, Tim; Kempf, Sebastian; Wolff, Alexander (2024).
Curling for Beginners and Improvers Robertson, John (2024). Potato Publishing, Toronto.
Dedicated developmental programing for group-supporting behaviors in eusocial honeybees. Sommer, Vivien; Seiler, Jana; Sturm, Alina; Köhnen, Sven; Wagner, Anna; Blut, Christina; Rössler, Wolfgang; Goodwin, Stephen F.; Grünewald, Bernd; Beye, Martin (2024). 10(44) eadp3953.
The evolutionary changes from solitary to eusocial living in vertebrates and invertebrates are associated with the diversification of social interactions and the development of queen and worker castes. Despite strong innate patterns, our understanding of the mechanisms manifesting these sophisticated behaviors is still rudimentary. Here, we show that doublesex (dsx) manifests group-supporting behaviors in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) worker caste. Computer-based individual behavioral tracking of worker bees with biallelic stop mutations in colonies revealed that the dsx gene is required for the rate and duration of group-supporting behavior that scales the relationship between bees and their work. General sensorimotor functions remained unaffected. Unexpectedly, unlike in other insects, the dsx gene is required for the neuronal wiring of the mushroom body in which the gene is spatially restricted expressed. Together, our study establishes dedicated programming for group-supporting behaviors and provides insight into the connection between development in the neuronal circuitry and behaviors regulating the formation of a eusocial society.
LOLA -- An Open-Source Massively Multilingual Large Language Model. Srivastava, Nikit; Kuchelev, Denis; Ngoli, Tatiana Moteu; Shetty, Kshitij; Röder, Michael; Moussallem, Diego; Zahera, Hamada; Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga (2024).
MAVS signaling shapes microglia responses to neurotropic virus infection. Gern, O L; Pavlou, A; Mulenge, F; Busker, L M; Ghita, L; Aringo, A; Costa, B; Spanier, J; Waltl, I; Stangel, M; Kalinke, U (2024). 21(1) 264.
Viral encephalitis is characterized by a series of immunological reactions that can control virus infection in the brain, but dysregulated responses may cause excessive inflammation and brain damage. Microglia are brain-resident myeloid cells that are specialized in surveilling the local CNS environment and in case of viral brain infection they contribute to the control of the infection and to restriction of viral dissemination. Here, we report that after exposure to neurotropic vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), murine in vitro microglia cultures showed rapid upregulation of a broad range of pro-inflammatory and antiviral genes, which were stably expressed over the entire 8 h infection period. Additionally, a set of immunomodulatory genes was upregulated between 6 and 8 h post infection. In microglia cultures, the induction of several immune response pathways including cytokine responses was dependent on mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS). Consequently, in Mavs-deficient microglia the control of virus propagation failed as indicated by augmented virus titers and the accumulation of viral transcripts. Thus, in the analyzed in vitro system, MAVS signaling is critically required to achieve full microglia activation and to mediate profound antiviral effects. In Mavs-deficient mice, intranasal VSV instillation caused higher disease severity than in WT mice and virus dissemination was noticed beyond the olfactory bulb. Virus spread to inner regions of the olfactory bulb, i.e., the granular cell layer, correlated with the recruitment of highly inflammatory non-microglia myeloid cells into the olfactory bulb in Mavs−/− mice. Furthermore, increased cytokine levels were detected in the nasal cavity, the olfactory bulb and in other brain regions. Thus, microglial MAVS signaling is critically needed for virus sensing, full microglia activation, and for orchestration of protective immunity in the virus-infected CNS.
Real-time identification of epistatic interactions in SARS-CoV-2 from large genome collections. Innocenti, G; Obara, M; Costa, B; Jacobsen, H; Katzmarzyk, M; Cicin-Sain, L; Kalinke, U; Galardini, M (2024). 25(1) 228.
The emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has highlighted the importance of genomic epidemiology in understanding the evolution of pathogens and guiding public health interventions. The Omicron variant in particular has underscored the role of epistasis in the evolution of lineages with both higher infectivity and immune escape, and therefore the necessity to update surveillance pipelines to detect them early on.
Interconnected renormalization of Hubbard bands and Green’s function zeros in Mott insulators induced by strong magnetic fluctuations. Stepanov, Evgeny A.; Chatzieleftheriou, Maria; Wagner, Niklas; Sangiovanni, Giorgio (2024). 110(16) L161106.
Spin Berry curvature-enhanced orbital Zeeman effect in a kagome metal. Li, Hong; Cheng, Siyu; Pokharel, Ganesh; Eck, Philipp; Bigi, Chiara; Mazzola, Federico; Sangiovanni, Giorgio; Wilson, Stephen D.; Di Sante, Domenico; Wang, Ziqiang; Zeljkovic, Ilija (2024). 20(7) 1103–1109.
Berry phases and the related concept of Berry curvature can give rise to many unconventional phenomena in solids. Here, we discover a colossal orbital Zeeman effect of topological origin in a bilayer kagome metal, TbV6Sn6. Using spectroscopic imaging scanning tunnelling microscopy, we reveal that the magnetic field leads to a splitting of the gapped Dirac dispersion into two branches with enhanced momentum-dependent g factors, resulting in a substantial renormalization of the Dirac band. These measurements provide a direct observation of a magnetic field-controlled orbital Zeeman coupling to the orbital magnetic moments of up to 200thinspaceBohr magnetons near the gapped Dirac points. Our work provides direct insight into the momentum-dependent nature of topological orbital moments and their tunability via the magnetic field, concomitant with the evolution of the spin Berry curvature. These results can be extended to explore large orbital magnetic moments driven by the Berry curvature governed by other quantum numbers beyond spin, such as the valley in certain graphene-based structures.
In older adults receiving high-risk medications, a deprescribing intervention did not reduce falls at 18 mo. Lebin, Jacob A.; Goldberg, Elizabeth (2024).
Absence of Fermi surface reconstruction in pressure-driven overdoped YBCO. Tozer, Stanley W.; Coniglio, William A.; Förster, Tobias; Bonn, Doug A.; Hardy, Walter N.; Liang, Ruixing; Kampert, Erik; Grockowiak, Audrey D. (2024). 110(14) 144508.
Bottom-Up Resource Orchestration in Edge Computing: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach. Ghasemi, Abdorasoul; Schranz, Melanie (2024). (Vol. 12)
Continued Treatment With Tirzepatide for Maintenance of Weight Reduction in Adults With Obesity: The SURMOUNT-4 Randomized Clinical Trial. Aronne, Louis J.; Sattar, Naveed; Horn, Deborah B.; Bays, Harold E.; Wharton, Sean; Lin, Wen-Yuan; Ahmad, Nadia N.; Zhang, Shuyu; Liao, Ran; Bunck, Mathijs C.; Jouravskaya, Irina; Murphy, Madhumita A.; Fretes, José O; Coronel, Maria J; Gutnisky, Lucas L; Frechtel, Gustavo D; Gelersztein, Elizabeth; Aizenberg, Diego; Maldonado, Natacha; Pereira, Márcio; Santos, Queulla G; Calil Salim, Camila; Canani, Luis H; Halpern, Bruno; Russo, Luis AT; Bodart, Joselita; Neto, Danilo V; Augusto, Gustavo; Leite, Silmara; Yang, Yi-Ching; Lin, Wen-Yuan; Huang, Chien-Ning; Huang, Kuo-Chin; Fitz-Patrick, David; Pau, Cindy HT; Toth, Phillip D; Freeman, George H; Gardner, Donald F; Wynne, Alan G; Loy, Juan; Horn, Deborah B; Mehra, Purvi K; Layle, Stacey; Bergthold, James H; de Souza, Jose; Nadar, Venkatesh K; Albizu Angulo, Gustavo R; Cohen, Kenneth R; Smith, Timothy R; Aronne, Louis J; Vaughn, Michael; Alcantara-Gonzalez, Altagracia A; Forman, Seth B; Agaiby, John M; Geller, Steven A; Fraser, Neil J; Jenders, Robert A; Barbel-Johnson, Kim M; Mayfield, Ronald K; Vance, Carl D; Prier, Kevin T; Murray, Alexander V; Lillestol, Michael J; Denham, Douglas S; Park, Jean Y; Klein, Eric J; Bays, Harold E; Philis-Tsimikas, Athena; Bressler, Peter E; Reed, John CH; Aslam, Shamaila; Rosenstock, Julio; Frias, Juan P; Klaff, Leslie J; Brazg, Ronald; Gomez-Cuellar, Martha; Connery, Lisa; Van, Joanna T; Selam, Jean-Louis; Kim, John; Blake, Dwight; Gabriel, John; Arora, Samir; McCartney, Michael J; Solano, Royce K; Brodie, Steven K; Nardandrea, John P (2024). 331(1) 38.
Platform work and traditional employee protection: The need for alternative legal approaches. Mangold, Sonja (2024). 1–14.
Paid work via digital platforms (so-called crowd work and gig work) is gaining in importance in Europe. Platform workers often suffer poor working conditions. Most platform companies treat crowd and gig workers as self-employed or independent contractors and, thus, normally protective labour laws do not apply. In response, initiatives have been taken through case law and legislation to extend the reach of the traditional employmentship to platform work. For example, the German Federal Labour Court (Bundesarbeitsgericht) reclassified and treated platform workers as employees in high-profile rulings, which are discussed in more detail below. The recently adopted EU Directive on Platform Work enshrines a legal presumption of employment for platform workers. Regulations have also recently been introduced in EU Member States that subsume platform workers under the concept of employee. However, as argued in this article, legal and judicial initiatives aimed at extending the employee status often have limits given the market dynamics and de facto adaptation and circumvention strategies used by platform businesses. Moreover, traditional labour law protection does not always seem to be suitable for tackling the complexities and peculiarities of the various types of platforms. The following theses therefore seem worth discussing: 1. Extending employee status to platform work appears promising if this is already anchored in the socio-economic reality and if a consensus can be reached between the social partners in this regard. An existing example is the Spanish riders’ law, which pursues a sectoral approach and was supported not only by trade union organisations but also by employers’ associations. 2. In addition, the creation of a substantial core of social rights for platform workers, irrespective of employment status, should be strongly focused and legally brought forward. The long-standing scholarly discussion about alternative regulatory approaches to forms of work in the legal grey area between dependent employment and self-employment should be revived and made fruitful for the new phenomenon of digital work platforms. 3. Thirdly, self-regulatory Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives by platform companies to improve working conditions should be encouraged by legislators and policymakers. As will be shown later in this article, a wide range of CSR efforts by the platforms already exist. In order to counter the risk of window dressing, the platform business operators’ own initiatives should be made effective through appropriate flanking legal measures and public pressure.
Constant Change or Constantly the Same? A Historical Literature Review of the Subject Librarian Position. Wilson, Duane (2024). 85(7)
A regional NEMO 4.0 configuration of the subpolar North Atlantic. Verezemskaya, Polina; Gulev, Sergey; Barnier, Bernard; Molines, Jean-Marc; Colombo, Pedro; Gavrikov, Alexander; Kalinin, Mikhail (2024). 102457.
The dynamics of the North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) largely control the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), thus affecting the long-term climate variability of the global ocean. Many key processes in the North Atlantic SPG, such as Gulf Stream detachment, eddy activity, deep convection and overflows, are frequently incorrectly presented or misrepresented in modern ocean general circulation models. Here, we present a new regional eddy-resolving model of the subpolar North Atlantic based on the NEMO4 configuration and analyze its ability to adequately represent the dynamics of the subpolar North Atlantic. The model performance is assessed using in situ data (cross-section hydrography, Argo and sea gliders), remote sensing data (satellite sea surface temperature and salinity) and the ANDRO and ARMOR3D products based on optimal interpolation products. In the next step, we analyze the effects of high-resolution forcing and several recent developments in ocean modeling to improve the model solution. The implementation of the self-diffusive momentum advection scheme with additional viscosity allows for the simulation of more realistic Deep Western Boundary Current and Irminger Rings lifecycle characteristics. The surface current feedback parameterization implemented in the forcing function and the modification of the kinetic energy budget in the upper ocean, especially in intensively eddying areas, simulate the behavior predicted by coupled models. While the model is sensitive to the implementation of cool skin–warm layer parameterization, this parameterization does not significantly improve the solution compared to the observational data. Regional implementation of the local-sigma vertical coordinate system in cascading areas allows overflow waters to spread over the ocean bottom more realistically. The remote effect of the implementation of the local-sigma coordinate is traced in the vertical thermohaline structure at the western slopes of the Irminger Sea and Iceland Basin as well as in the Deep Western Boundary Current in the Labrador Sea. Compared to z-partial step setting, local-sigma allows for correct representation of continuous densification of the water in the overturning part of the AMOC and thus North Atlantic Deep-Water formation. The potential of the new model configuration for analyzing the subpolar North Atlantic, including convective activity, is discussed.
Human-centered approaches to AI-assisted work: the future of work?. Nitsch, Verena; Rick, Vera; Kluge, Annette; Wilkens, Uta (2024). 78(3) 261–267.
This ZfA Special Issue focuses specifically on recent German advancements in research on human-centered approaches to AI-assisted work, presenting two complementary research directions: 1. Shifting the job design paradigm: This research investigates how to balance corporate productivity needs with employee job demands and well-being from a sociotechnical systems perspective, seeking innovative solutions for job design in the context of AI. 2. Expanding the scope of human-centered work design: This research reexamines the scope of human-centered AI at work, extending beyond operational employees to include ethical considerations from a multi-stakeholder perspective. It addresses the roles and responsibilities of analysts, software developers, and managers, focusing on accountability and ethical implications. In the following, these research directions will be briefly elaborated, followed by an overview of the articles included in this Special Issue and a discussion of future research opportunities.
Solingen, 30 Jahre nach dem Brandanschlag. Erinnern als rassismuskritische Praxis. Gür-Şeker, Derya; Demirtaş, Birgül; Kahveci, Çağrı; Schmitz, Adelheid (2024). 37(1) 39–56.
Der Beitrag zeigt und untersucht Erinnerungspraktiken in Gesellschaft, Presse und Social Media im Kontext des rassistischen und extrem rechten Brandanschlags in Solingen im Jahr 1993. Zunächst wird der Brandanschlag in historische und gesellschaftspolitische Kontexte eingeordnet, um dann Einblick zu gewähren in lokales Erinnern und die bis heute andauernden Kämpfe für die Aufrechterhaltung der Erinnerung an die fünf Opfer. Dann geht es um die mediale Repräsentation von Erinnerungspraktiken. Zunächst werden Medientexte mit Fokus auf das Erinnern und Gedenken in der Presseberichterstattung untersucht. Die sich anschließende Hashtaganalyse auf Instagram arbeitet dominierende Hashtags und Posts im Zeitverlauf punktuell heraus. Sichtbar wird, dass das Erinnern an den Solinger Brandanschlag mittlerweile auch in digitalen Räumen stattfindet.
Establishing coherent momentum-space electronic states in locally ordered materials. Ciocys, Samuel T.; Marsal, Quentin; Corbae, Paul; Varjas, Daniel; Kennedy, Ellis; Scott, Mary; Hellman, Frances; Grushin, Adolfo G.; Lanzara, Alessandra (2024). 15(1) 8141.
Rich momentum-dependent electronic structure naturally arises in solids with long-range crystalline symmetry. Reliable and scalable quantum technologies rely on materials that are either not perfect crystals or non-crystalline, breaking translational symmetry. This poses the fundamental questions of whether coherent momentum-dependent electronic states can arise without long-range order, and how they can be characterized. Here we investigate Bi2Se3, which exists in crystalline, nanocrystalline, and amorphous forms, allowing direct comparisons between varying degrees of spatial ordering. Through angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show for the first time momentum-dependent band structure with Fermi surface repetitions in an amorphous solid. The experimental data is complemented by a model that accurately reproduces the vertical, dispersive features as well as the replication at higher momenta in the amorphous form. These results reveal that well-defined real-space length scales are sufficient to produce dispersive band structures, and that photoemission can expose the imprint of these length scales on the electronic structure.
GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Use and Risk of Suicide Death. Ueda, Peter; Söderling, Jonas; Wintzell, Viktor; Svanström, Henrik; Pazzagli, Laura; Eliasson, Björn; Melbye, Mads; Hviid, Anders; Pasternak, Björn (2024). 184(11) 1301.
Quasistatic magnetism in the breathing pyrochlore antiferromagnets LiGa\($_\mathbf1-x$\)In\($_\mathbfx$\)Cr\($_\mathbf4$\)O\($_\mathbf8$\) (x=0.2, 0.5). Lee, W.; Yoon, S.; Choi, Y.-S.; Do, S.-H.; Ponomaryov, A. N.; Zvyagin, S. A.; Gorbunov, D.; Wosnitza, J.; Koda, A.; Chen, W.-T.; Choi, K.-Y.; Lee, S. (2024). 110(14) 144435.
Disclosing magnetic clusters in the metallic half-Heusler ferromagnet Cr\($_\mathbf4$\)PtGa\($_\mathbf17$\) with a breathing pyrochlore lattice. Senyk, Y.; Abraham, J.J.; Kanak, A.; Horiacha, M.; Büchner, B.; Wurmehl, S.; Kataev, V.; Alfonsov, A. (2024). 1004 175826.
We report a ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) study of a single crystal of Cr4PtGa17, the first material of a half-Heusler (HH) type with a metallic ferromagnetic breathing pyrochlore structure. The spatial distribution of the magnetic free energy density derived from the FMR data appears to be of a cubic symmetry despite the lower symmetry coordination of magnetic Cr ions. This surprising finding strongly suggests that the Cr4Ga14 structural unit at the Y site of the HH general XYZ formula forms an octahedrally shaped integral magnetic cluster, likely due to strong exchange interaction between the Cr ions via covalent Cr-Ga-Cr bonds. The presence of magnetic clusters within a regular metallic lattice appears to be a new intriguing characteristics of these novel types of HH compounds whereas Cr4PtGa17, at the same time, constitutes the rare example of such metallic pyrochlore-type material.
Impedance spectroscopy of chiral symmetric topoelectrical circuits. Franca, Selma; Seidemann, Torsten; Hassler, Fabian; van den Brink, Jeroen; Fulga, Ion Cosma (2024). 109(24) L241103.
Disentangling the unusual magnetic anisotropy of the near-room-temperature ferromagnet Fe\($_\mathbf4$\)GeTe\($_\mathbf2$\). Pal, Riju; Abraham, Joyal John; Mistonov, Alexander; Mishra, Swarnamayee; Stilkerich, Nina; Mondal, Suchanda; Mandal, Prabhat; Pal, Atindra Nath; Geck, Jochen; Büchner, Bernd; Kataev, Vladislav; Alfonsov, Alexey (2024). 34(38) 2402551-.
Abstract In the quest for 2D conducting materials with high ferromagnetic ordering temperature the new family of the layered FenGeTe2 compounds, especially the near-room-temperature ferromagnet Fe4GeTe2, receives a significant attention. Fe4GeTe2 features a peculiar spin reorientation transition at TSR ≈ 110 K suggesting a non-trivial temperature evolution of the magnetic anisotropy (MA)?one of the main contributors to the stabilization of the magnetic order in the low-dimensional systems. An electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopic study reported here provides quantitative insights into the unusual magnetic anisotropy of Fe4GeTe2. At high temperatures the total MA is mostly given by the demagnetization effect with a small contribution of the counteracting intrinsic magnetic anisotropy of an easy-axis type, whose growth below a characteristic temperature Tshape ≈ 150 K renders the sample seemingly isotropic at TSR. Below one further temperature Td ≈?50 K the intrinsic MA becomes even more complex. Importantly, all the characteristic temperatures found in the ESR experiment match those observed in transport measurements, suggesting an inherent coupling between magnetic and electronic degrees of freedom in Fe4GeTe2. This finding together with the observed signatures of the intrinsic two-dimensionality should facilitate optimization routes for the use of Fe4GeTe2 in the magneto-electronic devices, potentially even in the monolayer limit.
Alzheimer’s disease seeded tau forms paired helical filaments yet lacks seeding potential. Duan, Pu; Dregni, Aurelio J; Xu, Hong; Changolkar, Lakshmi; Lee, Virginia M-Y; Lee, Edward B; Hong, Mei (2024). 300(9)
2.6-Å resolution cryo-EM structure of a class Ia ribonucleotide reductase trapped with mechanism-based inhibitor N3CDP. Westmoreland, Dana E.; Feliciano, Patricia R.; Kang, Gyunghoon; Cui, Chang; Kim, Albert; Stubbe, JoAnne; Nocera, Daniel G.; Drennan, Catherine L. (2024). 121(45)
Exploring Use and Perceptions of Generative AI Art Tools by Blind Artists. Raman, Gayatri; Brady, Erin (2024).
Transcriptomic analysis unveils bona fide molecular signatures of microglia under conditions of homeostasis and viral encephalitis. Mulenge, F; Gern, O L; Busker, L M; Aringo, A; Ghita, L; Waltl, I; Pavlou, A; Kalinke, U (2024). 21(1) 203.
Microglia serve as a front-line defense against neuroinvasive viral infection, however, determination of their actual transcriptional profiles under conditions of health and disease is challenging. Here, we used various experimental approaches to delineate the transcriptional landscape of microglia during viral infection. Intriguingly, multiple activation genes were found to be artificially induced in sorted microglia and we demonstrated that shear stress encountered during cell sorting was one of the key inducers. Post-hoc analysis revealed that publicly available large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing datasets were significantly tainted by aberrant signatures that are associated with cell sorting. By exploiting the ribosomal tagging approach, we developed a strategy to enrich microglia-specific transcripts by comparing immunoprecipitated RNA with total RNA. Such enriched transcripts were instrumental in defining bona fide signatures of microglia under conditions of health and virus infection. These unified microglial signatures may serve as a benchmark to retrospectively assess ex vivo artefacts from available atlases. Leveraging the microglial translatome, we found enrichment of genes implicated in T-cell activation and cytokine production during the course of VSV infection. These data linked microglia with T-cell re-stimulation and further underscored that microglia are involved in shaping antiviral T-cell responses in the brain. Collectively, our study defines the transcriptional landscape of microglia under steady state and during viral encephalitis and highlights cellular interactions between microglia and T cells that contribute to the control of virus dissemination.
Adaptive Hybrid Deep Learning Based Effective Channel Estimation in MIMO-Noma for Millimeter-Wave Systems with an Enhanced Optimization Algorithm. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Mathews, Belcy D; Muthu, Tamilarasi (2024).
Birch pollen-induced signatures in dendritic cells are maintained upon additional cytomegalovirus exposure. Fneish, Z; Becker, J; Mulenge, F; Fneish, F; Costa, B; Traidl-Hoffmann, C; Gilles, S; Kalinke, U (2024). 927 148649.
The day after mowing: Time and type of mowing influence grassland arthropods. Berger, Johanna L.; Staab, Michael; Hartlieb, Margarita; Simons, Nadja K.; Wells, Konstans; Gossner, Martin M.; Vogt, Juliane; Achury, Rafael; Seibold, Sebastian; Hemp, Andreas; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Blüthgen, Nico (2024). 34(6)
Blood DNA Quantity and Quality Test on Rock, Sand and Soil Media | Part 1. Dr. Niken Satuti N H, M.Sc. (H. D. Lomba, ed.) (2024). 1
Various cases of crime, criminals, accidents, and natural disasters often result in the loss of life that can leave biological traces. One of the biological traces that is often found is bloodstains. However, bloodstains are often found in a dry state and attached to certain media, such as rocks, sand and soil. In addition, environmental factors also affect the condition of blood in the media. These various things cause blood and even the DNA in it to potentially be damaged so that it is necessary to test the quantity and quality of the DNA contained.
DEMAC: A Platform for Education in High-performance Computing, Bridging the Gap Between Users and Hardware. Diego A. Roa Perdomo, Paige C. Kinsley (2024).
Scientists, engineers, and researchers leverage high-performance computing (HPC) systems to perform complex computations and process large amounts of data. Designing, developing, and operating HPC systems have a steep learning curve, thus making it crucial to train a highly skilled and knowledgeable workforce in order to keep up with the rapidly evolving field, drive innovation, and meet the increasing demand for HPC across various sectors. Limited access to HPC educational resources is the main deterrent to training HPC talent. This paper addresses two primary culprits for the limited access: the high cost of production systems and the lack of realistic full-stack HPC training. Cutting-edge hardware is usually expensive and requires specialized facilities. Moreover, large HPC facilities typically discourage experimenting with the systems since they run production computation workloads and require minimal disturbance. Furthermore, HPC training often does not reflect the scale or complexity of production systems. This lack of realistic training support makes education in this area particularly difficult and ineffective. This paper proposes an educational framework for HPC that includes the development of a low-cost and flexible platform design for users in diverse fields. It allows study and experimentation with multiple realistic elements involved in a production HPC ecosystem. DEMAC, the Delaware Modular Assembly Cluster, is a set of 3D-printable frames designed to house embedded systems and auxiliary systems in a way that emulates HPC platforms. The teaching framework focuses on practical training as an education model in which learners reinforce theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience. If successful, this effort will contribute fundamentally to scientific research, technological advancements, HPC workforce development, and economic growth.
Building First-Order Energy Modeling Intuition in Computer Architecture Lectures. Torng, Christopher (2024).
Computer architecture students today arguably do not have as close a connection to energy as they do to performance. Specifically, they are not trained to reason about energy in a quantifiable way. Architecture students are taught that performance and energy are considered equally important. However, most course material focuses on a performance-driven narrative, meaning that students learn about processors, memories, networks, and systems with a strong sense of the performance implications, but with little intuition for the energy implications. On the other hand, VLSI students concretely learn about energy, but they are immersed in a world of gates and transistors and do not connect their understanding about energy back up to the abstraction of SoC-level components. How can we bridge this gap to enable architecture students to reason about the energy implications of hardware design concepts, directly within a computer architecture class? In this work, we attempt to mitigate these challenges by introducing a teaching methodology that integrates energy into pipeline diagrams. We include examples of specific classroom tools including the representation of an energy map, and we show how pipeline diagrams augmented with an energy map can enable first-order quantitative comparisons of performance, energy, and power across different design points. The approach is simple enough for lecture, in-class activities, and in exams. We hope this approach can train future students in thinking from first principles in evaluating performance-energy tradeoffs.
open-source implementation of LSTM and GRU in the ptolemy simulation framework. Papaefstathiou (2024).
Ptolemy also includes machine learning libraries providing support for particle filtering, model-predictive control, hidden Markov models, and various statistical analysis tools. However, one of the main problems Ptolemy users face is the lack of fundamental recurrent neural network structures. In this paper, an LSTM and a GRU recurrent neural network are implemented in Ptolemy II framework, in order to extend its machine learning library, enabling users to develop their complex recurrent neural networks in significantly less time. The presented work has been verified through a real-world weather forecasting use case; the results demonstrate that our approach has identical accuracy with one of the most widely used machine learning library (i.e. Keras) in all cases.
Integration of Robot-supported Tutoring in Higher Education - An Empirically Based Concept. Donnermann, Melissa; Lugrin, Birgit (2024). (Vol. in press)
Construction and Characterization of a High-Capacity Replication-Competent Murine Cytomegalovirus Vector for Gene Delivery. Riedl, A; Bojková, D; Tan, J; Jeney, Á; Larsen, P K; Jeney, C; Full, F; Kalinke, U; Ruzsics, Z (2024). 12(7)
We investigated the basic characteristics of a new murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) vector platform. Using BAC technology, we engineered replication-competent recombinant MCMVs with deletions of up to 26% of the wild-type genome. To this end, we targeted five gene blocks (m01-m17, m106-m109, m129-m141, m144-m158, and m159-m170). BACs featuring deletions from 18% to 26% of the wild-type genome exhibited delayed virus reconstitution, while smaller deletions (up to 16%) demonstrated reconstitution kinetics similar to those of the wild type. Utilizing an innovative methodology, we introduced large genomic DNA segments, up to 35 kbp, along with reporter genes into a newly designed vector with a potential cloning capacity of 46 kbp (Q4). Surprisingly, the insertion of diverse foreign DNAs alleviated the delayed plaque formation phenotype of Q4, and these large inserts remained stable through serial in vitro passages. With reporter-gene-expressing recombinant MCMVs, we successfully transduced not only mouse cell lines but also non-rodent mammalian cells, including those of human, monkey, bovine, and bat origin. Remarkably, even non-mammalian cell lines derived from chickens exhibited successful transduction.
Real-time GNSS multipath simulation tool for autonomous driving. Christian Skupin, Le Ren (2024).
It is essential to periodically provide precise position estimations to realize fully autonomous driving in all kinds of environments, especially in dense urban areas. Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technology has the potential to provide positioning accuracy at a centimetre level. In urban environments the occurrence of satellite signal reflection and diffraction, also called multipath, is a challenging source of GNSS errors. A scalable real-time multipath simulator is created to face this problem and mitigate potential multipath errors. The inputs of the simulator are 3D building data, satellite positions and vehicle positions. A GPU memory manager and a specialised load balancer allow fast multipath analysis. Experiments show that the outputs of the simulator can improve the positioning accuracy of the positioning engine. The scalability of the simulator is shown by connecting the multipath simulator with a traffic simulator.
libBICOS -- An Open Source GPU-Accelerated Library implementing BInary COrrespondence Search for 3D Reconstruction. Liebender, C.; Bleier, M.; Nüchter, A. in ISPRS Int. Archives Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W18 (2024).
In this paper, we present an implementation and publish an open source library for binary correspondence search (BICOS), an efficient method for accurate 3D reconstruction from structured light stereo imagery. Starting with two stacks of stereo-rectified images of a scene illuminated by a statistical light pattern the proposed method solves the problem of a pixelwise correspondence search. Our GPU-accelerated implementation reduces the latency of disparity computation using 7MP images on modern hardware down to 20 milliseconds. Based on the algorithm introduced by Dietrich et al. (2019), we extend their approach by increasing the descriptor size while augmenting postprocessing to increase its applicability on other types of pattern projections. Lastly, we provide benchmarks and example reconstructions using a stereo camera setup combined with an off-the-shelf projector to validate the algorithm’s performance. While many state-of-the-art single-shot stereo implementations are included in common computer vision libraries, high performance multi-shot methods are not broadly available. By publishing this method as a freely available library, in both a CUDA and CPU implementation, we hope for others to quickly gain traction in this field. The source code with build instructions and command-line tooling is available at under the GNU LGPLv3.
Framework for evaluating communication protocols in distributed road traffic simulation. Potuzak (2024).
This paper deals with a methodology for a complex testing and assessing the communication protocols for the distributed simulation of road traffic. The methodology enables to explore the dependency of the performance of communication protocols on various features of the distributed simulation. It is also possible to assess the particular communication protocols with an overall score, which can be used for direct comparison of the protocols. The methodology was successfully tested on several communication protocols for distributed simulation of road traffic, which we developed. The description of the methodology and a demonstration of its functioning on a case study with the developed communication protocols is the main contribution of this paper.
Topological Characterization of Consensus in Distributed Systems. Marpaung, Jack (2024).
We provide a complete characterization of both uniform and non-uniform deterministic consensus solvability in distributed systems with benign process and communication faults using point-set topology. More specifically, we non-trivially extend the approach introduced by Alpern and Schneider in 1985, by introducing novel fault-aware topologies on the space of infinite executions: the process-view topology, induced by a distance function that relies on the local view of a given process in an execution, and the minimum topology, which is induced by a distance function that focuses on the local view of the process that is the last to distinguish two executions. Consensus is solvable in a given model if and only if the sets of admissible executions leading to different decision values is disconnected in these topologies. By applying our approach to a wide range of different applications, we provide a topological explanation of a number of existing algorithms and impossibility results and develop several new ones, including a general equivalence of the strong and weak validity conditions.
Some theories from abroad for AI interaction literacy. Gozes (2024).
I have become rather ‘het up’ about the use of AI applications in teaching and learning. I am worried that the digital divide will widen rather than narrow with the increasing use of this technology. A question that bothers me is, "Why are some of our students better at using the output from AI applications than others?", and what can we do about this? I want to get us all thinking and talking about this issue. In this keynote, I will be rather self-indulgent and share my two favourite theories from ‘abroad’, as they are from general education and sociology. Also, I have presented about these theories ‘abroad’ at various international conferences and can show some related photos at the keynote. I propose that the two theories, the Semantics dimension of LCT and feedback literacy, can help us explore and think more deeply about AI interaction literacy.
An algorithm for threading assignment in large-scale wireless network mobile simulations. Jefflah (2024).
In a large-scale distributed wireless network with high mobility, the simulation speed-up obtained from multi-threading could be lost to the overhead burden for synchronizing the threads. We propose a heuristic approach to assign BSs to threads in such a way as to minimize the number of synchronization points. In a time interval of the simulation, accumulated interactions are interpreted as growing graphs. Advancing through the simulation time until the number of disconnected graphs is equal to the number of desired threads, showed to be a good strategy to determine the longest intervals that can be simulated without synchronization points while taking advantage of multi-threading. By means of simulation tests we show decrements of up to 100.0 %, in the number of synchronization points, in comparison to those required for the same simulation times when assigning BSs to threads in a random and balanced way.
RoI mining applications in edge computing environments. Ello (2024).
The proposal is organized in two parts: (i) a modeling part that defines the hybrid cloud/edge architecture capable of managing a large number of devices; (ii) a simulation part in which different design choices are evaluated to improve the performance of RoI mining algorithms in terms of processing time, network delay, task failure and computing resource utilization. Several experiments have been carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed architecture starting from different configurations and orchestration policies.
a cache coherency protocol for locked mixed criticality L1 data cache. Patil, Geeta (2024).
The existing cache coherence protocols such as MESI, MOSI, MOESI, and MESIF lack a comprehensive approach for handling coherency in locked caches. This work proposes MOESIL, an enhanced version of MOESI to increase the data consistency of locked caches. Experimental evaluations using splash-2 benchmark programs on CACTI 5.3 and CACOSIM simulator substantiate the suitability of MOESIL protocol for locked caches in multi-core mixed criticality systems to honour the deadline of high criticality jobs. It is observed that MOESIL protocol reduces the miss rate by 2.89% with a comparable energy consumption over MOESI protocol.
Blood DNA Quantity and Quality Test on Rock, Sand and Soil Media | Part 2. Dr. Niken Satuti N H, M.Sc. (H. D. Lomba, ed.) (2024). 2
There were two probandus samples, namely male and female as controls and 27 treatment samples that were tested. Blood was dripped on three media in the form of rocks, sand and soil with treatments for one day, three days and seven days. The highest DNA quantity was found in samples with soil media treatment with an average DNA quantity value of 519.08 ng/µL on the first day, 516.26 ng/µL on the third day and 523.37 ng/µL on the seventh day.
Blood DNA Quantity and Quality Test on Rock, Sand and Soil Media | Part 3. Dr. Niken Satuti N H, M.Sc. (H. D. Lomba, ed.) (2024). 3
Meanwhile, the best DNA quality was found in samples treated with sand media with an average purity value of 1.101 on the first day of treatment, 0.917 on the third day and 0.965 on the seventh day. The next stage was DNA amplification on all samples using amelogenin primers. Both control samples were successfully amplified and showed male and female gender. While in the treatment samples, only samples P3, P5, P6, P7, and P8 were successfully amplified perfectly and identified as female.
Visualization with Experiential Learning to Encourage Participation and Research in Computer Architecture. Thomas Y. Yeh, Maxwell Sterner (2024).
Given that most CS students, especially at liberal arts colleges, lack engineering or logic design experience, we employ visualization in our computer architecture course to expedite student learning. By having students design and learn visually, students developed a deeper understanding and appreciation of computer architecture. Within a single semester, the course equips students with the skills to engage in innovative computer architecture research. We describe the course materials, student projects, and undergraduate research. By combining visualization with experiential learning, we broaden participation and encourage undergraduate research in computer architecture. The course materials will be made publicly available.
Emotional Hermeneutics. Exploring the Limits of Artificial Intelligence from a Diltheyan Perspective. Picca, Davide (2024).
This paper explores the intersection of emotional hermeneutics and artificial intelligence (AI), examining the challenges and potential of integrating deep emotional understanding into AI systems. Drawing on Wilhelm Dilthey’s distinction between "explanation" and "understanding", the study highlights the current limitations of AI, particularly large language models, in achieving a genuine interpretative understanding of human emotions. We argue that while AI excels at data-driven explanations, it lacks the capacity for true emotional comprehension due to its inability to have personal experiences and self-awareness. The paper proposes incorporating humanities and social sciences insights to enhance AI’s ability to contextualize and interpret emotions. However, it acknowledges that replicating human emotional intelligence in AI may be fundamentally limited by the nature of artificial systems. The study concludes by calling for interdisciplinary collaboration to advance emotional AI research while recognizing the ongoing philosophical questions about the nature of intelligence, and emotional understanding.
Engineered HCMV-infected APCs enable the identification of new immunodominant HLA-restricted epitopes of anti-HCMV T-cell immunity. Santamorena, M M; Tischer‐Zimmermann, S; Bonifacius, A; Mireisz, C N; Costa, B; Khan, F; Kulkarni, U; Lauruschkat, C D; Sampaio, K L; Stripecke, R; Blasczyk, R; Maecker‐Kolhoff, B; Kraus, S; Schlosser, A; Cicin‐Sain, L; Kalinke, U; Eiz‐Vesper, B (2024). 103(6) e15541.
Multifaceted activation of STING axis upon Nipah and measles virus-induced syncytia formation. Amurri, L; Dumont, C; Pelissier, R; Reynard, O; Mathieu, C; Spanier, J; Pályi, B; Déri, D; Karkowski, L; Gonzalez, C; Skerra, J; Kis, Z; Kalinke, U; Horvat, B; Iampietro, M (2024). 20(9) 1–29.
Activation of the DNA-sensing STING axis by RNA viruses plays a role in antiviral response through mechanisms that remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the STING pathway regulates Nipah virus (NiV) replication in vivo in mice. Moreover, we demonstrate that following both NiV and measles virus (MeV) infection, IFNγ-inducible protein 16 (IFI16), an alternative DNA sensor in addition to cGAS, induces the activation of STING, leading to the phosphorylation of NF-κB p65 and the production of IFNβ and interleukin 6. Finally, we found that paramyxovirus-induced syncytia formation is responsible for loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and leakage of mitochondrial DNA in the cytoplasm, the latter of which is further detected by both cGAS and IFI16. These results contribute to improve our understanding about NiV and MeV immunopathogenesis and provide potential paths for alternative therapeutic strategies.
Orchestration of antiviral responses within the infected central nervous system. Pavlou, A; Mulenge, F; Gern, O L; Busker, L M; Greimel, E; Waltl, I; Kalinke, U (2024). 21(9) 943–958.
Many newly emerging and re-emerging viruses have neuroinvasive potential, underscoring viral encephalitis as a global research priority. Upon entry of the virus into the CNS, severe neurological life-threatening conditions may manifest that are associated with high morbidity and mortality. The currently available therapeutic arsenal against viral encephalitis is rather limited, emphasizing the need to better understand the conditions of local antiviral immunity within the infected CNS. In this review, we discuss new insights into the pathophysiology of viral encephalitis, with a focus on myeloid cells and CD8+ T cells, which critically contribute to protection against viral CNS infection. By illuminating the prerequisites of myeloid and T cell activation, discussing new discoveries regarding their transcriptional signatures, and dissecting the mechanisms of their recruitment to sites of viral replication within the CNS, we aim to further delineate the complexity of antiviral responses within the infected CNS. Moreover, we summarize the current knowledge in the field of virus infection and neurodegeneration and discuss the potential links of some neurotropic viruses with certain pathological hallmarks observed in neurodegeneration.
Approximation Algorithms for the Freeze Tag Problem inside Polygons. Rajabi-Alni, Fatemeh; Bagheri, Alireza; Minaei-Bidgoli, Behrouz (2024).
Bridging the Analytics Gap: Optimizing Content Performance using Actionable Knowledge Discovery. Alby, Tom in HT ’24 (2024). 185–192.
Web analytics tools like Google Analytics are widely available, but website owners outside the eCommerce sector struggle to extract actionable insights from their data to curate and optimize content. This difficulty often arises from challenges in identifying and aligning objectives with standard website performance metrics provided by these tools, compounded by a lack of expertise in tool configuration. This study focuses on automated approaches that generate actionable insights for owners of content-driven websites, analyzing visitor attention at the most granular level by focusing on segments of web pages. It considers both the length of the page and different device types used to access these pages. Existing research is augmented with four major contributions: First, a robust regression model to predict user behaviour based on the scroll behaviour of 850,000 visitors and more than 9 million data points from five diverse websites. Second, a dataset of measurements of web page lengths from a random sample of one million websites, for a better understanding of the relation between scroll behaviour and web page lengths. Third, an actionable knowledge discovery method for web analytics data of non-transactional websites that allows to identify deviations from expected visitor behaviour, enabling content optimization for those web analytics users who find it difficult to leverage their data today. Finally, an indicator for page performance that allows to compare page performance based on in-page visitor engagement. This research exemplifies the intersection of web analytics and intelligent content curation, showcasing a methodological framework that facilitates the generation of automated suggestions for digital content optimization, rooted in comprehensive behavioral data analysis.
The results of the study showed that the number of tree species, poles and stakes found in Aikakopa (Poom) was 125 species and 36 families, in Barawai 117 species and 36 families and in Manapuyuga (Ambaidiru) 132 species and 48 families. The number of Birds of Paradise found was 540, namely; in Aikakopa (Poom) 178 animals, sex ratio 1:5 with a density of 1.2 animals/ha; in Barawai 217 animals, sex ratio 1:6, density 1.4 animals/ha; in Manapayuga (Ambaidiru) 145 animals, sex ratio 1:6, density 1 animal/ha. Regression analysis of the three locations showed a relationship between the population of Cenderawasih birds (Y) and vegetation characteristics (X) as indicated by the correlation value (r) = 0.755 and the determinant value (R2) = 56.9% having a very significant effect with F count 2.937> F table 2.40 for the location in Aikakopa (Poom) and in Barawai the correlation value (r) = 0.816 and the determinant value (R2) = 66.6% had a very significant effect with F count 4.440> F table 2.40 and in Manapayuga (Ambaidiru) the correlation value (r) = 0.730 and the determinant value (R2) = 53.2% had a very significant effect with F count 2.530> F table 2.40.
Bridging the Analytics Gap: Optimizing Content Performance using Actionable Knowledge Discovery. Alby, Tom in HT ’24 (2024). 185–192.
Web analytics tools like Google Analytics are widely available, but website owners outside the eCommerce sector struggle to extract actionable insights from their data to curate and optimize content. This difficulty often arises from challenges in identifying and aligning objectives with standard website performance metrics provided by these tools, compounded by a lack of expertise in tool configuration. This study focuses on automated approaches that generate actionable insights for owners of content-driven websites, analyzing visitor attention at the most granular level by focusing on segments of web pages. It considers both the length of the page and different device types used to access these pages. Existing research is augmented with four major contributions: First, a robust regression model to predict user behaviour based on the scroll behaviour of 850,000 visitors and more than 9 million data points from five diverse websites. Second, a dataset of measurements of web page lengths from a random sample of one million websites, for a better understanding of the relation between scroll behaviour and web page lengths. Third, an actionable knowledge discovery method for web analytics data of non-transactional websites that allows to identify deviations from expected visitor behaviour, enabling content optimization for those web analytics users who find it difficult to leverage their data today. Finally, an indicator for page performance that allows to compare page performance based on in-page visitor engagement. This research exemplifies the intersection of web analytics and intelligent content curation, showcasing a methodological framework that facilitates the generation of automated suggestions for digital content optimization, rooted in comprehensive behavioral data analysis.
The fluctuating population of the Bird of Paradise Paradisaea minor jobiensis Rotschild on Yapen Island is related to habitat availability, threats, and environmental factors. The problems that arise are the level of poaching, illegal logging, clearing of agricultural and plantation land and the lack of intensive management by the local government and the community. This study aims to determine the characteristics of vegetation in the habitat of the Bird of Paradise, the population of the Bird of Paradise and the relationship between vegetation characteristics and the population of the Bird of Paradise. Observations of the Bird of Paradise were carried out using the point count method while vegetation as a habitat for the Bird of Paradise used the path and grid line method. Observations were carried out at 3 locations on Yapen Island.
Utilization of "clove flower stalk oil refining waste" For Particle Board - part 1. Ir. Imam Satyarno, ME (Yuliatriastuti, ed.) (2024). 1
The increasingly difficult conditions of forests to meet the increasing demand for wood have indirectly impacted the scarcity of wood. Several alternatives have been developed in order to overcome the scarcity. One of them is by finding substitute materials for making products that use wood. Ladek is waste from processing dried clove flower stalks that have been distilled to extract the oil, which is quite abundant. The purpose of this study was to utilize the potential of ladek waste as an alternative material for making particle boards and to determine the quality of particle boards made from ladek. The raw material used in this study was waste from the distillation of clove flower stalk oil (Ladek) obtained from the Delta Mulia Alam company, Balecatur, Gamping, Sleman. The particle board made in this study includes 3 densities that are adjusted to SNI number 03-2105-2006, namely 0.4 gr / cm3, 0.6 gr / cm3, and 0.9 gr / cm3 with adhesive content of 10% and 15% of the particle weight, respectively. The adhesive chosen was Urea-Formaldehyde (UF) because it is cheap, non-toxic, and non-flammable. The parameters observed included density, water content, thickness expansion, water absorption, perpendicular tensile strength of the surface, flexural strength, and modulus of elasticity. The results of the study indicated that the density and adhesive content affected the water content, thickness expansion, water absorption, perpendicular tensile strength of the surface, flexural strength, and modulus of elasticity.
PreAdapter: Pre-training Language Models on Knowledge Graphs. Omeliyanenko, Janna; Hotho, Andreas; Schlör, Daniel (2024).
Utilization of "clove flower stalk oil refining waste" For Particle Board - part 2. Ir. Imam Satyarno, ME (Yuliatriastuti, ed.) (2024). 2
The lowest density has a brittle nature, has no flexural strength value, has no modulus of elasticity value, and is not resistant to water. The highest water content value was obtained at a density of 0.4 gr/cm3 and 10% adhesive, namely 12.941%. The highest thickness expansion value was obtained at a density of 0.4 gr/cm3 and 10% adhesive, namely 85%. The highest water absorption value was obtained at a density of 0.4 gr/cm3 and 10% adhesive, namely 257.209%. The highest perpendicular tensile strength value of the surface was obtained at a density of 0.9 gr/cm3 and 15% adhesive, which was 2.32 kgf/cm2. The highest average flexural strength value was obtained at a density of 0.9 gr/cm3 and 15% adhesive, which was 49.5 kgf/cm2. The highest average modulus of elasticity value was obtained at a density of 0.9 gr/cm3 and 15% adhesive, which was 5000.164 kgf/cm2.
Blood DNA Quantity and Quality Test on Rock, Sand and Soil Media | Part 4. Dr. Niken Satuti N H, M.Sc. (H. D. Lomba, ed.) (2024). 4
From the research conducted, it can be seen that the highest DNA quantity was found in samples treated with soil media while the best DNA quality was found in samples treated with sand media. DNA samples from sand media were also able to be identified with amelogenin primers.
Adapting Sequential Recommender Models to Content Recommendation in Chat Data using Non-Item Page-Models. Zehe, Albin; Fischer, Elisabeth; Kaiser, Jonas; Wagner, Toni; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
update schemes to optimize asynchronous cellular automata with random or cyclic orders. Jeffpol (2024).
Consequently, CA may use an asynchronous update to overcome some of these artifacts. While numerous works have shown how to scale CA models by parallelizing their synchronous updates, a paucity of research has explored the asynchronous case. We present and empirically evaluate algorithms for efficient parallel executions of two types of asynchronous updates: random order and cyclic order. Our algorithms select random orderings that suit parallel execution and are therefore approximate in nature.
How AI is being abused to create child sexual abuse imagery Foundation, Internet Watch (2023).
The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) has identified a significant and growing threat where AI technology is being exploited to produce child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Our first report in October 2023 revealed the presence of over 20,000 AI-generated images on a dark web forum in one month where more than 3,000 depicted criminal child sexual abuse activities. Since then the issue has escalated and continues to evolve.
Die Komplexität von KI-Systemen durch Steckbriefe bewältigen: Portrait über den Einsatz sogenannter AI-Cards bei der Siemens AG. Technical Report (029), Grasy, Jonas; Seibold, Bettina (2023).
Den Herausforderungen durch die Technologien künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) begegnet die Arbeitgeberseite auf sehr unterschiedliche Weise. Der Gesamtbetriebsrat (GBR) der Siemens AG war und ist in diesem Zusammenhang unternehmensseitig mit Vorbehalten konfrontiert. Dennoch hat sich eine nicht durch Betriebsvereinbarungen abgesicherte Arbeitsweise eingespielt: Mittels Steckbriefe - sogenannter Artificial Intelligence Cards, kurz: AI-Cards - werden die komplexen Herausforderungen bei kritischen KI-Anwendungen im Unternehmen handhabbar. Damit leisten die lokalen Betriebsräte und der Gesamtbetriebsrat wesentliche Vorarbeit für eine grundsätzliche betriebliche Vereinbarung und sensibilisieren die beteiligten Akteure für das Thema. Wir portraitieren, wie Vereinbarungen umgesetzt werden, und fragen nach den Hintergründen ihres Entstehens. Hierzu kommen Betriebsrätinnen und Betriebsräte zu Wort, ebenso wie ihre Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus den Gewerkschaften.
Understanding the chemistry of 2D rhodium trihalide solid solutions: tuning of optical properties and nanocrystal deposition. Froeschke, Samuel; Schroth, Karl-Georg; Steiner, Udo; Popov, Alexey; Schiemenz, Sandra; Wolf, Daniel; Giebeler, Lars; Gräßler, Nico; Büchner, Bernd; Schmidt, Peer; Hampel, Silke (2023). 10(3) 035011.
In the search for novel 2D materials with potentially valuable properties, such as a tunable band gap for optoelectronic or catalytic applications, solid solutions hold the potential to significantly expand the inventory of available 2D nanomaterials. In this study, we present for the first time the synthesis of such 2D rhodium trihalide solid solutions: RhBr x Cl3−x and RhBr x I3−x . We use thermodynamic simulations and simultaneous thermal analysis to predict conditions for their rational synthesis and to investigate suitable chemical vapor transport (CVT) parameters for these solid solutions. The evolution of the lattice parameters was investigated by powder x-ray diffraction, showing an isostructural relationship of the synthesized compounds and only minor deviation from Vegard’s law. The optical band gap of these materials can be tuned in an energy range from 1.5 eV (RhCl3) to 1.2 eV (RhI3) by choosing the composition of the solid solution, while the samples also exhibit photoluminescence in similar energy ranges. Ultimately, the successful deposition of bulk as well as ultrathin 2D nanocrystals of RhBr x Cl3−x by CVT from 925 °C to 850 °C is shown, where the composition of the deposited crystals is precisely controlled by the choice of the starting composition and the initial amount of material. The high quality of the obtained nanocrystals is confirmed by atomic force microscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction. For RhBr x I3−x , the CVT from 900 °C to 825 °C is more difficult and has only been practically demonstrated for an exemplary case. According to the observed properties, these novel solid solutions and nanocrystals show a great potential for an application in optoelectronic devices.
Controlled nanoplatelet deposition of 2D chromium trihalide solid solutions. Froeschke, Samuel; Yasmen, Nadia; Popov, Alexey A.; Schiemenz, Sandra; Wolf, Daniel; Giebeler, Lars; Hantusch, Martin; Gräßler, Nico; Büchner, Bernd; Schmidt, Peer; Hampel, Silke (2023). 35(11) 4136–4148.
400-Year-Old ‘Vampire Child’ Was Buried with Their Foot Padlocked so They Wouldn’t Rise from the Grave. Metcalfe, Tom (2023).
This child was buried 400 years ago in what is now Poland, face-down and with an iron padlock on their foot
KI verstehen, bewerten und begrenzen: Portrait über den Einsatz von Systemen der künstlichen Intelligenz bei der IBM Central Holding GmbH. Technical Report (026), Seibold, Bettina; Grasy, Jonas (2022).
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) wird von IBM sowohl in Produkten als auch unternehmensintern eingesetzt. Dabei verfolgen Unternehmensleitung und Betriebsrat ähnliche Ziele, wie und wofür die KI-Systeme genutzt werden sollen: Beispielsweise sollen weiterhin Menschen die Entscheidungen treffen und nicht die KI. Damit aus Unternehmensleitlinien gelebte Praxis wird, bedarf es jedoch auch einer rechtsverbindlichen Grundlage. Der Konzernbetriebsrat schloss daher eine Rahmenvereinbarung ab, die mittels Risikobewertungen, klar definierten Prozessen sowie Anforderungen an KI sowohl die Beschäftigteninteressen als auch die Mitbestimmung absichert. Dabei wurden Kriterien der Europäischen Kommission und weltweite Unternehmensleitlinien übernommen und um beschäftigtenorientierte Anforderungen ergänzt. Wir portraitieren die Umsetzung von Vereinbarungen und fragen nach den Hintergründen für das Zustandekommen. Hierzu kommen Betriebsräte zu Wort und ihre beratenden Gewerkschaftskolleginnen und -kollegen werden befragt.
Cluster-Based Gateway Placement and Simulative Performance Study in LoRaWAN. Technical Report (Master thesis), Baur, Carina PhD thesis, Universität Würzburg. (2022, September).
Web-Based Irrigation Monitoring and Control System. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Nafutali, Wodadaya PhD thesis, (2021, December).
In Uganda, as well as other developing countries, the increasing population stimulates the agricultural-related activities such as irrigation. Irrigation is basically done by humans and generally requires exhaustive physical efforts and involves exposure to errors during irrigation. Despite the advances in the irrigation and its wide spreading applications, irrigation remains majorly manual. Since irrigating is a difficult process especially when irrigating a big piece of land, it is necessary to simplify the process, thus web based system in irrigating was introduced and existing implementations have limitations such as irrigating at wrong hours, continued wastage of water, so prevent all this, a new system that uses a web control to remotely irrigate from a distance has been developed ,therefore main objective of this project is to design and develop a web based irrigation monitoring and control system since it is observed that this method is more reliable and efficient compared to the existing methods. The developed system is able to automatically receive the moisture levels from the field, responds to the different commands sent by the user to do the irrigation and the user is also able to switch on and off the pump.
Fractional pseudo-Newton method and its use in the solution of a nonlinear system that allows the construction of a hybrid solar receiver. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Brambila", "F. (2020).
Colbert: Efficient and effective passage search via contextualized late interaction over bert. Khattab, Omar; Zaharia, Matei (2020). 39–48.
Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine Wiener, Norbert (2019). The M. I. T. Press.
COMPUTATIONALLY EFFICIENT TWO STAGE SEQUENTIAL FRAMEWORK FOR STEREO MATCHING. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), N.S, 1Bindu; 2H.S.Sheshadri (2016, September).
A Method for Detecting False Positive and False Negative Attacks Using Simulation Models in Statistical Enroute Filtering Based WSNs. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Nam, Su Man; Cho, Tae Ho (2016, September).
In wireless sensor networks, adversaries compromise sensor nodes to damage the network though potential threats such as false positive and false negative attacks. The false positive attacks cause energy drain and false alarms, and false negative attacks generate information loss. To address the false positive attacks in the sensor network, a statistical en route filtering (SEF) detects the false report in intermediate nodes. Even though the scheme detects the false report against the false positive attack, it is difficult to detect false MACs in a legitimate report against the false negative attack in the SEF-based WSN. Our proposed method effectively detects the false positive and false negative attacks in the sensor network through a simulation model. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method increase detection power while maintaining the energy consumption of the network against the false positive and false negative attack
Blood Groups Matcher Frame Work Based on Three -Level Rules in Myanmar Tint1, San San; Mai2, Htoi (2015).
Treatise on the apparitions of sprits and on vampires or revenants of Hungary, Moravia, et al. The complete volumes I & II Calmet, Augustin; Christmas, Henry; Warren, Brett R. (2015). Brett R Warren, Charleston, SC.
Combination Chemotherapy with Itraconazole for Treating Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer in the Second-line or Additional Setting. Tsubamoto, Hiroshi; Sonoda, Takashi; Ikuta, Shinichi; Tani, Satoshi; Inoue, Kayo; Yamanaka, Naoki (2015). 35(7) 4191–4196.
A Literature Review on Trust Management in Web Services Access Control. Manoj, R.Joseph; A.Chandrasekar (2013). 4(3) 01–19.
Web Service is a reusable component which has set of related functionalities that service requesters can programmatically access from the service provider and manipulate through the Web. One of the main security issue is to secure web services from the malicious requesters. Since trust plays an important role in many kinds of human communication, it allows people to work under insecurity and with the risk of negative cost, many researchers have proposed different trust based web services access control model to prevent malicious requesters. In this literature review, various existing trust based web services access control model have been studied also investigated how the concept of a trust level is used in the access control policy of a service provider to allow service requester to access the web services.
Densities of SrCl2(aq), Na2SO4(aq), NaHCO3(aq), and Two Synthetic Reservoir Brines at Temperatures between (298 and 473) K, Pressures up to 68.5 MPa, and Molalities up to 3 mol·kg–1. Al Ghafri, Saif Zahir; Maitland, Geoffrey C.; Trusler, J. P. Martin (2013). 58(2) 402–412.
We report the densities of SrCl2(aq), Na2SO4(aq), NaHCO3(aq), and the synthetic reservoir brine system [x1NaCl + x2KCl + x3MgCl2 + x4CaCl2 + x5SrCl2 + x6Na2SO4 + x7NaHCO3](aq), where x denotes the mole fraction of the different salts, at temperatures between (298 and 473) K and pressures up to 68.5 MPa. The molalities at which the single-salt solutions were studied are (1.022, 2.024, and 3.031) mol·kg–1 for SrCl2(aq), (0.783 and 1.502) mol·kg–1 for Na2SO4(aq), and (0.507 and 1.000) mol·kg–1 for NaHCO3(aq). The compositions of the synthetic reservoir brines studied are, first, x1 = 0.770, x2 = 0.022, x3 = 0.040, x4 = 0.105, x5 = 0.002, x6 = 0.044, and x7 = 0.018 with molality 0.359 mol·kg–1 and, second, x1 = 0.797, x2 = 0.006, x3 = 0.042, x4 = 0.145, x5 = 0.002, x6 = 0.006, and x7 = 0.002 with molality 1.900 mol·kg–1. The measurements were performed with a vibrating-tube densimeter calibrated under vacuum and with pure water over the full ranges of pressure and temperature investigated. An analysis of uncertainties shows that the expanded relative uncertainty of density with a coverage factor of 2 is bounded by a linear function of molality b increasing from 0.03 % at b = 0 mol·kg–1 to 0.06 % at b = 3 mol·kg–1. An empirical correlation is reported that represents the density for each brine system as a function of temperature, pressure, and molality with absolute average relative deviations of approximately 0.02 %. Comparing the model with the available database of literature results, we find absolute average relative deviations of 0.10 %, 0.03 %, and 0.01 % for the systems SrCl2(aq), Na2SO4(aq), and NaHCO3(aq), respectively. The model can be used to calculate the density, apparent molar volume, and isothermal compressibility over the full ranges of temperature, pressure, and molality studied in this work. An ideal mixing rule for the density of a mixed electrolyte solution was tested against our synthetic reservoir brine data and was found to offer very good predictions at all conditions studied with an absolute average relative deviation of 0.05 %.
Der moderierende Einfluss von Extraversion auf die Beziehung zwischen IQ und kortikaler Aktivierung. Fink, Andreas; Schrausser, Dietmar; Neubauer, Aljoscha (2002).
Es gibt übereinstimmende empirische Belege dafür, dass Personen mit hohem IQ das Gehirn effizienter nutzen, die sogenannte Hypothese der neuralen Effizienz (NE). Hier wurde zusätzlich die Persönlichkeitsdimension Extraversion (E) berücksichtigt. Wir beobachteten signifikante IQ-E-Interaktionen im unteren Alpha-Band: Das Muster dieser Interaktion deutet darauf hin, dass die (a) Extravertierten während kognitiver Aktivität eher Aktivierungsmuster gemäß der NE Hypothese produzierten während die (b) introvertierte Gruppe im Ruhezustand diese inverse Beziehung zwischen IQ und kortikaler Aktivierung zeigte.
Improving the analysis of dependable systems by mapping fault trees into Bayesian networks. Bobbio, A.; Portinale, L.; Minichino, M.; Ciancamerla, E. (2001). 71(3) 249–260.
Bayesian Networks (BN) provide a robust probabilistic method of reasoning under uncertainty. They have been successfully applied in a variety of real-world tasks but they have received little attention in the area of dependability. The present paper is aimed at exploring the capabilities of the BN formalism in the analysis of dependable systems. To this end, the paper compares BN with one of the most popular techniques for dependability analysis of large, safety critical systems, namely Fault Trees (FT). The paper shows that any FT can be directly mapped into a BN and that basic inference techniques on the latter may be used to obtain classical parameters computed from the former (i.e. reliability of the Top Event or of any sub-system, criticality of components, etc). Moreover, by using BN, some additional power can be obtained, both at the modeling and at the analysis level. At the modeling level, several restrictive assumptions implicit in the FT methodology can be removed and various kinds of dependencies among components can be accommodated. At the analysis level, a general diagnostic analysis can be performed. The comparison of the two methodologies is carried out by means of a running example, taken from the literature, that consists of a redundant multiprocessor system.
Densities of aqueous solutions of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate at temperatures from (298 to 623) K and pressures to 28 MPa. Sharygin, Andrei V.; Wood, Robert H. (1998). 30(12) 1555–1570.
Densities of aqueous solutions of Na2CO3and NaHCO3with molalities from 0.1 mol·kg−1to 1.0 mol·kg−1have been measured from the temperatures 298 K to 623 K and pressures up to 28 MPa using a vibrating-tube flow densimeter. The volumetric results for Na2CO3(aq) and NaHCO3(aq) are in good agreement with the literature data at low temperatures. At high temperatures, the treatment of results must include the hydrolysis of Na2CO3(aq), disproportionation of NaHCO3(aq), and association of carbonate and bicarbonate ions with sodium ion.
Bayesian prior distributions for multi-component systems. Parker, J. B. (1972). 19(3) 509–515.
Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine Wiener, Norbert (1961). (Second ) The M. I. T. Press, New York.
Versuche zur Beeinflussung von Strahlenwirkungen in Eiweiß-Lösungen und in Zellen durch Strahlen-Schutzstoffe. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Erdmann, Kurt (1953).
Polynesian Mythology and Ancient Traditional History of the New Zealand Race Grey, George (1885). (Second ) H Brett, Auckland.