Prognose der Verkehrslage in der Region Hannover
Die primäre Anforderung der Verkehrsteilnehmer im Bereich des Straßenverkehrs ist die Kenntnis der aktuellen Verkehrslage. Diese basiert in der Regel auf der wirklich benötigten Reisezeit von sehr vielen Verkehrsteilnehmern, deren Daten häufig im Kontext von Routingdiensten abgegriffen werden.
Im Rahmen von Data4UrbanMobility wurden Werkzeuge entwickelt um eine ganglineinbasierte Prognose der Verkehrslage zu ermöglichen. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt eine Oberfläche auf der typische Ganglinienverläufe und Ausreißer visualisiert werden.

Die Prognose der Verkehrslage kann dann mittels einer Karte für den Endnutzer visualisert werden:

Erste Version der MIC-App bereitgestellt
Eine erste Version der MIC-App (Move in the City) konnte allen Partnerinnen und Partnern des Projekts und einer geschützten Nutzer*innengruppe der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die mobile App MiC ist ein Instrument zur Datenerhebung.
Dabei verknüpft MiC – eine Entwicklung des Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU der TU Braunschweig und Projektionisten GmbH Hannover – das wachsende Bewusstsein und die Notwendigkeit für digitale Bürger*innenrechte mit den Potentialen mittels der Auswertung großer Datenmengen neue Formen der menschzentrierten Entwicklung von Stadt und Mobilität zu ermöglichen stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, sich aktiv als Bürgerwissenschaftlerin und Bürgerwissenschaftler an der Forschung und Entwicklung der Mobilität für alle in der Stadt der Zukunft zu beteiligen.
MiC erhebt – durch die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer gesteuert – Daten zu Strecken und Art der Fortbewegung. Diese Daten werden pseudonymisiert, so dass ein Rückschluss auf die jeweilige Person nicht mehr möglich ist. Wichtig ist die Vielzahl der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer – nicht die einzelne Bewegung. Die Stadt der Zukunft zeichnet sich aus durch den barrierearmen Zugang zu Mobilität und Erreichbarkeit für alle. Der holistische Ansatz der Forscherinnen und Forscher des Institute for Sustainable Urbanism ISU (TU Braunschweig) sowie der Projektbeteiligten betrachtet Stadt dabei auf verschiedenen Maßstabsebenen und bringt intelligente Planungen – wie z.B. die 5-Minuten Stadt –, Städtebau und innovative Technologien zusammen. Für ein umfassendes Verständnis individueller Mobilität und darauf aufbauende neue Methoden und Werkzeuge für integrierte Verkehrs- und Stadtplanung werden mittels der MiC-App uns umfangreiche und detaillierte Daten darüber geliefert, wie und auf welchem Wege wir uns in der Stadt fortbewegen.
In der ersten Version ermöglicht das Stadtforschungstool MiC den Nutzer*innen durch eine einfach Handhabung das Starten und Beenden der „Tracking-Time“ (Bild 1). Wichtig ist, die Nutzer*innen entscheidet selber über den Zeitraum. Als erstes Ergebnis für die Nutzer*innen steht eine Zusammenfassung ihrer bisher aufgezeichneten Routen (Bild2). In den Einstellung (Bild 3) kann der Nutzer sich aktiv an Feedback beteiligen (Bild 4) sowie seinen Account und somit seiner zur Verfügung gestellten Daten löschen (Bild 5).

von links nach recht: Bild1-5 MIC App Interface – Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Die aktuelle Weiterentwicklung sieht eine Visualisierung der Routen für den jeweiligen Nutzer vor.
Um Teil der Testgruppe zu werden ist zur Zeit noch eine Anmeldung unter: notwendig. Die Anwendung ist nicht frei im App Store / GooglePlay Store zu erhalten.
Auf der Internetseite wird zusätzlich detailliert auf häufige Fragen (FAQ) zur Anwendung sowie über Entwicklungen und Neuheiten informiert
D4UM Plattform und Dashboard V2
Die neue Version der Plattform inklusive des Dashboards gibt noch detailliertere Auskünfte über die Verkehrssituation

Die farblich unterschiedlichen Label lassen eine schnelle Unterscheidung zwischen den verschiedenen Event typen zu. Durch das klicken auf eines der Events wird der typically affected subgraph angezeigt für diesen Eventtyp.

Beispiele: Visualisierungen eines Konzerts und eines Fußballspiels
Zusätzlich gibt der Graph in der oberen rechten Ecke Auskunft über die Verkehrssituation vor und nach dem Eventstart.

Es wurden die API Endpunkte mit zusätzlichen Information erweitert.
Diese werden mittels der als Teil der Forschung entwickelten Modellen erstellt.
Erste Version der D4UM-App bereitgestellt
Eine erste Version der D4UM-App konnte allen Partnern des Projekts zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die App stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, sich Fahrtauskünfte mit dem öffentlichen Personennahverkehr in Niedersachsen und Bremen (Datengrundlage: EFA – elektronische Fahrplanauskunft für Niedersachsen und Bremen) ausgeben zu lassen. Im Fokus stand hierbei, dass der Nutzer schnell und einfach an die für ihn wichtigen Informationen gelangen kann, um so seine Reise möglichst simpel planen zu können.
Folgende Funktionen dienen dabei in der ersten Version der schnellen Auskunft:
Abfahrten und Verbindungen
Über die Funktion Abfahrten lassen sich Abfahrtszeiten an einer bestimmten oder an nahegelegenen Haltestellen ermitteln. Unter Verbindungen können hingegen Fahrtvorschläge von einem Startpunkt (Adresse oder Haltestelle) zu einem Zielpunkt gesucht werden. Zeiten stehen dabei auch in Echtzeit zur Verfügung, sodass auch Verspätungen direkt von dem Nutzer erkannt werden können.

Über die Karte sind alle Haltestellen zu finden, sodass sich der Nutzer einen Überblick über die nähere Umgebung oder auch den Weg zur Haltestelle oder einem Ziel verschaffen kann.
Wird auf der Karte auf ein Haltestellensymbol oder den zugehörigen Haltestellennamen geklickt, öffnet sich der Abfahrtsmonitor zu dieser Haltestelle. Die nächsten Abfahrten können somit auch über diesen Weg aufgerufen werden.
Darüber hinaus kann sich der Nutzer auch den Verlauf seiner Fahrt anzeigen lassen.

Weitere Funktionen und Einstellungen finden sich ergänzend im Menü der App.
Der Nutzer bekommt hier zum einen die Möglichkeit, dass erweiterte Einstellungen zu den Suchanfragen bei Verbindungen oder Abfahrten vorgenommen werden können, und zum anderen, dass er weitere Features verwenden kann. Darunter befindet sich zum Beispiel das Feedbackformular. Hierüber kann unkompliziert Kontakt mit den Entwicklern der D4UM-App per Mail aufgenommen werden. Icons ermöglichen es, dass ein Eindruck zu der App übermittelt werden kann. Ein weiteres Feld für Freitext bietet zudem Platz für individuelle Kritik und einer Meinung zu der App. So kann in Zukunft kundennah an der App weiterentwickelt und einfach auf Wünsche und Meinungen reagiert werden.

Quantifizierungen und Vorhersage von Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen
Neue Data4UrbanMobility-Forschungsergebnisse ermöglichen es, die räumlichen Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen zu quantifizieren und vorherzusagen. Dazu werden zusammenhängende, betroffene Straßenabschnitte in der Nähe von Veranstaltungen identifiziert. Auf dieser Grundlage kann dann die räumliche Auswirkung quantifiziert werden. Das Verfahren ist in der folgenden Grafik dargestellt.

Hier in Gelb markiert ist eine Veranstaltung, in Rot betroffene Straßenabschnitte und in Dunkelblau die gemessene Auswirkung. Weiterhin wurden Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens angewandt, um diese Auswirkungen zu prognostizieren. Dabei konnte der Fehler gegenüber bestehenden state-of-the-art Ansätzen um bis zu 40% verringert werden.
D4UM – Plattform V1 fertiggestellt
Die erste Version der Data4UrbanMobility Plattform wurde fertiggestellt. Dazu wurde zunächst eine 3-Schichten Architektur der Plattform konzipiert und implementiert. Die Plattform bietet RESTfull Webservices für Mobilitätsapplikationen wie Dashboard-Anwendungen oder Apps an. Als erste Beispielanwendung wurde dazu eine interaktive Karte entwickelt, die die Auswirkungen von Veranstaltungen visualisiert. Ein Ausschnitt aus der Anwendung ist im folgenden Screenshot zu sehen.

Zu sehen sind 4 Veranstaltungen in Hannover. Die Farben entsprechen dabei unterschiedlichen Veranstaltungsarten (etwa Konzerte, Messen, Fußballspiele). Die Kreise visualisieren die räumlichen Auswirkungen, die diese Veranstaltungen auf den Verkehr hatten.
Umfangreicher Anforderungskatalog
Die Data4UrbanMobility Anforderungsanalyse umfasst die Erfassung der Anforderungen der Anwendungspartner Region Hannover (RH) und Wolfsburg AG (WAG), sowie der nicht-funktionalen Anforderungen. Aus den Anforderungen der AnwendungspartnerInnen (RH und WAG), die von MOMA erhoben wurden, sind von L3S Forschungsfragen für die Datenanalyse abgeleitet worden, die sich speziell auf die Informationsbedürfnisse der AnwenderInnen beziehen und im weiteren Projektverlauf adressiert werden.
Die aktuelle Forschungsfragen adressieren insbesondere:
- Automatische Verifikation von Verkehrswarnmeldungen und Prognose von deren Auswirkungen.
- Identifikation von Veranstaltungen und Prognose verkehrsrelevanter Auswirkungen.
- Korrelation von IV-Reiseflussdaten, EFA-Querylogs, Warnmeldungen und Twitterfeeds.
- Bestimmung von optimalen Reisezeitpunkte.
Wachsende Datensammlung
Das ISU hat einen umfassende Datenmatrix mit potentiellen Quellen für mobilitätsrelevante Daten erstellt. Das von L3S entwickelte Data4UrbanMobility Datenmodell beschreibt alle projektrelevanten Daten und setzt diese in Verbindung um die Daten sowohl für die Analyse als auch für die Anwendungen und Apps einheitlich zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die ausgewählten Datenquellen sind von L3S in das Data4UrbanMobility Datenmodell überführt. Einige der Datenquellen wie EFA-logs, und IV-Daten sind dabei auf deren Qualität geprüft worden.
Um die Datenintegration zu ermöglichen sind Werkzeuge zur Extraktion der relevanten Daten aus Mobilitätsrelevanten Datenquellen entwickelt worden:
- Straßen- und Graphextraktion aus OpenStreetMap
- EFA-Anfragen Bulkloader für die Extraktion der ÖPNV Anfragen aus EFA Logs
- Integration von Daten aus dem Zentralen Haltestellen Verzeichnis (ZHV) inklusive Verknüpfung der Daten mit den EFA-Anfragen
Die aktuelle Datensammlung (Stand: 12 Dezember 2017) umfasst:
EFA-Logs: 17 Mio. Suchanfragen
IV-Daten: 174 Tsd. Straßen, alle 15 Minuten
GTFS-Daten: 90 Tsd. Haltestellen, 2,6 Tsd. Routen
Wetter: Radolan Regenraster
Twitter: 2,5 Mio. Tweets ab Juni 2017
OSM: 440 Tsd. Straßen
Events: 21 Tsd. Veranstaltungen (14.08.2016-17.07.2018)
Warnmeldungen: 13 Tsd. Warnmeldungen (ab 06.2017)
Visualisierungen der ÖPNV Informationen
Zur intuitiven Analyse von mobilitätsrelevanten Informationen, insbesondere von ÖPNV Informationen, wurde von den PROJEKTIONISTEN (PROJ) eine Dashboard-Webapplikation konzipiert. Erste Prototypen visualisieren Anfragen an das regionale Fahrplanauskunftsystem EFA ( und dienen als Ausgangsbasis für explorative Analysen und die Implementierung der produktiven Version des Dashboards. Im Folgenden ist eine im Dashboard integrierte Visualisierung der häufigsten Start- und Ziel-punkte zu sehen.

Analysen der EFA-Logs
Als erste Forschungsfrage wird aktuell die Analyse der Auswirkungen der Veranstaltungen auf dem ÖPNV mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens analysiert. Hierzu wurden in explorativen Datenanalysen der Einfluss von großen Veranstaltungen wie z.B. Fussballspielen und mittelgroßen Veranstaltungen, etwa Konzerte, auf Anfragen an den ÖPNV betrachtet. Als Grundlage für umfassende Analysen wurden mit Hilfe visueller Methoden exemplarisch Korrelation zwischen ÖPNV-Nachfrage und Veranstaltungszeiträumen detektiert.
Dabei zeichnen sich z.B. für Hannovers Innenstadt klare, sternförmige Muster ab, die zentrale Mobilitätsknoten identifizieren.

Das Bild stellt die Luftlinie zwischen Start- und Ziel-Ort der Anfragen dar. Dabei entsprechen dunklere Farben häufigeren Strecken. Hier werden deutlich Hannover Hauptbahnhof und Hannover Kröpcke (die zentrale U-Bahn Station) als Mobilitätsknoten identifiziert.
Analysen der Nachfrage für einzelne Stationen lassen wochentagspezifische Muster erkennen.

Hier dargestellt sind die durchschnittliche Anzahl der Anfragen mit der Ziel-Haltestelle “Hannover Stadionbrücke”. Zu erkennen sind vor allem Unterschiede zwischen Werktagen und dem Wochenende.
Auch der Einfluss von Veranstaltungen kann mit Hilfe der Anfragen visualisiert werden:

Dargestellt sind die Anzahl der Anfragen mit Ziel “Hannover Stadionbrücke” für Mittwoch, den 26.04.2017 (Orange) sowie die durchschnittlichen Anzahl von Anfragen, die mittwochs mit gleichem Ziel gestellt wird (Blau).
An diesem Tag fand in einer nahe gelegenen Konzerthalle ein Konzert statt, das um 20 Uhr begann. Die signifikante Abweichung zwischen 17 und 19 Uhr wurde sehr wahrscheinlich von den anreisenden Gästen verursacht wurde. Dies illustriert, dass Anfragen an den ÖPNV eine wertvolle Informationsquelle sein können, um Prognosen über die Auswirkung von Veranstaltungen auf Mobilität zu erstellen.
Time to nursing home admission and death in people with dementia: systematic review and meta-analysis. Brück, Chiara C; Mooldijk, Sanne S; Kuiper, Lieke M; Sambou, Muhammed L; Licher, Silvan; Mattace-Raso, Francesco; Wolters, Frank J (2025). e080636.
Breaking Immersion Barriers: Smartphone Viability in Asymmetric Virtual Collaboration. Merz, Christian; Latoschik, Marc Erich; Wienrich, Carolin (2025). 1–8.
As demand grows for cross-device collaboration in virtual environments, users increasingly join shared spaces on varying hardware ranging from head-mounted displays (HMDs) to everyday lower-immersion smartphones. This paper investigates smartphone-based participation compared with fully immersive VR in dyadic asymmetric interaction. One participant joins via an HMD, while the other uses a smartphone. Through a collaborative sorting task, we evaluate self-perception (presence, embodiment), other-perception (co-presence, social presence, avatar plausibility), and task-perception (task load, enjoyment). We compare our results with previous work that examined VR-VR and desktop-VR pairings. The results show that smartphone users report lower self-perception than VR users. However, other-perception remains comparable to immersive setups. Interestingly, smartphone participants experience lower mental demand. It appears that device familiarity and intuitive interfaces can compensate for reduced immersion. Overall, our work highlights the viability of smartphones for asymmetric interaction, offering high accessibility without impairing social interaction.
Disentangling CMB \($\mu$\) and \($y$\) spectral distortions from foregrounds with poorly defined spectral shapes. Mihalchenko, A. O.; Novikov, D. I. (2025).
Project 2025. Wikipedia (2025).
Lysenkoism. Wikipedia (2025).
Anti-intellectualism in american life. Frum, David (2025, March 16).
Conversational Agents: A Framework for Evaluation (CAFE) (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 24352) Bauer, Christine; Chen, Li; Ferro, Nicola; Fuhr, Norbert (2025).
This report documents the program and the outcomes of the Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 24352, "Conversational Agents: A Framework for Evaluation (CAFE)", which brought together 22 distinguished researchers and practitioners from 12 countries. In this workshop, a new framework for the evaluation of conversational information access systems was developed, consisting of six major components: 1) goals of the system’s stakeholders, 2) user tasks to be studied in the evaluation, 3) aspects of the users carrying out the tasks, 4) evaluation criteria to be considered, 5) evaluation methodology to be applied, and 6) measures for the quantitative criteria chosen. An evaluation design begins with identifying the stakeholders, whose goals determine the criteria. Tasks and evaluation methodology should be chosen according to these decisions.
Dynamics of Changes in Spatial Patterns of Built-Up Areas in Two Metropolitan Areas of Grand Lomé and Greater Accra (West Africa). Tossoukpe, Adjowa Yéwa; Dukiya, Jaiye; Folega, Fousseni; Thiel, Michael; Okhimamhe, Appollonia Aimiosino (2025). 9(84) 20.
Urbanization and population growth in West Africa have significantly altered land use and land cover (LULC), raising environmental concerns. This study examines urban land use patterns in the District Autonome du Grand Lomé (DAGL) and Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) from 1986 to 2023 and from 1991 to 2023, respectively, using geospatial techniques and the Google Earth Engine (GEE). Previous research has overlooked the complexity of land use patterns and the directional analysis of urban expansion, which are vital for understanding urbanization drivers. This study addresses these gaps by comparing the two metropolitan areas, revealing a dramatic decline in verdant landscapes, with forested areas in DAGL decreasing from 24% in 1986 to 3% by 2023, and from 34% in 1991 to 2% in GAMA. Grasslands also diminished significantly, while built-up areas expanded from 18% to 62% in DAGL and from 10% to 70% in GAMA. The Urban Expansion Intensity Index (UEII) indicates rapid urban growth, with DAGL at 1.19% and GAMA at 1.88%. Directional analyses reveal that urban expansion predominantly occurs toward the northwest in DAGL and both northeast and northwest in GAMA, highlighting the need for effective urban planning and land management to preserve natural landscapes amidst ongoing urbanization challenges.
Examining the influence of mental health and structural determinants of health on the stage of motivational readiness for health behaviour changes: A path analysis study. Gómez-Gómez, Irene; Rodero-Cosano, María Luisa; Bellón, Juan Á; Zabaleta-Del-Olmo, Edurne; Maderuelo-Fernandez, José A; Moreno-Peral, Patricia; Magallón-Botaya, Rosa; Oliván-Blázquez, Bárbara; Casajuana-Closas, Marc; López-Jiménez, Tomàs; Bolíbar, Bonaventura; Llobera, Joan; Clavería, Ana; Sanchez-Perez, Alvaro; Motrico, Emma (2025). 30(3) 470–485.
This study explores the influence of mental health and structural determinants of health on motivational readiness for health behaviour change in 1462 Spanish primary healthcare users. Chi-square test and structural equation modelling were performed. Results showed that depression and anxiety were negatively associated with being in the action stages of motivational readiness for a healthy diet and physical activity. This association was statistically significant only for motivational readiness for a healthy diet and depression (β = - 0.076; p = 0.046). Furthermore, women and workers were more likely to be in the action stages of motivational readiness for a healthy diet while older adults and adults with higher health-related quality of life were more likely to be in the action stages of motivational readiness for physical activity. The present study suggests that structural (being older, being a woman and being employed) and intermediary (suffering from depression and higher health-related quality of life) determinants of health influence motivational readiness for health behaviour changes.
Association between sociodemographic variables, healthy habits and stress with vascular age and SCORE2. López González, Ángel Arturo; Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio; Paublini, Hernán; Martorrel Sánchez, Cristina; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio (2025). 10.20960/nh.05629-.
INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases are a global public health concern due to their high morbidity, mortality, and prevalence. Numerous scales based on different risk factors have been used to assess cardiovascular risk (CVR). The aim of this study is to evaluate how various sociodemographic variables, healthy habits, and stress are associated with the values of two CVR scales. MATERIALS AND METHODS: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 22,976 Spanish workers, analyzing the association between sociodemographic variables (age, gender, socioeconomic status), healthy habits (smoking, alcohol consumption, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and physical activity), and stress with two CVR scales: vascular age (VA) and the Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation-2 (SCORE2). RESULTS: all the scales analyzed show an association with elevated VA and SCORE2 values. The variables with the strongest associations (highest odds ratios) are age, type of occupation, and smoking. CONCLUSIONS: the profile of individuals most at risk of having high VA and SCORE2 values is a male over 50 years old, belonging to lower socioeconomic strata (manual laborer), a smoker, a regular alcohol consumer, sedentary, with low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and high stress levels.
Association Between Mediterranean Diet and Other Healthy Habits and Sociodemographic Variables with the Values of Vascular and Heart Age in Spanish Workers. Montero Muñoz, Natalia; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; López-González, Ángel Arturo; Paublini, Hernán; Martorell Sánchez, Cristina; Marínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio (2025). 17(5) 903-.
Introduction: The assessment of cardiovascular risk has traditionally relied on validated scales designed to estimate the likelihood of experiencing a cardiovascular event within a specific timeframe. In recent years, novel methodologies have emerged, offering a more objective evaluation of this risk through indicators such as vascular age (VA) and heart age (HA). Objective: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between sociodemographic factors, lifestyle behaviors, and their impact on VA and HA. Materials and Methods: A dual study design, encompassing both cross-sectional and longitudinal retrospective approaches, was conducted among a cohort of employees. The variables assessed included sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex, and socioeconomic status) and health-related habits (smoking, physical activity, adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and alcohol consumption). Results: The findings revealed that all analyzed variables were significantly associated with elevated VA and HA values. Among these, age demonstrated the strongest association, with odds ratios (OR) of 114.91 (95% CI: 100.45-131.43) for high HA and 34.48 (95% CI: 31.41-37.56) for high VA. Conclusions: The profile of individuals most at risk for elevated VA and HA encompasses males of advanced age, characterized by low socioeconomic status, a sedentary lifestyle, poor adherence to the Mediterranean diet, and regular alcohol consumption.
I Hear, See, Speak & Do: Bringing Multimodal Information Processing to Intelligent Virtual Agents for Natural Human-AI Communication. Li, Ke; Mostajeran, Fariba; Rings, Sebastian; Kruse, Lucie; Schmidt, Susanne; Arz, Michael; Wolf, Erik; Steinicke, Frank (2025).
A Toolkit for Creating Intelligent Virtual Humans in Extended Reality. Mostajeran, Fariba; Li, Ki; Rings, Sebastian; Kruse, Lucie; Wolf, Erik; Schmidt, Susanne; Arz, Michael; Llobera, Joan; Nagorny, Pierre; Charbonnier, Caecilia; Fassold, Hannes; Alvarez, Xenxo; Tavares, André; Santos, Nuno; Orvalho, João; Fernández, Sergi; Steinicke, Frank (2025).
This paper introduces an initial implementation and a preliminary evaluation of a toolkit for providing Intelligent Virtual Humans in Extended Reality (XR) environments. These virtual humans may serve as avatars for users, known as Smart Avatars, or artificial agents, known as Intelligent Virtual Agents. The presented toolkit consists of five modules that contribute to producing realistic human-to-human and human-to-agent interactions in XR. The primary focus lies in enabling natural, multimodal communication and interaction through a range of expressive capabilities, including speech, facial expressions, gaze tracking, and full-body animations. By enhancing the realism and responsiveness of virtual humans, this paper strives to facilitate their use in a variety of metaverse applications.
Do You Feel Better? The Impact of Embodying Photorealistic Avatars with Ideal Body Weight on Attractiveness and Self-Esteem in Virtual Reality. Holderrieth, Lena; Wolf, Erik; Fiedler, Marie Luisa; Botsch, Mario; Latoschik, Marc Erich; Wienrich, Carolin (2025).
Body weight issues can manifest in low self-esteem through a negative body image or the feeling of unattractiveness. To explore potential interventions, the pilot study examined whether embodying a photorealistically personalized avatar with enhanced attractiveness affects self-esteem. Participants in the manipulation group adjusted their avatar's body weight to their self-defined ideal, while a control group used unmodified avatars. To confirm the manipulation, we measured the perceived avatars' attractiveness. Results showed that participants found avatars at their ideal weight significantly more attractive, confirming an effective manipulation. Further, the ideal weight group showed a clear trend towards higher self-esteem post-exposure.
Mitigation needed to avoid unprecedented multi-decadal North Atlantic Oscillation magnitude. Smith, D. M.; Dunstone, N. J.; Eade, R.; Hardiman, S. C.; Hermanson, L.; Scaife, A. A.; Seabrook, M. (2025).
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) dominates winters in Western Europe and eastern North America. Future climate model projections of the NAO are highly uncertain due to both modelled irreducible internal variability and different model responses. Here we show that some of the model spread in multi-decadal NAO simulations is caused by climatological water vapour errors, and develop an emergent constraint that reveals a substantial response of the NAO to volcanic eruptions and greenhouse gases (GHGs). Taking account of the signal-to-noise paradox apparent in these simulations suggests that under the high-emissions scenario the multi-decadal NAO will increase to unprecedented levels that will likely cause severe impacts, including increased flooding and storm damage. This can be avoided through mitigation to reduce GHG emissions. Our results suggest that taking model projections at face value and seeking consensus could leave society unprepared for impending extremes.
Association of State Cannabis Legalization With Cannabis Use Disorder and Cannabis Poisoning. Jayawardhana, Jayani; Hou, Jialin; Freeman, Patricia; Talbert, Jeffery C. (2025). 82(3) 228.
Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz im B2B Customer-Relationship-Management: Identifikation von Herausforderungen und Einsatzpotenzialen in produzierenden kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Fili, Jana; Alt, Daniel; Katzenberger, Luisa-Simone Karin; Christoph, Simon; Piazza, Alexander (2025). 62(1) 134–152.
In einer zunehmend herausfordernden Geschäftsumgebung besteht für kleine und mittlere Business-to-Business Unternehmen die Herausforderung, ihre Geschäftsprozesse und die unternehmensweiten Anwendungssysteme entsprechend der Technologielandschaft anzupassen, um konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben. Der zielgerichtete Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz birgt das Potenzial für Effizienzsteigerung und Unterstützung in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen, darunter auch Marketing und Vertrieb. Trotz der zunehmenden Bedeutung von Künstlicher Intelligenz bleibt der Einsatz in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen oft zögerlich. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist die Herleitung eines ganzheitlichen Ansatzes für eine mit KI-Werkzeugen unterstützte Customer Journey. Diese Arbeit untersucht dafür speziell den potenziellen Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Kundenkommunikation von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen im produzierenden B2B-Sektor. Basierend auf zehn leitfadenorientierten qualitativen Interviews mit Praktikern aus produzierenden B2B-KMU werden deren spezifische Herausforderungen in der Kundenkommunikation identifiziert und der Einsatz von KI als potenzielle Lösung geprüft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Einsatz von KI in der Kundenkommunikation produzierender B2B-KMU Potenzial birgt, um bestehende Herausforderungen zu mindern, wobei die Einsatzmöglichkeiten je nach Datenverfügbarkeit variieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit trägt dazu bei, produzierenden B2B-KMU aufzuzeigen, wie sie Künstliche Intelligenz einsetzen können, um ihre Herausforderungen zu bewältigen und die Kundenkommunikation zu optimieren.
Barriers to Deprescribing Benzodiazepines in Older Adults in a Survey of European Physicians. Shapoval, Vladyslav; de Saint Hubert, Marie; Evrard, Perrine; Sibille, François-Xavier; Aubert, Carole E.; Bolt, Lucy; Tsoutsi, Vagioula; Kollia, Pinelopi; Salvà, Antoni; Miralles, Ramon; Wichniak, Adam; Gustavsson, Katarzyna; Bruun Wyller, Torgeir; Callegari, Enrico; Grimshaw, Jeremy M.; Presseau, Justin; Henrard, Séverine; Spinewine, Anne (2025). 8(3) e2459883.
Prevalence of Depression and Anxiety Among Adults With Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Aaron, Rachel V.; Ravyts, Scott G.; Carnahan, Nicolette D.; Bhattiprolu, Kavya; Harte, Nicole; McCaulley, Claire C.; Vitalicia, Lauren; Rogers, Alexandria B.; Wegener, Stephen T.; Dudeney, Joanne (2025). 8(3) e250268.
Drug-Induced Cognitive Impairment. Reimers, Arne; Odin, Per; Ljung, Hanna (2025). 48(4) 339–361.
Leveraging Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Adverse Drug Event Detection in Electronic Health/Medical Records: A Scoping Review. Golder, Su; Xu, Dongfang; O’Connor, Karen; Wang, Yunwen; Batra, Mahak; Hernandez, Graciela Gonzalez (2025). 48(4) 321–337.
Call to action: Pharmaceutical residues in the environment: threats to ecosystems and human health. Lunghi, Carlotta; Valetto, Maria Rosa; Caracciolo, Anna Barra; Bramke, Irene; Caroli, Sergio; Bottoni, Paola; Castiglioni, Sara; Crisafulli, Salvatore; Cuzzolin, Laura; Deambrosis, Paola; Giunchi, Valentina; Grisotto, Jacopo; Marcomini, Antonio; Moretti, Ugo; Murgia, Vitalia; Pandit, Jayesh; Polesello, Stefano; Poluzzi, Elisabetta; Romizi, Roberto; Scarpa, Nicoletta; Scroccaro, Giovanna; Sorrentino, Raffaella; Sundström, Anders; Wilkinson, John; Paolone, Giovanna (2025). 48(4) 315–320.
Direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy and person-years of life lost with and without disability: A systematic analysis for 18 European countries, 2020–2022. Ahmadi-Abhari, Sara; Bandosz, Piotr; Shipley, Martin J.; Lindbohm, Joni V.; Dehghan, Abbas; Elliott, Paul; Kivimaki, Mika (M. E. E. Kretzschmar, ed.) (2025). 22(3) e1004541.
Exploring medical students’ preferences and challenges in clinical pharmacology education: insights and improvement strategies. Tobaiqy, Mansour (2025). 25(1)
Global and European landscape of major hypertension guidelines. McCarthy, Cian P; Bruno, Rosa Maria; Rahimi, Kazem; Touyz, Rhian M; McEvoy, John W (2025). 405(10482) 874–876.
Ontolearn---A Framework for Large-scale OWL Class Expression Learning in Python. Demir, Caglar; Baci, Alkid; Kouagou, N’Dah Jean; Sieger, Leonie Nora; Heindorf, Stefan; Bin, Simon; Blübaum, Lukas; Bigerl, Alexander; Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille (2025).
Direct oral anticoagulants versus no anticoagulation for the prevention of stroke in survivors of intracerebral haemorrhage with atrial fibrillation (PRESTIGE-AF): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial. Veltkamp, Roland; Korompoki, Eleni; Harvey, Kirsten H; Harvey, Emily R; Fießler, Cornelia; Malzahn, Uwe; Rücker, Viktoria; Montaner, Joan; Caso, Valeria; Sibon, Igor; Ringleb, Peter; Halse, Omid; Hügen, Klemens; Ullmann, Sabine; Schuhmann, Carolin; Todd, Gabriele Putz; Haas, Kirsten; Palà, Elena; Debette, Stéphanie; Lachaize, Morgane; D’Aoust, Tim; Enzinger, Christian; Ropele, Stefan; Fandler-Höfler, Simon; Haidegger, Melanie; Wang, Yanzhong; Wafa, Hatem A; Cancelloni, Virginia; Mosconi, Maria Giulia; Lip, Gregory Y H; Lane, Deirdre A; Haefeli, Walter E; Foerster, Kathrin I; Wurmbach, Viktoria S; Nielsen, Peter Brønnum; Hajjar, Karim; Müller, Patrick; Poli, Sven; Purrucker, Jan; Laible, Mona; D’Anna, Lucio; Silva, Yolanda; de Torres Chacon, Reyes; Martínez-Sánchez, Patricia; Boulanger, Marion; Norrving, Bo; Paré, Guillaume; Wachter, Rolf; Ntaios, George; Wolfe, Charles D A; Heuschmann, Peter U; Naegel, Steffen; Doering, Rebecca; Mbroh, Joshua; Perez Sanchez, Soledad; Amaya Pascasio, Laura; Graziani, Mara; Terceño, Mikel; Breunig, Silke; Althaus, Katharina; Bouchart, Jean; Cenciarelli, Silvia; Picchioni, Antonella; Renou, Pauline; Cabezas, Juan Antonio; Karunatilake, Dumin; Singh, Nishi; Kallmünzer, Bernd; Macha, Kosmas; Hamann, Gerhard; Alber, Burkhard; Weber, Jörg; Seiler, Stephan; Mazzoli, Tatiana; Marsili, Erica; Longoni, Marco; Romoli, Michele; Datta, Prabal; Zahoor, Tajammal; Omojowolo, Olubunmi; Warwick, Allison; Cardona Portela, Pere; Quesada García, Helena; Haeusler, Karl Georg; Hametner, Christian; Weissenborn, Karin; Jochmann, Svenja Laura; Reimann, Gernot; Heiss, Eva; Juenemann, Martin; Gerner, Stefan; Candelaresi, Paolo; Andreone, Vincenzo; Bhandari, Mohit; Lei, Linda yik ping; Soda, Hassan; Hiermann, Erich; Wolf, Marc; Bäzner, Hansjörg; Kleffner, Ilka; Schneider, Hauke; Zickler, Philipp; Arenillas, Juan; Ramos-Araque, María Esther; Khadjooi, Kayvan; Punjabi Varyani, Puja; Rayessa, Rayessa; Esisi, Bernard; Nevajda, Branimir; Amin, Jigisha; Garside, Mark; Riddell, Victoria; Royl, Georg; Riebau, Susanne; Berrouschot, Jörg; Riedel-Stoll, Anett; Nabavi, Darius; Dimitrijeski, Boris; Gliem, Michael; Lee, John-Ih; Oberndorfer, Stefan; Angelmayr, Carmen; Molina, Carlos; Rodriguez-Luna, David; Ramos, Carmen; Vivancos, Jose; Corea, Francesco; Acciarresi, Monica; Ankolekar, Sandeep; Tibajia, Maria; Chatterjee, Kausik; Leason, Sandra; Schiefer, Johannes; Stetefeld, Henning Robert; Onur, Özgür Abdullah; Schaefer, Jan Hendrik; Kohlhase, Konstantin; Schellinger, Peter; Philipps, Joerg; Michalski, Dominik; Pelz, Johann; Puetz, Volker; Barlinn, Kristian; Eggers, Carsten; Klockziem, Matti; Staykov, Dimitre; Schrammel, Daniel; Rodríguez Castro, Emilio; Gomis, Meritxell; Martínez Sánchez, Marina; Tassi, Rossana; Damiano, Bruno; Marcheselli, Simona; Fratticci, Lara; Pezzella, Francesca Romana; Bonura, Adriano; Zedde, Marialuisa; Grisendi, Ilaria; Del Sette, Massimo; Sassos, Davide; Störk, Stefan; Rocco, Andrea; Weimar, Christian; Urra, Xabier; Gomez-Choco, Manuel; Pasi, Marco; Brinz, Hannes; Schmitt, Sabrina; List-Schleich, Margit; Gattringer, Thomas; Pinter, Daniela; Tang, Dongfeng; Penalba, Anna; Lamana-Vallverdu, Marcel; Guaman-Pilco, Daisy; Milan, Léa; Hyves, Kelly; Conhoc, Johanna; Michel, Pascale; Ledure, Sylvain; Heyvang, Nathalie; Donnadieu, Léa; Marchini, Laura; Koehler, Bianca Emanuela; Horstmann, Solveig; Haffa, Mariam; Klein, Sabrina; Taylor, Lenka; Hoppe-Tichy, Torsten; Marquart, Claudia; Seidling, Hanna; Burhenne, Jürgen; Ivany, Elena; Lotto, Robyn (2025). 405(10482) 927–936.
Earth observations reveal impacts of climate variability on maize cropping systems in sub-Saharan Africa. Liepa, Adomas; Thiel, Michael; Taubenböck, Hannes; Klein, Doris; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolft; Peters, Marcell K.; Schönbrodt-Stitt, Sarah; Otte, Insa; Landmann, Tobias; Khan, Zeyaur R.; Obondo, Michael Ochieng; Chidawanyika, Frank; Martin, Emily A.; Ullmann, Tobiasa (2025). 62(1) 19.
In Kenya, climate variability and change threaten smallholder, rainfed farms, with crop failures, yield reductions, and pest infestations. Efficient agroecological strategies, such as Push-Pull intercropping, offer documented benefits including pest control, improved soil fertility, and water conservation compared to traditional maize monocropping. To date, no studies exist comparing traditional maize monocropping and Push-Pull intercropping using earth observation tools over several growing seasons in East Africa. Our research addresses this by harmonizing Landsat 7, 8, 9 with Sentinel-2 remote sensing time series from 2016 to 2023. Phenological metrics of 15 growing seasons are extracted based on a threshold method using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as a vegetation proxy. Field data from 58 sites in southwestern Kenya provided training for this analysis, revealing detectable inter-class differences. Notably, Push-Pull intercrop fields showed greater resilience during biotic stress events, such as the locust outbreak in 2020 short rainy season and the fall armyworm infestation in combination with delayed and below-average rainfall during the short 2021 and the long 2022 growing seasons. Higher maximum NDVI and extended season duration indicated a higher resilience of Push-Pull farming under unfavorable agricultural conditions. Short growing seasons with unfavorable conditions showed earlier end of seasons in both systems, whereas long growing seasons with unfavorable conditions caused delayed onset and end of seasons. This study marks the first attempt to leverage earth observation data to compare traditional maize agriculture with agricultural systems featuring applied ecological management strategies, showcasing the potential of earth observation tools to monitor and evaluate agroecological resilience.
Expression of elongase- and desaturase-encoding genes shapes the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of honey bees. Rodriguez-León, Daniel Sebastián; Schmitt, Thomas; Pinto, Maria Alice; Thammn, Markus; Scheiner, Ricarda (2025). 6 e17716.
Most terrestrial insects have a layer of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) protecting them from desiccation and mediating chemical communication. The composition of these hydrocarbons is highly plastic and changes during their lifetime and with environmental conditions. How these changes in CHC composition are achieved is largely unknown. CHC profiles of Apis mellifera honey bees vary among castes, task groups and subspecies adapted to different climates. This makes A. mellifera an excellent model for studying the molecular mechanism underlying CHC biosynthesis. We correlated the expression of specific elongase- and desaturase-encoding genes with the CHC composition in bees performing different social tasks in two highly divergent A. mellifera subspecies. Elongases are enzymes that lengthen the hydrocarbon chain, while desaturases introduce double bonds in it. We evaluated the hypothesis that the expression of the genes encoding these enzymes determines CHC profiles of the worker bees. Our results revealed that the specificity of desaturases and elongases shapes the CHC profiles of worker bees performing different social tasks. Expression of the desaturase-encoding gene LOC100576797 and the elongase-encoding gene LOC550828 seemed to be strongly associated with the abundance of compounds that were characteristic of the CHC profile of nurse bees. In contrast, the compounds that characterised the CHC profiles of the forager bees seemed to be associated with the desaturase-encoding gene LOC551527 and the elongase-encoding gene LOC409638. Our data shed light on the genetic basis for task-specific CHC composition differences in social hymenopterans and paved the ground for unravelling the genetic underpinning of CHC biosynthesis.
Regularized origin ensemble with a beam prior for range verification in particle therapy with Compton-camera data. Kasprzak, Jona; Roser, Jorge; Werner, Julius; Kohlhase, Nadja; Bolke, Andreas; Kaufmann, Lisa-Marie; Rafecas, Magdalena (2025).
Probabilistic weather forecasting with machine learning. Price, Ilan; Sanchez-Gonzalez, Alvaro; Alet, Ferran; Andersson, Tom R.; El-Kadi, Andrew; Masters, Dominic; Ewalds, Timo; Stott, Jacklynn; Mohamed, Shakir; Battaglia, Peter; Lam, Remi; Willson, Matthew (2025). 637(8044) 84–90.
Weather forecasts are fundamentally uncertain, so predicting the range of probable weather scenarios is crucial for important decisions, from warning the public about hazardous weather to planning renewable energy use. Traditionally, weather forecasts have been based on numerical weather prediction (NWP)1, which relies on physics-based simulations of the atmosphere. Recent advances in machine learning (ML)-based weather prediction (MLWP) have produced ML-based models with less forecast error than single NWP simulations2,3. However, these advances have focused primarily on single, deterministic forecasts that fail to represent uncertainty and estimate risk. Overall, MLWP has remained less accurate and reliable than state-of-the-art NWP ensemble forecasts. Here we introduce GenCast, a probabilistic weather model with greater skill and speed than the top operational medium-range weather forecast in the world, ENS, the ensemble forecast of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts4. GenCast is an ML weather prediction method, trained on decades of reanalysis data. GenCast generates an ensemble of stochastic 15-day global forecasts, at 12-h steps and 0.25textdegree latitude--longitude resolution, for more than 80 surface and atmospheric variables, in 8thinspacemin. It has greater skill than ENS on 97.2% of 1,320 targets we evaluated and better predicts extreme weather, tropical cyclone tracks and wind power production. This work helps open the next chapter in operational weather forecasting, in which crucial weather-dependent decisions are made more accurately and efficiently.
Disentangling CMB \($\mu$\) and \($y$\) spectral distortions from foregrounds with poorly defined spectral shapes. Mihalchenko, A. O.; Novikov, D. I. (2025).
Cacao grafting increases crop yield without compromising biodiversity. Ocampo‐Ariza, Carolina; Müller, Sophie; Yovera, Fredy; Thomas, Evert; Vansynghel, Justine; Maas, Bea; Steffan‐Dewenter, Ingolf; Tscharntke, Teja (2025). 62(3) 579–592.
Publizieren im Feedback-Loop. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Analyse des Nutzungsverhaltens bei digitalen Editionen. Esch, Claudia; Pia, Hofman; Jana, Klinger; Torsten, Roeder; Christian, Reul; Yannik, Herbst (2025, February).
The Chicago Carnegie Hubble Program: Improving the Calibration of SNe Ia with JWST Measurements of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch. Hoyt, Taylor J.; Jang, In Sung; Freedman, Wendy L.; Madore, Barry F.; Owens, Kayla A.; Lee, Abigail J. (2025).
Impact of refined oceanic model resolution on the simulation of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in LICOM3. Wang, Xiaowei; Yu, Yongqiang; Yu, Zipeng; Lin, Pengfei (2025). 100615.
Impact of Greenland Ice Sheet disintegration on atmosphere and ocean disentangled. Andernach, M.; Kapsch, M.-L.; Mikolajewicz, U. (2025). 16(2) 451–474.
Atal Pension Yojana: A Comprehensive Guide to India’s Retirement Scheme. Domshat (Domshat, ed.) (2025).
Reflective Design Theorizing with User Interviews: A Case Study for AI Energy Labels. van der Staay, Alexander; Fischer, Raphael; Wischnewski, Magdalena; Poitz, Katharina; Janiesch, Christian (2025).
Interactive Explainable Intelligent Systems: Requirements, Design Principles, and Prototypical Implementation. Speckmann, Pauline; Nadj, Mario; Janiesch, Christian (2025).
A Novel Cluster Head Selection Algorithm to Maximize Wireless Sensor Network Lifespan. Alauthman, Almamoon; Nik, Wan NorShuhadah Wan in Extraction des Connaissances et Apprentissage, N. Meghanathan (ed.) (2025). (Vol. 17) 121–132.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are crucial for various applications such as environmental monitoring, industrial automation, and healthcare. However, the constrained energy resources of sensor nodes have a substantial effect on the longevity and performance of these networks. To address this issue, this paper introduces the Optimized Energy Efficient algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks through Cluster Head Selection Using Residual Energy and Distance Metrics together. The study offers a new approach to selecting cluster heads by combining residual energy and distance metrics. The proposed algorithm called modified intelligent energy efficiency cluster algorithm (MIEEC-A), that enhances WSN energy efficiency by choosing nodes with high residual energy and close proximity to their neighbours as cluster heads. Extensive simulations and evaluations show that this approach effectively extends network lifetime, improves data aggregation, and boosts energy efficiency, thus making a valuable contribution to WSN lifetime.
Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction. Fischer, Elisabeth; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas; Schlör, Daniel (2025).
Analyzing sequences of interactions between users and items, sequential recommendation models can learn user intent and make predictions about the next item. Next to item interactions, most systems also have interactions with what we call non-item pages: these pages are not related to specific items but still can provide insights into the user’s interests, as, for example, navigation pages. We therefore propose a general way to include these non-item pages in sequential recommendation models to enhance next-item prediction. First, we demonstrate the influence of non-item pages on following interactions using the hypotheses testing framework HypTrails and propose methods for representing non-item pages in sequential recommendation models. Subsequently, we adapt popular sequential recommender models to integrate non-item pages and investigate their performance with different item representation strategies as well as their ability to handle noisy data. To show the general capabilities of the models to integrate non-item pages, we create a synthetic dataset for a controlled setting and then evaluate the improvements from including non-item pages on two real-world datasets. Our results show that non-item pages are a valuable source of information, and incorporating them in sequential recommendation models increases the performance of next-item prediction across all analyzed model architectures.
Advances and Challenges in the Automatic Identification of Indirect Quotations in Scholarly Texts and Literary Works. Arnold, Frederik; Jäschke, Robert; Kraut, Philip (2025).
Probiotics and Fever Duration in Children With Upper Respiratory Tract Infections: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Bettocchi, Silvia; Comotti, Anna; Elli, Marina; De Cosmi, Valentina; Berti, Cristiana; Alberti, Ilaria; Mazzocchi, Alessandra; Rosazza, Chiara; Agostoni, Carlo; Milani, Gregorio Paolo (2025). 8(3) e250669.
Bleeding Risks With Non–Vitamin K Oral Anticoagulants Versus Single Antiplatelet Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Trials. Wang, Michael Ke; Baskaran, Geethan; Razeghi, Ghazal; Ma, Richard; Park, Louis S.; Tannu, Manasi; Devereaux, P.J.; McIntyre, William F.; Healey, Jeff S.; Shoamanesh, Ashkan; Conen, David (2025). 178(3) 360–368.
Continuous Earth Observation of Forest Dynamics and Biodiversity. Herbst, Nikolas; Kortmann, Mareike; Jaggy, Niklas; Thonfeld, Frank; Abad, Christina; Künzer, Claudia; Müller, Jörg; Kounev, Samuel (2025).
The Chicago Carnegie Hubble Program: Improving the Calibration of SNe Ia with JWST Measurements of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch. Hoyt, Taylor J.; Jang, In Sung; Freedman, Wendy L.; Madore, Barry F.; Owens, Kayla A.; Lee, Abigail J. (2025).
Exploring Design Choices for Autoregressive Deep Learning Climate Models. Gallusser, Florian; Hentschel, Simon; Krause, Anna; Hotho, Andreas (2025).
ANTS: Abstractive Entity Summarization in Knowledge Graphs. Firmansyah, Asep Fajar; Zahera, Hamada; Sherif, Mohamed Ahmed; and Moussallem, Diego; Ngonga Ngomo, Axel-Cyrille (2025).
RLFuzz: Accelerating Hardware Fuzzing with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Götz, Raphael; Sendner, Christoph; Ruck, Nico; Rostami, Mohamadreza; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza (2025).
AI-Driven Test Case Optimization: Enhancing Efficiency in Software Testing Life Cycle. Ali, K M Yaqub; Akter, Sumi in Extraction des Connaissances et Apprentissage, D. Hérin, D. A. Zighed (eds.) (2024). (Vol. 1) 387–392.
ALA report reveals unprecedented surge of book bans in 2023, threatening free expression. Authors Guild, The (2024).
The Authors Guild joins the American Library Association (ALA) in its dismay over the record number of book bans in 2023. The ALA’s report issued today shows that the number of titles targeted for censorship surged 65 percent in 2023 as compared […]
ALA Report Reveals Unprecedented Surge of Book Bans in 2023, Threatening Free Expression. Guild, The Authors (2024).
You’ll never guess who lives down the road. Express, Midland (2024).
This month features renowned author Carmel Bird who has written 11 novels, nine collections, seven anthologies, seven non-fiction works and four children’s books. Her books on writing are widely used in universities, three of her novels have been short-listed for the Miles Franklin Award, and in 2021 Carmel won the Patrick White Award for Literature. Carmel talks to the Express about her studies, her incredible writing and teaching career, and her travels. Carmel, an avid reader and writer since she was a young child living in Launceston, had her first foray into the limelight via her school and university magazines, but when she moved to Melbourne in the early 60s, she ventured a little further, sending her short story ‘The Scream at Midnight’ to the Women’s Weekly.
Arabella Bird, Carmel (2024). Treasure Street.
Indoor Scene Change Understanding (SCU): Segment, Describe, and Revert Any Change. Khan, Mariia; Qiu, Yue; Cong, Yuren; Rosenhahn, Bodo; Suter, David; Abu-Khalaf, Jumana (2024).
Physical knowledge improves prediction of EM Fields. Dulny, Andrzej; Jabbarigargari, Farzad; Hotho, Andreas; Schreiber, Laura Maria; Terekhov, Maxim; Krause, Anna C. Coelho, B. Zimmering, M. F. P. Costa, L. L. Ferrás, O. Niggemann (eds.) (2024).
A Foundation Model for the Earth System. Bodnar, Cristian; Bruinsma, Wessel P.; Lucic, Ana; Stanley, Megan; Vaughan, Anna; Brandstetter, Johannes; Garvan, Patrick; Riechert, Maik; Weyn, Jonathan A.; Dong, Haiyu; Gupta, Jayesh K.; Thambiratnam, Kit; Archibald, Alexander T.; Wu, Chun-Chieh; Heider, Elizabeth; Welling, Max; Turner, Richard E.; Perdikaris, Paris (2024).
Bayesian Inference for Composition of Hypotheses in Sequential Data. Technical Report (Master thesis), Levermann, Max Johann PhD thesis, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Professur für Inverse Probleme. (2024, September 28).
(In)visible by Design: An Analysis of a Domestic Labor Platform. Gruszka, Katarzyna; Pillinger, Anna; Gerold, Stefanie; Theine, Hendrik (2024).
Abstract Introduction Platform Labor and Invisibility Research Context, Data, and Methods Unpacking (In)visibility Dynamics: Findings and Discussion Conclusion Ethical approval and informed consent statements Declaration of conflicting interests Funding ORCID iDs Footnotes Data availability statement References PDF/EPUB Cite article Share options Information, rights and permissions Metrics and citations Figures and tables Abstract Since the rise of platform labor, food delivery, and ride hailing workers have become a visible part of cityscapes, unlike platform workers in the domestic sector. The invisibilization and economic devaluation of reproductive tasks, especially in the private sphere, has a long history.Although platforms are not likely to yield a radical transformation in this sector, qualitative changes concerning the invisibility of work outsourced by households can be observed. In this contribution, we draw from the analytical framework of (in)visibility of/in platform-mediated work and map it against our research findings on a key platform in domestic cleaning in Europe, including netnographic data and interviews with workers and clients. Using the framework as a heuristic tool leads us to a more nuanced understanding of (in)visibility in platform-mediated cleaning in perceptible, institutional, and individual terms. Moreover, we argue that the interrelations between these three layers of (in)visibility offer novel insights for making sense of worker organizing and collective action, the practices related to leaving the platform, and the issue of workers’ occupational identity of domestic cleaners. As such, the study contributes to the current debates on platform labor and domestic work, including the value-visibility relation and the role of digital platforms therein.
Enhancing Multi-objective Optimisation Through Machine Learning-Supported Multiphysics Simulation. Botache, Diego; Decke, Jens; Ripken, Winfried; Dornipati, Abhinay; Götz-Hahn, Franz; Ayeb, Mohamed; Sick, Bernhard (2024). 297–312.
This paper presents a methodological framework for training, self-optimising, and self-organising surrogate models to approximate and speed up multiobjective optimisation of technical systems based on multiphysics simulations. At the hand of two real-world datasets, we illustrate that surrogate models can be trained on relatively small amounts of data to approximate the underlying simulations accurately. Including explainable AI techniques allow for highlighting feature relevancy or dependencies and supporting the possible extension of the used datasets. One of the datasets was created for this paper and is made publicly available for the broader scientific community. Extensive experiments combine four machine learning and deep learning algorithms with an evolutionary optimisation algorithm. The performance of the combined training and optimisation pipeline is evaluated by verifying the generated Pareto-optimal results using the ground truth simulations. The results from our pipeline and a comprehensive evaluation strategy show the potential for efficiently acquiring solution candidates in multiobjective optimisation tasks by reducing the number of simulations and conserving a higher prediction accuracy, i.e., with a MAPE score under 5% for one of the presented use cases.
Literarische Mündlichkeit und ihre Übersetzung: Bairisch auf Spanisch in Thomas Manns Buddenbrooks. Christl, Joachim (2024). 5 147–206.
Physical knowledge improves prediction of EM Fields. Dulny, Andrzej; Jabbarigargari, Farzad; Hotho, Andreas; Schreiber, Laura Maria; Terekhov, Maxim; Krause, Anna C. Coelho, B. Zimmering, M. F. P. Costa, L. L. Ferrás, O. Niggemann (eds.) (2024).
A machine learning model that outperforms conventional global subseasonal forecast models. Chen, Lei; Zhong, Xiaohui; Li, Hao; Wu, Jie; Lu, Bo; Chen, Deliang; Xie, Shang-Ping; Wu, Libo; Chao, Qingchen; Lin, Chensen; Hu, Zixin; Qi, Yuan (2024). 15(1) 6425.
Skillful subseasonal forecasts are crucial for various sectors of society but pose a grand scientific challenge. Recently, machine learning-based weather forecasting models outperform the most successful numerical weather predictions generated by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), but have not yet surpassed conventional models at subseasonal timescales. This paper introduces FuXi Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (FuXi-S2S), a machine learning model that provides global daily mean forecasts up to 42 days, encompassing five upper-air atmospheric variables at 13 pressure levels and 11 surface variables. FuXi-S2S, trained on 72 years of daily statistics from ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis data, outperforms the ECMWF's state-of-the-art Subseasonal-to-Seasonal model in ensemble mean and ensemble forecasts for total precipitation and outgoing longwave radiation, notably enhancing global precipitation forecast. The improved performance of FuXi-S2S can be primarily attributed to its superior capability to capture forecast uncertainty and accurately predict the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), extending the skillful MJO prediction from 30 days to 36 days. Moreover, FuXi-S2S not only captures realistic teleconnections associated with the MJO but also emerges as a valuable tool for discovering precursor signals, offering researchers insights and potentially establishing a new paradigm in Earth system science research.
FengWu-W2S: A deep learning model for seamless weather-to-subseasonal forecast of global atmosphere. Ling, Fenghua; Chen, Kang; Wu, Jiye; Han, Tao; Luo, Jing-Jia; Ouyang, Wanli; Bai, Lei (2024).
Advances and prospects of deep learning for medium-range extreme weather forecasting. Olivetti, L.; Messori, G. (2024). 17(6) 2347–2358.
Generative AI for Banks: Benchmarks and Algorithms for Synthetic Financial Transaction Data. Karst, Fabian Sven; Chong, Sook-Yee; Antenor, Abigail A.; Lin, Enyu; Li, Mahei Manhai; Leimeister, Jan Marco (2024).
The banking sector faces challenges in using deep learning due to data sensitivity and regulatory constraints, but generative AI may offer a solution. Thus, this study identifies effective algorithms for generating synthetic financial transaction data and evaluates five leading models - Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Networks (CTGAN), DoppelGANger (DGAN), Wasserstein GAN, Financial Diffusion (FinDiff), and Tabular Variational AutoEncoders (TVAE) - across five criteria: fidelity, synthesis quality, efficiency, privacy, and graph structure. While none of the algorithms is able to replicate the real data's graph structure, each excels in specific areas: DGAN is ideal for privacy-sensitive tasks, FinDiff and TVAE excel in data replication and augmentation, and CTGAN achieves a balance across all five criteria, making it suitable for general applications with moderate privacy concerns. As a result, our findings offer valuable insights for choosing the most suitable algorithm.
Populist ideology, ideological attitudes, and anti-immigration attitudes as an integrated system of beliefs. Pellegrini, Valerio (2023). 18(1) 1–32.
A challenge for the identification of the core components of a beliefs system is the topological examination of these components within the overall structure of the said system. By modeling beliefs as nodes of interconnected networks, this research investigated the centrality of adherence to populist ideology and classical ideological attitudes in relation to voting behavior and negative feelings toward immigrants. Data from a sample of 774 Italian adults were examined by means of three Network Analysis models. Results showed four constitutive dimensions of populist ideology: People Sovereignty, Anti-elitism, People Homogeneity, and Manichaeism. The dimensions of Anti-elitism, People Sovereignty and Homogeneity were found to be the core. Analyses also highlighted the centrality of right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) and social dominance orientation (SDO) within the broader beliefs system, including voting, populist ideology dimensions, and anti-immigration. RWA was positively related to the core of populist ideology, whilst SDO was negatively associated with or unrelated to it. However, both RWA and SDO exceeded populist dimensions when associated with populist right-wing voting, representing the unique intermediate links in connecting it with anti-immigration. Five Star Movement voting emerged as a purer form of populist support, relating directly only to populist dimensions and placing itself at a greater distance from ideological attitudes and anti-immigration.
Threats to American Democracy Ahead of an Unprecedented Presidential Election. PRRI (2023).
Almost all orbits of the Collatz map attain almost bounded values. Tao, Terence (2022).
Književnoumjetnička djela u okviru folksonomija i tradicionalnih knjižničnih sustava za sadržajno označivanje. Lončarić, Tihana (2021). 64(2) 133–164.
WEB-BASED IRRIGATION MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM. Nafutali, Wodadaya in Extraction des Connaissances et Apprentissage, W. Nafutali (ed.) (2021). (Vol. 11) 1–8.
In Uganda, as well as other developing countries, the increasing population stimulates the agricultural-related activities such as irrigation. Irrigation is basically done by humans and generally requires exhaustive physical efforts and involves exposure to errors during irrigation. Despite the advances in the irrigation and its wide spreading applications, irrigation remains majorly manual. Since irrigating is a difficult process especially when irrigating a big piece of land, it is necessary to simplify the process, thus web based system in irrigating was introduced and existing implementations have limitations such as irrigating at wrong hours, continued wastage of water, so prevent all this, a new system that uses a web control to remotely irrigate from a distance has been developed ,therefore main objective of this project is to design and develop a web based irrigation monitoring and control system since it is observed that this method is more reliable and efficient compared to the existing methods. The developed system is able to automatically receive the moisture levels from the field, responds to the different commands sent by the user to do the irrigation and the user is also able to switch on and off the pump.
Književnoumjetnička djela u okviru folksonomija i tradicionalnih knjižničnih sustava za sadržajno označivanje. Lončarić, Tihana (2021). 64(2) 133–164.
Backlash Against Globalisation and the Shadow of Phobos. Rewizorski, Marek (2021). 14(1) 123–141.
This article addresses challenges to the established international order. Its critique becomes particularly discernible at the domestic level, where political and economic frameworks are contested by electorates and anti-establishment movements in Western countries, engulfed by anti-globalisation sentiments and disillusioned with the asymmetric formula of globalisation. Populism implies that the `social revolt' facing the West today, regardless of whether it takes place in France, Greece, Hungary, Poland, the UK or the USA, is not a legitimate response to deep-seated problems but rather is the problem itself. The main aims of this article are to investigate what has caused this surge of support for populism in the West; what the role of the default system of economic governance is in inspiring populist resentment; and, finally, what the identity crisis, stemming from `hyperglobalisation', and wrecking the social order in Western societies has to do with fear, (un)fairness and the redistributive effects of economic globalisation.
Mitbestimmung – ein Thema für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Studienbriefe zu zentralen Handlungsfeldern der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Allespach, Martin; Rudel, Max (2021). Bund-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
Mitbestimmung begründet die Teilnahme der Arbeitnehmer:innen am wirtschaftlichen Geschehen. Sie ist gleichermaßen Garant für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg in Deutschland insgesamt. Jedoch findet sie als Thema wenig Raum in Management-Studiengängen. Das vorliegende Buch ist das Ergebnis eines mehrjährigen Forschungsprojektes mit relevanten wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Lehrstühlen. Geleitet war das Projekt von der Idee, Dozierenden und Studierenden einen inhaltlich begründeten und didaktisch aufbereiteten Zugang zur Mitbestimmung zu schaffen. Dafür bietet es mehrere Annäherungen, indem die Bedeutung der Mitbestimmung aus vier wichtigen Handlungsfeldern der Ökonomie beleuchtet wird: Mitbestimmung im Fokus von Personalmanagement, Diversity Management, Strategische Unternehmensführung und Digitale Transformation sind hier als in sich abgeschlossene Lehr- und Lerneinheiten abgebildet. Jede Einheit beinhaltet neben einer Einführung und der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung auch ausführliche Materialien und Praxisbezüge. Weitere Kapitel zu Arbeitsbeziehungen und zur Aktionsforschung rahmen hier die Niederlegung des Gesamtprojektes als Lehrbuch.
Strategische Unternehmensführung und Mitbestimmung. Helfen, Markus; Toedling, Nicole M. Allespach, M. Rudel (eds.) (2021). 355–425.
Betrachtet man die strategische Unternehmensführung im Lichte der Mitbestimmung, ist zu klären, ob und inwieweit welche Unternehmensentscheidungen, insbesondere in den Spitzengremien der Großunternehmen, von den Beschäftigten beeinflusst werden können. Aus wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Sicht ist die Grundfrage der Unternehmensverfassung dahingehend zu untersuchen, welche Herausforderungen die Leitung, Kontrolle und Verantwortungsübernahme von privaten (Groß-)unternehmen, insbesondere der privaten Kapitalgesellschaft, aufwerfen und wie sich diese im Spannungsfeld von strategischer Unternehmensführung und Mitbestimmung bearbeiten lassen.
The Origin of Intel’s Micro-Ops. Colwell, Robert P. (2021). 41(6) 37–41.
It was a different computing world in the late 1980s. Many if not most researchers in the computer architecture area had become convinced that complex instruction sets such as the Intel x86 were doomed in light of the many advantages promised by reduced instruction set architecture publications. There were many voices within Intel urging upper management to abandon x86 and get started on some alternative. Even engineers who had worked on Intel's then-flagship 486 were expressing serious reservations about whether the x86 architecture could be “dragged further up the hill” to be, if not directly competitive with emerging RISC designs, at least close enough for x86 to remain profitable.
Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Lynas, Mark; Houlton, Benjamin Z; Perry, Simon (2021). 16(11) 114005.
While controls over the Earth’s climate system have undergone rigorous hypothesis-testing since the 1800s, questions over the scientific consensus of the role of human activities in modern climate change continue to arise in public settings. We update previous efforts to quantify the scientific consensus on climate change by searching the recent literature for papers sceptical of anthropogenic-caused global warming. From a dataset of 88125 climate-related papers published since 2012, when this question was last addressed comprehensively, we examine a randomized subset of 3000 such publications. We also use a second sample-weighted approach that was specifically biased with keywords to help identify any sceptical peer-reviewed papers in the whole dataset. We identify four sceptical papers out of the sub-set of 3000, as evidenced by abstracts that were rated as implicitly or explicitly sceptical of human-caused global warming. In our sample utilizing pre-identified sceptical keywords we found 28 papers that were implicitly or explicitly sceptical. We conclude with high statistical confidence that the scientific consensus on human-caused contemporary climate change—expressed as a proportion of the total publications—exceeds 99% in the peer reviewed scientific literature.
A transformer-based framework for multivariate time series representation learning. Zerveas, George; Jayaraman, Srideepika; Patel, Dhaval; Bhamidipaty, Anuradha; Eickhoff, Carsten (2021). 2114–2124.
The Normalization of Hatred: Identity, Affective Polarization, and Dehumanization on Facebook in the Context of Intractable Political Conflict. Harel, Tal Orian; Jameson, Jessica Katz; Maoz, Ifat (2020). 6(2)
Our study uses a qualitative analysis of social media discourse on a Facebook page to demonstrate how the phenomena of affective polarization and dehumanization are manifested through participation in a homogeneous enclave, or echo chamber. We employ Northrup's theory of identity in intractable conflict to show how users express their desire for psychological and physical separation from the other and use dehumanizing language that normalizes potentially dangerous levels of hatred during their participation on a Facebook page. This study contributes to our understanding of the link between identity, affective polarization, and dehumanization.
Unternehmensstrategie mitgestalten: Arbeitshilfe für Aufsichtsräte. Technical Report (29), Campagna, Sebastian (2020).
Die Arbeitshilfe vermittelt Grundwissen über den Strategieprozess und weist auf wechselseitige Wirkungszusammenhänge hin. Darüber hinaus gibt sie aus Arbeitnehmerperspektive Impulse, erarbeitet konkrete Fragen und zeigt mögliche Stolpersteine auf.
Anti-Intellectualism, Populism, and Motivated Resistance to Expert Consensus. Merkley, Eric (2020). 84(1) 24–48.
Scholars have maintained that public attitudes often diverge from expert consensus due to ideology-driven motivated reasoning. However, this is not a sufficient explanation for less salient and politically charged questions. More attention needs to be given to anti-intellectualism—the generalized mistrust of intellectuals and experts. Using data from the General Social Survey and a survey of 3,600 Americans on Amazon Mechanical Turk, I provide evidence of a strong association between anti-intellectualism and opposition to scientific positions on climate change, nuclear power, GMOs, and water fluoridation, particularly for respondents with higher levels of political interest. Second, a survey experiment shows that anti-intellectualism moderates the acceptance of expert consensus cues such that respondents with high levels of anti-intellectualism actually increase their opposition to these positions in response. Third, evidence shows anti-intellectualism is connected to populism, a worldview that sees political conflict as primarily between ordinary citizens and a privileged societal elite. Exposure to randomly assigned populist rhetoric, even that which does not pertain to experts directly, primes anti-intellectual predispositions among respondents in the processing of expert consensus cues. These findings suggest that rising anti-elite rhetoric may make anti-intellectual sentiment more salient in information processing.
Trends in the Risk of Cognitive Impairment in the United States, 1996–2014. Hale, Jo Mhairi; Schneider, Daniel C.; Gampe, Jutta; Mehta, Neil K.; Myrskylä, Mikko (2020). 31(5) 745–754.
Background: Accumulating evidence suggests risk of cognitive impairment is declining in high-income countries. Much of this research uses longitudinal surveys in which learning over repeated tests may bias results. We analyze trends in cognitive impairment in the United States, accounting for prior test experience and selective mortality. Methods: We use the Health and Retirement Study, a population-based, nationally representative panel dataset and include individuals ages 50 years and older in 1996-2014 (n = 32,784). We measure cognitive impairment and dementia using standard cutpoints of the modified Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status. We estimate logistic regression models for any impairment and dementia over time, adjusting for age, sex, and race/ethnicity, comparing models with and without adjustment for practice effects and education. We examine heterogeneity in trends by age, sex, race/ethnicity, and education. Results: Models not controlling for test experience suggest that risk of cognitive impairment and dementia decreased over the study period. Controlling for test experience reverses the trend. In our primary models, prevalence of any cognitive impairment increased for women from 18.7% to 21.2% (annual change 0.7\%, 95\% confidence interval [CI], 0.1\%, 1.3\%) and for men from 17.6% to 21.0% (annual change 1.0\%, CI, 0.5\%, 1.4\%). For dementia, women's annual increase was 1.7% (CI, 0.8\%, 2.6\%) and men's 2.0% (CI, 1.0\%, 2.9\%). If not for education, the increase would have been stronger. Increased risk was particularly rapid for Latinas, the least educated, and older ages. Conclusions: Risk of cognitive impairment increased from 1996 to 2014. Uncovering determinants of increasing cognitive impairment risk should become a research priority. See video abstract:
An Infectious Disease Prediction Method Based on K-Nearest Neighbor Improved Algorithm. Chen, Yaming (2019, February).
With the continuous development of medical information construction, the potential value of a large amount of medical information has not been exploited. Excavate a large number of medical records of outpatients, and train to generate disease prediction models to assist doctors in diagnosis and improve work efficiency.This paper proposes a disease prediction method based on k-nearest neighbor improvement algorithm from the perspective of patient similarity analysis. The method draws on the idea of clustering, extracts the samples near the center point generated by the clustering, applies these samples as a new training sample set in the K-nearest neighbor algorithm; based on the maximum entropy The K-nearest neighbor algorithm is improved to overcome the influence of the weight coefficient in the traditional algorithm and improve the accuracy of the algorithm. The real experimental data proves that the proposed k-nearest neighbor improvement algorithm has better accuracy and operational efficiency.
Anti-intellectualism is a virus. Peters, Michael A. (2018). 51(4) 357–363.
AN ONTOLOGY-BASED APPROACH FOR DETECTING SOAP MESSAGE ATTACKS. Hamouda, Mahmoud A.; Baraka, Rebhi S. (2018). 9(3/4) 01–13.
An ontology-based detection approach aiming to check SOAP messages for XML rewriting attacks is presented. The approach comprises a SOAP message ontology and a set of policy filters. The ontology is used in preserving the message structure including its constituent elements and their relationships. The policy filters check if the message complies with denial-of-service vulnerability restrictions. Message integrity is preserved using the ontology-based checker, which checks that the message has not been modified during the transmission process. Message confidentiality is preserved by encrypting a copy of the message in a log file combined with the message. Time efficiency is achieved by executing the policy filters in a concurrent manner.
Why is there resistance to works councils in Germany? An economic perspective. Müller, Steffen; Stegmaier, Jens (2017). 41(3) 540–561.
Recent empirical research generally finds evidence of positive economic effects for works councils, for example with regard to productivity and – with some limitations – to profits. This makes it necessary to explain why employers’ associations have reservations about works councils. On the basis of an in-depth literature analysis, this article shows that beyond the generally positive findings, there are important heterogeneities in the impact of works councils. The authors argue that those groups of employers that tend to benefit little from employee participation in terms of productivity and profits may well be important enough to shape the agenda of their employers’ organization and have even gained in importance within their organizations in recent years. The authors also discuss the role of deviations from profit-maximizing behavior like risk aversion, short-term profit-maximization and other non-pecuniary motives, as possible reasons for employer resistance.
Betriebsräte gründen: Erste Schritte | Erfahrungen | Gute Praxis. Molitor, Carmen (2015, March).
Diese Broschüre fasst die Ergebnisse zusammen und ergänzt sie um Berichte aus der Praxis. Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Betrieben und Branchen schildern, wie sie - oft auch gegen den Widerstand des Arbeitgebers - ihren Betriebsrat gegründet haben und wie sie die ersten Schritte gegangen sind, um ihn zu einem wirksamen Instrument demokratischer Beteiligung zu machen. Diese Broschüre kann als Leitfaden dienen, für all die, die eine Betriebsratsgründung noch vor sich haben.
Theorie der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung: Eine Untersuchung über Unternehmergewinn, Kapital, Kredit, Zins und den Konjunkturzyklus Schumpeter, Joseph A. (2013). (9. Auflage ) Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
“A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov, 1980. Theophanidis, Philippe (2012).
American author Isaac Asimov scrutinize the slogan “America’s right to know” and argues that it will remain meaningless as long as knowledge is associated with a form of elitism. Full article from 1980 is provided.
Coir Sheets. Wecoir (Wecoir, ed.) (2012).
Handbook of Valves and Actuators: Valves Manual International Nesbitt, B. (2011). Butterworth-Heinemann.
Industries that use pumps, seals and pipes will also use valves and actuators in their systems. This key reference provides anyone who designs, uses, specifies or maintains valves and valve systems with all of the critical design, specification, performance and operational information they need for the job in hand. Brian Nesbitt is a well-known consultant with a considerable publishing record. A lifetime of experience backs up the huge amount of practical detail in this volume. * Valves and actuators are widely used across industry and this dedicated reference provides all the information plant designers, specifiers or those involved with maintenance require* Practical approach backed up with technical detail and engineering know-how makes this the ideal single volume reference* Compares and contracts valve and actuator types to ensure the right equipment is chosen for the right application and properly maintained
Soziale Innovation: Auf dem Weg zu einem postindustriellen Innovationsparadigma Howaldt, Jürgen; Jacobsen, Heike in Dortmunder Beiträge zur Sozialforschung (2010). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden.
Innovation ist zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der gegenwärtigen wissenschaftlichen und politischen Diskussion geworden. Unbestritten sind technologische Innovationen zentral für die ökonomische Dynamik. Gibt es nicht jedoch auch soziale Innovationen, die nicht nur gesellschaftlich und politisch, sondern auch ökonomisch relevant sind, und werden diese Innovationen aktuell so bedeutsam, dass sie als neues Innovationsparadigma zu verstehen sind? Dieser Band knüpft an die Auseinandersetzung mit sozialen Innovationen in modernisierungstheoretischen, technik- und wissenschaftssoziologischen Diskussionen an. Er vereint theoretische Standortbestimmungen, forschungsleitende Konzepte und empirische Befunde.
Valve selection handbook : engineering fundamentals for selecting the right valve design for every industrial flow application Smith, Peter; Zappe, R. W. (2004). (Fifth ) Gulf Professional, Amsterdam.
Valves are the components in a fluid flow or pressure system that regulate either the flow or the pressure of the fluid. They are used in the process industries, especially petrochemical. This book analyzes the use, construction, and selection of valves in a comprehensive manner. It covers environmentally-conscious equipment and practices.
Pinch Valves. Beard, C. S.; Arant, J. B.; Lipták, B. G. B. G. Lipták (ed.) (1995). (Third ) 492–500.
Instrument Engineers’ Handbook. Volume 2: Process Control Liptak, B. G. in Instrument Engineers’ Handbook (1995). (Third ) Taylor & Francis.
O romanu Bahtin, Mihail (M. Stambolić, ed.) (1989).
Mean drop sizes from pressure-swirl nozzles. Wang, X. F.; Lefebvre, A. H. (1987). 3(1) 11–18.
Technical Change and Industrial Transformation: The Theory and an Application to the Semiconductor Industry Dosi, Giovanni (1984). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
The book can be read in two ways, either as a theoretical analysis of the patterns of technical change in modern economies with an illustrative case study on the semiconductor industry, or, conversely, as a reconstruction of the history of that industry, which is at the core of the microelectronics revolution, backed by detailed and unorthodox theoretical premises.
Dr. Hayek on Money and Capital. Sraffa, Piero (1932). 42(165) 42–52.