Data4UrbanMobility was presented on the 20th November 2018 during the Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Artificial Intelligence. The PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH together with the Research Center L3S explained current project outcomes like the D4UM-App and the Dashboard to interested visitors.
We very much enjoyed the interesting discussion and are very happy about all participants in our Citizen Science App “MiC – Move in the City”.
- S4ConvD: Adaptive Scaling and Frequency Adjustment for Energy-Efficient Sensor Networks in Smart Buildings. Schaller, Melanie; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2025).
- Tunable superconductivity coexisting with the anomalous Hall effect in a transition metal dichalcogenide. Hossain, Md Shafayat; Zhang, Qi; Graf, David; Iraola, Mikel; Müller, Tobias; Mardanya, Sougata; Tu, Yi-Hsin; Lai, Zhuangchai; Soldini, Martina O.; Li, Siyuan; Yao, Yao; Jiang, Yu-Xiao; Cheng, Zi-Jia; Litskevich, Maksim; Casas, Brian; Cochran, Tyler A.; Yang, Xian P.; Kim, Byunghoon; Watanabe, Kenji; Taniguchi, Takashi; Chowdhury, Sugata; Bansil, Arun; Zhang, Hua; Chang, Tay-Rong; Fischer, Mark H.; Neupert, Titus; Balicas, Luis; Hasan, M. Zahid (2025). 16(1) 2399.
- Exploring Design Choices for Autoregressive Deep Learning Climate Models. Gallusser, Florian; Hentschel, Simon; Krause, Anna; Hotho, Andreas (2025).
- A DEM differencing method for detecting geomorphic changes on topographically complex areas based on UAV remote sensing techniques. Li, Dou; Li, Pengfei; Hu, Jinfei; Yao, Wanqiang; Yan, Lu; Latifi, Hooman; Tang, Bingzhe; Liu, Lifeng (2025). 1–1.
- Expression of Elongase- and Desaturase-Encoding Genes Shapes the Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profiles of Honey Bees. Rodríguez-León, Daniel Sebastián; Schmitt, Thomas; Pinto, María Alice; Thamm, Markus; Scheiner, Ricarda (2025). e17716.
- Finding all solutions of qKZ equations in characteristic \($p$\). Mukhin, Evgeny; Varchenko, Alexander (2025).
- The Installation Design of Solar Panels for Village Houses HK with Optimization-based Efficiency for Sustainable Environmental. Tsang, Tony; Chuen, Fong Lun; Mok, Gary; Poon, Steven; Lip, Samuel (2025).
- Anomalous Quasielastic Scattering Contribution in the Centrosymmetric Multi-q Helimagnet SrFeO\($_\mathbf3$\). Andriushin, Nikita D.; Grumbach, Justus; Kulbakov, Anton A.; Tymoshenko, Yuliia V.; Onykiienko, Yevhen A.; Firouzmandi, Reza; Cheng, Erjian; Granovsky, Sergey; Skourski, Yurii; Ollivier, Jacques; Walker, Helen C.; Kocsis, Vilmos; Büchner, Bernd; Keimer, Bernhard; Doerr, Mathias; Inosov, Dmytro S.; Peets, Darren C. (2025). 15(1) 011038.
- Giant quantum oscillations in thermal transport in low-density metals via electron absorption of phonons. Bermond, Baptiste; Wawrzyńczak, Rafał; Zherlitsyn, Sergei; Kotte, Tommy; Helm, Toni; Gorbunov, Denis; Gu, Genda; Li, Qiang; Janasz, Filip; Meng, Tobias; Menges, Fabian; Felser, Claudia; Wosnitza, Joachim; Grushin, Adolfo; Carpentier, David; Gooth, Johannes; Gałeski, Stanisław (2025). 122(10) e2408546122-.
- Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction. Fischer, Elisabeth; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas; Schlör, Daniel (2025).
- Australasian Hydroclimate Response to the Collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Under Pre-Industrial and Last Interglacial Climates. Saini, Himadri; Pontes, Gabriel; Brown, Josephine R.; Drysdale, Russell N.; Du, Yanxuan; Menviel, Laurie (2025). 40(3) e2024PA004967.
- Netzwerkmodellierung mit NER und NEL. Schulbuchforschung an der Schnittstelle zur Infrastruktur. Dombrowski, Fabian; Klaes, Sebastian; Keupp, Corinna; Leitgeb, Johannes; Reul, Christian (2025).
- An atlas of RNA-dependent proteins in cell division reveals the riboregulation of mitotic protein-protein interactions. Rajagopal, Varshni; Seiler, Jeanette; Nasa, Isha; Cantarella, Simona; Theiss, Jana; Herget, Franziska; Kaifer, Bianca; Klostermann, Melina; Will, Rainer; Schneider, Martin; Helm, Dominic; König, Julian; Zarnack, Kathi; Diederichs, Sven; Kettenbach, Arminja N; Caudron-Herger, Maïwen (2025). 16(1) 2325–2325.
- Introducing a computationally light approach to estimate forest height and fractional canopy cover from Sentinel-2 data. Fakhra, Arvin; Latifi, Hooman; Samani, Kyumars Mohammadi; Fassnacht, Fabian Ewald (2025). 228
- Psychosocial Work Factors, Job Stress, and Self-Rated Health Among Hotel Housekeepers. García-Buades, M Esther; Montañez-Juan, Maribel; Blahopoulou, Joanna; Ortiz-Bonnin, Silvia; Chela-Alvarez, Xènia; Bulilete, Oana; Llobera, Joan (2025). 73(3) 116–130.
- Usefulness of body and visceral fat determined by bioimpedancemetry versus body mass index and waist circumference in the identification of elevated values of different atherogenesis risk scales. Gordito Soler, María; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio; Paublini, Hernán; López González, Ángel Arturo (2025). 500772–500772.
- Why Students Are Disruptive and Disengaged in Learning. Matteson, Harlen (2025, March).
- Trial by FIRE: Probing the dark matter density profile of dwarf galaxies with GraphNPE. Nguyen, Tri; Read, Justin; Necib, Lina; Mishra-Sharma, Siddharth; Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André; Wetzel, Andrew (2025).
- S4D-Bio Audio Monitoring of Bone Cement Disintegration in Pulsating Fluid Jet Surgery under Laboratory Conditions. Schaller, Melanie; Hloch, Sergej; Nag, Akash; Klichova, Dagmar; Janssen, Nick; Pude, Frank; Zelenak, Michal; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2025).
- Pulsating Waterjet Cutting Dataset. Schaller, Melanie (2025).
- Load Balanced Attack Defense System with Lightweight Authentication and Modified Blockchain in SDN for B5G. Abdulqadder, Ihsan H.; Aziz, Israa T. N. Meghanathan (ed.) (2025). (Vol. 17) 81–99.
- Homological mirror symmetry for projective K3 surfaces. Hacking, Paul; Keating, Ailsa (2025).
- Lipid Profiles After Changes in Alcohol Consumption Among Adults Undergoing Annual Checkups. Suzuki, Takahiro; Fukui, Sho; Shinozaki, Tomohiro; Asano, Taku; Yoshida, Toshiko; Aoki, Jiro; Mizuno, Atsushi (2025). 8(3) e250583.
- kdotpy: k·p theory on a lattice for simulating semiconductor band structures. Beugeling, Wouter; Bayer, Florian; Berger, Christian; Böttcher, Jan; Bovkun, Leonid; Fuchs, Christopher; Hofer, Maximilian; Shamim, Saquib; Siebert, Moritz; Wang, Li-Xian; Hankiewicz, Ewelina; Kießling, Tobias; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens (2025).
- Probabilistic weather forecasting with machine learning. Price, Ilan; Sanchez-Gonzalez, Alvaro; Alet, Ferran; Andersson, Tom R.; El-Kadi, Andrew; Masters, Dominic; Ewalds, Timo; Stott, Jacklynn; Mohamed, Shakir; Battaglia, Peter; Lam, Remi; Willson, Matthew (2025). 637(8044) 84–90.
- Zum Aufbau digitaler Dramenkorpora. OCR4alltoDraCorTEI als Baustein für die Edition von maschinenlesbaren Versionen historischer Dramendrucke. Dennerlein, Katrin; Rupnig, Martin; Reul, Christian (2025).
- Automatische intratextuelle Analyse von sprachlichen Wiederholungsstrukturen am Beispiel des ‚Marienlebens‘ Philipps von Seitz. Tomasek, Stefan; Hart, Kiara; Schulte, Franziska; Reul, Christian (2025).
- Von der Handschrift zur überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Synopse. HTR zur Erschließung der Überlieferung von Bruder Philipps ‚Marienleben’. Tomasek, Stefan; Reul, Christian; Schulte, Franziska; Hart, Kiara (2025).
- Expression of elongase- and desaturase-encoding genes shapes the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of honey bees. Rodriguez-León, Daniel Sebastián; Schmitt, Thomas; Pinto, Maria Alice; Thammn, Markus; Scheiner, Ricarda (2025). 6 e17716.
- Regularized origin ensemble with a beam prior for range verification in particle therapy with Compton-camera data. Kasprzak, Jona; Roser, Jorge; Werner, Julius; Kohlhase, Nadja; Bolke, Andreas; Kaufmann, Lisa-Marie; Rafecas, Magdalena (2025).
- Cacao grafting increases crop yield without compromising biodiversity. Ocampo‐Ariza, Carolina; Müller, Sophie; Yovera, Fredy; Thomas, Evert; Vansynghel, Justine; Maas, Bea; Steffan‐Dewenter, Ingolf; Tscharntke, Teja (2025). 62(3) 579–592.
- Publizieren im Feedback-Loop. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Analyse des Nutzungsverhaltens bei digitalen Editionen. Esch, Claudia; Hofman, Pia; Klinger, Jana; Herbst, Yannik; Roeder, Torsten; Reul, Christian (2025).
- Coreference in Long Documents using Hierarchical Entity Merging. Gupta, Talika; Hatzel, Hans Ole; Biemann, Chris Y. Bizzoni, S. Degaetano-Ortlieb, A. Kazantseva, S. Szpakowicz (eds.) (2024). 11–17.
- Bone Cement Removal with Audio-Monitoring and Erosion Depth (Dataset). Schaller, Melanie; Hloch, Sergej; Nag, Akash; Klichova, Dagmar; Janssen, Nick; Pude, Frank; Zelenak, Michal; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2024).
- Fault Detection for Agents in Power Grid Topology Optimization: A Comprehensive Analysis. Lehna, Malte; Hassouna, Mohamed; Degtyar, Dmitry; Tomforde, Sven; Scholz, Christoph (2024).
- Literarische Mündlichkeit und ihre Übersetzung: Bairisch auf Spanisch in Thomas Manns Buddenbrooks. Christl, Joachim (2024). 5 147–206.
- Graph Reinforcement Learning in Power Grids: A Survey. Hassouna, Mohamed; Holzhüter, Clara; Lytaev, Pawel; Thomas, Josephine M.; Sick, Bernhard; Scholz, Christoph (2024). abs/2407.04522
- FengWu-W2S: A deep learning model for seamless weather-to-subseasonal forecast of global atmosphere. Ling, Fenghua; Chen, Kang; Wu, Jiye; Han, Tao; Luo, Jing-Jia; Ouyang, Wanli; Bai, Lei (2024).
- (In)visible by Design: An Analysis of a Domestic Labor Platform. Gruszka, Katarzyna; Pillinger, Anna; Gerold, Stefanie; Theine, Hendrik (2024).
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Homogeneous Topological HgTe on Doped InAs Substrate. Biswas, Mahitosh; Fürst, Lena; Kamp, Martin; Schreyeck, Steffen; Buhmann, Hartmut; Molenkamp, Laurens W. (2024). 35(3)
- Overlapping top gate electrodes based on low temperature atomic layer deposition for nanoscale ambipolar lateral junctions. Fuchs, Christopher; Fürst, Lena; Buhmann, Hartmut; Kleinlein, Johannes; Molenkamp, Laurens W (2024). 8(2) 025001.
- ModeConv: A Novel Convolution for Distinguishing Anomalous and Normal Structural Behavior. Schaller, Melanie; Schlör, Daniel; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
- A study of the Behavior of Floating-Point Errors. Damouche, Nasrine (2024).
- Global Vegetation Modeling With Pre-Trained Weather Transformers. Janetzky, Pascal; Gallusser, Florian; Hentschel, Simon; Hotho, Andreas; Krause, Anna (2024).
- A machine learning model that outperforms conventional global subseasonal forecast models. Chen, Lei; Zhong, Xiaohui; Li, Hao; Wu, Jie; Lu, Bo; Chen, Deliang; Xie, Shang-Ping; Wu, Libo; Chao, Qingchen; Lin, Chensen; Hu, Zixin; Qi, Yuan (2024). 15(1) 6425.
- Kinetic Cities: Viability of Adaptable PNP Container Modules for Smart Living. Spencer, Constance (2024). 11(2) 1–14.
- Advances and prospects of deep learning for medium-range extreme weather forecasting. Olivetti, L.; Messori, G. (2024). 17(6) 2347–2358.
- Graphite/h-BN van der Waals heterostructure as a gate stack for HgTe quantum wells. Liang, Xianhu; Shamim, Saquib; Chen, Dongyun; Fürst, Lena; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Buhmann, Hartmut; Kleinlein, Johannes; Molenkamp, Laurens W (2024). 35(34) 345001.
- Targeted Adversarial Attacks on Wind Power Forecasts. Heinrich, René; Scholz, Christoph; Vogt, Stephan; Lehna, Malte (2023). 113(2) 863–889.
- Managing power grids through topology actions: A comparative study between advanced rule-based and reinforcement learning agents. Lehna, Malte; Viebahn, Jan; Marot, Antoine; Tomforde, Sven; Scholz, Christoph (2023). 14 100276.
- A comprehensive review and recent advances in dry mineral classification. Pukkella, Arjun Kumar; Cilliers, Jan J.; Hadler, Kathryn (2023). 201 108208.
- Koreni multikulturalnosti Bosne u franjevačkom redu za vreme bosanskih banova. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Vujković Šakanović, Ana PhD thesis, Novi Sad. (2023).
- Liquor-HGNN: A heterogeneous graph neural network for leakage detection in water distribution networks. Schaller, Melanie; Steininger, Michael; Dulny, Andrzej; Schlör, Daniel; Hotho, Andreas (2023).
- Vlasi Vilićani (Vlasi Usorci). Agić, Admir (2022, November).
- Prilozi prosopografiji Radivojevića – Jurjevića – Pavlovića – Petrovića. Kurtović, Esad (2021). 97–121.
- Bosanska država u odjecima događaja iz 1373. godine. Đulović, Amar (2021). 93–123.
- Bosanska vlastela u XV veku : prospografska studija Rudić Srdjan; Rastović Aleksandar (2021). Istorijski Institut Beograd ; Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Beograd, Banja Luka.
- Neka razmatranja o Vlatkovićima, Krajini i Zaostrogu. Isailović, Neven; Jakovljević, Aleksandar (2021). 139–177.
- Matične knjige krštenih katoličkih župa Uskoplja odnosno Skopja od 1745. do 1883. godine Škegro, Ante (2021). Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb.
- Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Gedächtnisforschung Berek, Mathias; Chmelar, Kristina; Dimbath, Oliver; Haag, Hanna; Heinlein, Michael; Leonhard, Nina; Rauer, Valentin; Sebald, Gerd (2020). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
- Mythos. Corsten, Michael; Jafke, Larissa M. Berek, K. Chmelar, O. Dimbath, H. Haag, M. Heinlein, N. Leonhard, V. Rauer, G. Sebald (eds.) (2020). 97–108.
- Colluding with the Infidel: The Alliance between Ladislaus of Naples and the Turks. Filipović, Emir O. (2019). 8(2) 361–389.
- A Xgboost Risk Model Via Feature Selection and Bayesian Hyper-Parameter Optimization. Wang, Yan; Ni, Xuelei Sherry (D. Hérin; D. A. Zighed, eds.) (2019). 11(1) 1–17.
- Migracijski tokovi, društveno-političke prilike u Bosanskom ejaletu (1683.-1718.). Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Smajić, Ramiza PhD thesis, Zagreb. (2019). 262.
- RANDOMIZED STEGANOGRAPHY IN SKIN TONE IMAGES. K, Ashita; P, Smitha Vas (A. K; S. V. P, eds.) (2018). 8(3) 1–8.
- Poljica u srednjem vijeku. Technical Report (Master thesis), Bulić, Ana PhD thesis, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli ; Filozofski fakultet. (2018).
- Edge Detection Algorithm for Yoruba Character Recognition. S.A, Yekeen; T.S, Ibiyemi (2018). 5(1)
- Bračne veze bosanske vlastele. Rudić, Srđan (2018). 18 173–188.
- Coir Cake. Coir, We (W. Coir, ed.) (2012).
- Matične knjige umrlih uskopaljskih župa (od 1755. do 1883. godine) Škegro, Ante (2012). 505. Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb.
- Prilog poznavanju nekih islamizovanih bosanskih porodica. Rudić, Srđan S. Rudić (ed.) (2011). 425–439.
- Stanford’s Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference Resolution System at the CoNLL-2011 Shared Task. Lee, Heeyoung; Peirsman, Yves; Chang, Angel; Chambers, Nathanael; Surdeanu, M.; Jurafsky, Dan (2011).
- A High-Performance Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parser. Björkelund, Anders; Bohnet, Bernd; Hafdell, Love; Nugues, Pierre Y. Liu, T. Liu (eds.) (2010). 33–36.
- Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction. Bohnet, Bernd C.-R. Huang, D. Jurafsky (eds.) (2010). 89–97.
- Introduction to air classification. DeCenso, A. J. (2009).
- Air Classifying. Furchner, Bodo; Zampini, Stefano (2009).
- Uniqueness of enhancement for triangulated categories. Lunts, Valery A.; Orlov, Dmitri O. (2009).
- Razmišljanje o ranim banovima Bosne i neke pretpostavke o njihovom poreklu i pokušaj uspostavljanja rodoslova. Andrejić, Živojin (2007). 5 105–132.
- Povelja kralja Stefana Dabiše braći Semković:1395, 17. maj. Rudić, Srđan (2006). 5 157–171.
- Na klizištu povijesti : sveta kruna ugarska i sveta kruna bosanska 1387-1463 Lovrenović Dubravko (2006). Synopsis, Zagreb.
- Granica između Splita i Poljica i splitsko-poljički sukobi u XIV. i XV. stoljeću (Dio prvi: Teritorijalna rasprostranjenost Poljica i politički okvir splitsko poljičkih odnosa u XIV. i XV. stoljeću). Nazor, Ante (2002). 20 29–57.
- Dramatični brak (Porodične i političke afere, pa i otvoreno neprijateljstvo između porodica Hrvatinića i Hranića-Kosača). Kurtović, Esad (2001). 26(134 (45) 73–76.
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- Seoba Ramljaka u Sinjsku krajinu. Soldo, Josip Ante (1988). 38 23–33.
- Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers Avallone, Eugene A.; Baumeister, Theodore (1987). (Ninth ) McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Sieve analysis, the Cinderella of particle size analysis methods?. Leschonski, Kurt (1979). 24(2) 115–124.
- Confidence intervals vs Bayesian intervals. Jaynes, E. T. (1976). (Vol. II) 175–257.
- Stećci centralne Bosne Bešlagić, Šefik (1967). 115. Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo.
- Naselja i kretanje stanovništva u Poljicama. Jutronić, Andre (1963). 25(1) 37–59.
- Naseljenje starohrvatske Podmorske župe. Katić, Lovre (1960). 3(7) 159–184.
- Inversion of a perfectly elastic spherical shell. Ericksen, J. L. (1955). 35(9-10) 382–385.
- Nekoliko isprava iz početka XV st. Šišić, Ferdo (1938). 39 131–320.