Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Künstliche Intelligenz

Am 20.11.2018 wurde im Lichthof der Leibniz Universität Hannover Forschung und Startups rund um das Thema künstliche Intelligenz vorgestellt.  Zusammen mit dem Forschungszentrum L3S von der Universität Hannover und 1KLANG®, die Marke der PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH, das Forschungsprojekt Data4UrbanMobility vorstellen.
Interessierte wurden über die Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt in Bezug auf die entwickelten Apps und das Dashboard informiert (s. unter Ergebnisse: https://data4urbanmobility.l3s.uni-hannover.de/index.php/de/ergebnisse/).

Wir freuen uns über die spannenden Gespräche, die geführt werden konnten und die neuen Tester, die uns bei der Citizen Science App „MiC – Move in the City“ unterstützen möchten.

  • Comparing Methods for Creating a National Random Sample of Twitter Users. Alizadeh, Meysam; Zare, Darya; Samei, Zeynab; Alizadeh, Mohammadamin; Kubli, Maël; Aliahmadi, Mohammadhadi; Ebrahimi, Sarvenaz; Gilardi, Fabrizio (2024). abs/2402.04879
  • Affective Polarization and Dynamics of Information Spread in Online Networks. Lerman, Kristina; Feldman, Dan; He, Zihao; Rao, Ashwin (2024).
  • Cutting Through the Comment Chaos: A Supervised Machine Learning Approach to Identifying Relevant YouTube Comments. Möller, A. Marthe; Vermeer, Susan A. M.; Baumgartner, Susanne E. (2024). 42(1) 162–185.
  • Performing an Inductive Thematic Analysis of Semi-Structured Interviews With a Large Language Model: An Exploration and Provocation on the Limits of the Approach. Paoli, Stefano De (2024). 42(4) 997–1019.
  • An open window into politics: A structured database of plenary sessions of the European Parliament. Tremblay-Antoine, Camille; Jacob, Steve; Dufresne, Yannick; Poncet, Patrick; Dinan, Shannon (2024). 25(3) 605–622.
  • How can online citizen complaints provide solutions to refine environmental management: A spatio-temporal perspective. Jiao, Yaran; Li, Chunming; Yao, Ziyan; Weng, Chen; Lian, Anxin; Dong, Rencai (2024). 61(2) 103611.
  • Emotion-cognitive reasoning integrated BERT for sentiment analysis of online public opinions on emergencies. Wan, Bingtao; Wu, Peng; Yeo, Chai Kiat; Li, Gang (2024). 61(2) 103609.
  • Topic Shifts as a Proxy for Assessing Politicization in Social Media. Locatelli, Marcelo Sartori; Calais, Pedro; Miranda, Matheus Prado; Junho, João Pedro; Muniz, Tomas Lacerda; au2, Wagner Meira Jr.; Almeida, Virgilio (2024).
  • 1-year weight change after diabetes diagnosis and long-term incidence and sustainability of remission of type 2 diabetes in real-world settings in Hong Kong: An observational cohort study. Wu, Hongjiang; Yang, Aimin; Lau, Eric S. H.; Zhang, Xinge; Fan, Baoqi; Ma, Ronald C. W.; Kong, Alice P. S.; Chow, Elaine; So, Wing-Yee; Chan, Juliana C. N.; Luk, Andrea O. Y. (2024). 21(1) 1–19.
  • The Media Bias Taxonomy: A Systematic Literature Review on the Forms and Automated Detection of Media Bias. Spinde, Timo; Hinterreiter, Smi; Haak, Fabian; Ruas, Terry; Giese, Helge; Meuschke, Norman; Gipp, Bela (2024).
  • Talking Past Each Other on Twitter: Thematic, Event, and Temporal Divergences in Polarized Partisan Expression on Immigration. Xiaoya, Jiang (2024). 41(2) 244–268.
  • Stance Detection with Explanations. Saha, Rudra Ranajee; Lakshmanan, Laks V. S.; Ng, Raymond T. (2024). 50(1) 193–235.
  • Understanding political divisiveness using online participation data from the 2022 French and Brazilian presidential elections. Navarrete, Carlos; Macedo, Mariana; Colley, Rachael; Zhang, Jingling; Ferrada, Nicole; Mello, Maria Eduarda; Lira, Rodrigo; Bastos-Filho, Carmelo; Grandi, Umberto; Lang, Jérôme; Hidalgo, César A. (2024). 8(1) 137–148.
  • Information practices in data analytics for supporting public health surveillance. Zhang, Dan; Pee, Loo G.; Pan, Shan L.; Wang, Jingyuan (2024). 75(1) 79–93.
  • Detecting Topics and Polarity From Twitter: A University Faculty Case. Ruíz, Almudena Sánchez; Galan, D; García-Beltrán, Ángel; Rodríguez-Vidal, Javier (2024). 12 148–156.
  • The social anatomy of climate change denial in the United States. Gounaridis, Dimitrios; Newell, Joshua P. (2024). 14(1) 2097.
  • A Dataset for the Detection of Dehumanizing Language. Engelmann, Paul; Trolle, Peter Brunsgaard; Hardmeier, Christian (2024).
  • Close to Human-Level Agreement: Tracing Journeys of Violent Speech in Incel Posts with GPT-4-Enhanced Annotations. Matter, Daniel; Schirmer, Miriam; Grinberg, Nir; Pfeffer, Jürgen (2024).
  • A Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Semantic Text Analytics Approach to Explore Topical Features in Charity Crowdfunding Campaigns. Muzumdar, Prathamesh; Kurian, George; Basyal, Ganga Prasad (2024).
  • Account credibility inference based on news-sharing networks. Truong, Bao Tran; Allen, Oliver Melbourne; Menczer, Filippo (2024). 13(1) 10.
  • The Pulse of Mood Online: Unveiling Emotional Reactions in a Dynamic Social Media Landscape. Guo, Siyi; He, Zihao; Rao, Ashwin; Morstatter, Fred; Brantingham, Jeffrey; Lerman, Kristina (2024).
  • Large Language Models for Data Annotation: A Survey. Tan, Zhen; Li, Dawei; Wang, Song; Beigi, Alimohammad; Jiang, Bohan; Bhattacharjee, Amrita; Karami, Mansooreh; Li, Jundong; Cheng, Lu; Liu, Huan (2024).
  • Social Network and Semantic Analysis of Roe v. Wade’s Reversal on Twitter. Dai, Zehui; Higgs, Cory (2024). 42(1) 186–200.
  • Measuring Online Emotional Reactions to Events. Guo, Siyi; He, Zihao; Rao, Ashwin; Jang, Eugene; Nan, Yuanfeixue; Morstatter, Fred; Brantingham, Jeffrey; Lerman, Kristina (2024).
  • ValiText -- a unified validation framework for computational text-based measures of social constructs. Birkenmaier, Lukas; Wagner, Claudia; Lechner, Clemens (2024).
  • Large Language Models Enable Few-Shot Clustering. Viswanathan, Vijay; Gashteovski, Kiril; Lawrence, Carolin; Wu, Tongshuang; Neubig, Graham (2024). 12 321–333.
  • Embedding Elites: Examining the Use of Tweets Embedded in Online News Articles across Reliable and Fringe Outlets. Horne, Benjamin D.; Phillips, Summer; Koontz, Nelia (2024). abs/2401.16572
  • Open-Source LLMs for Text Annotation: A Practical Guide for Model Setting and Fine-Tuning. Alizadeh, Meysam; Kubli, Maël; Samei, Zeynab; Dehghani, Shirin; Zahedivafa, Mohammadmasiha; Bermeo, Juan Diego; Korobeynikova, Maria; Gilardi, Fabrizio (2024).
  • The new normal: Online political fandom and the co-opting of morals. Clue, Natalie Le (2024). 30(1) 347–357.
  • Twitter’s pulse on hydrogen energy in 280 characters: a data perspective. Uniyal, Deepak; Nayak, Richi (2024). 14(1) 37.
  • Remember the Human: A Systematic Review of Ethical Considerations in Reddit Research. Fiesler, Casey; Zimmer, Michael; Proferes, Nicholas; Gilbert, Sarah; Jones, Naiyan (2024). 8(GROUP) 1–33.
  • War and mobility: Using Yandex web searches to characterize intentions to leave Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. Anastasiadou, Athina; Volgin, Artem; Leasure, Douglas R. (2024). 50 205–220.
  • Chatbots Are Not Reliable Text Annotators. Kristensen-McLachlan, Ross Deans; Canavan, Miceal; Kardos, Márton; Jacobsen, Mia; Aarøe, Lene (2023).
  • Performatively Archiving the Early Web: One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age. Bril, Marijn Josephien (2023). 12(23) 69–85.
  • SuperTweetEval: A Challenging, Unified and Heterogeneous Benchmark for Social Media NLP Research. Antypas, Dimosthenis; Ushio, Asahi; Barbieri, Francesco; Neves, Leonardo; Rezaee, Kiamehr; Espinosa-Anke, Luis; Pei, Jiaxin; Camacho-Collados, Jose (2023).
  • WordPPR: A Researcher-Driven Computational Keyword Selection Method for Text Data Retrieval from Digital Media. Yini Zhang, Fan Chen; Yue, Zhiying (2023). 1–17.
  • Textual Indicators of Deliberative Dialogue: A Systematic Review of Methods for Studying the Quality of Online Dialogues. Goddard, Alex; Gillespie, Alex (2023). 41(6) 2364–2385.
  • Potential Pitfalls With Automatic Sentiment Analysis: The Example of Queerphobic Bias. Ungless, Eddie L.; Ross, Björn; Belle, Vaishak (2023). 41(6) 2211–2229.
  • Comparing and mapping difference indices of debate quality on Twitter. Reveilhac, Maud (2023). 16(2) 234–249.
  • Comprehending Lexical and Affective Ontologies in the Demographically Diverse Spatial Social Media Discourse. Sazzed, Salim (2023).
  • Unsupervised detection of coordinated fake-follower campaigns on social media. Zouzou, Yasser; Varol, Onur (2023).
  • Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE 2023): Workshop and Shared Task Report. Hürriyetoǧlu, Ali; Tanev, Hristo; Mutlu, Osman; Thapa, Surendrabikram; Tan, Fiona Anting; Yörük, Erdem (2023). abs/2312.01244
  • The event-driven nature of online political hostility: How offline political events make online interactions more hostile. Hebbelstrup Rye Rasmussen, Stig; Petersen, Michael Bang (2023). 2(11) pgad382.
  • Construction of Domain-Specific Lexicons Based on Term Statistics. Rojas-Hernández, Rafael; Chau, Asdrúbal López; Valle-Cruz, David; Trujillo-Mora, Valentin; González-Jaimes, Elvira Ivone (2023). 1626–1631.
  • Social cohesion in platformized public spheres: Toward a conceptual framework. Schneiders, Pascal; Stegmann, Daniel; Stark, Birgit (2023). 33(2-3) 122–131.
  • OKG: A Knowledge Graph for Fine-grained Understanding of Social Media Discourse on Inequality. Blin, Inès; Stork, Lise; Spillner, Laura; Santagiustina, Carlo K. B. Venable, D. Garijo, B. Jalaian (eds.) (2023). 166–174.
  • A Graph-Based Context-Aware Model to Understand Online Conversations. Agarwal, Vibhor; Young, Anthony P.; Joglekar, Sagar; Sastry, Nishanth (2023). 18(1) 1–27.
  • LLM-Assisted Content Analysis: Using Large Language Models to Support Deductive Coding. Chew, Robert; Bollenbacher, John; Wenger, Michael; Speer, Jessica; Kim, Annice (2023).
  • Weak-PMLC: A large-scale framework for multi-label policy classification based on extremely weak supervision. Zhao, Jiufeng; Song, Rui; Yue, Chitao; Wang, Zhenxin; Xu, Hao (2023). 60(5) 103442.
  • The expression of hate speech against Afro-descendant, Roma, and LGBTQ+ communities in YouTube comments. Carvalho, Paula; Caled, Danielle; Silva, Cláudia; Batista, Fernando; Ribeiro, Ricardo (2023).
  • Characterizing controversiality of topics utilizing eccentricity of opinions. Pandey, Sriniwas; Sayama, Hiroki (2023). 5(1) 2.
  • Multi-Aspect Annotation and Analysis of Nepali Tweets on Anti-Establishment Election Discourse. Rauniyar, Kritesh; Poudel, Sweta; Shiwakoti, Shuvam; Thapa, Surendrabikram; Rashid, Junaid; Kim, Jungeun; Imran, Muhammad; Naseem, Usman (2023). 11 143092–143115.
  • Using the SP!CE Framework to Code Influence Campaign Activity on Social Media: Case Study on the 2022 Brazilian Presidential Election. Gocso, Alexander; Brito, Claudia Perez; Ruesca, Bryan; Mendes, Allen; Finlayson, Mark A. (2023).
  • Dialing for Videos: A Random Sample of YouTube. McGrady, Ryan; Zheng, Kevin; Curran, Rebecca; Baumgartner, Jason; Zuckerman, Ethan (2023). 3
  • Uncertainty Quantification for Text Classification. Zhang, Dell; Sensoy, Murat; Makrehchi, Masoud; Taneva-Popova, Bilyana in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, J. Kamps, L. Goeuriot, F. Crestani, M. Maistro, H. Joho, B. Davis, C. Gurrin, U. Kruschwitz, A. Caputo (eds.) (2023). (Vol. 13982) 362–369.
  • Validating Digital Traces with Survey Data: The Use Case of Religiosity. Kına, M. Fuat; Yörük, Erdem; Hürriyetoğlu, Ali; Yardı, Melih Can; Atsızelti, Şükrü; Duruşan, Fırat; Gürerk, Oğuz; Etgü, Tolga; Nişancı, Zübeyir; Mutlu, Osman; Turbic, Gizem Bacaksızlar; Akbulut, Yusuf (2023).
  • A corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis of hate speech in German and Polish social media posts. Jaszczyk-Grzyb, Magdalena; Szczepaniak-Kozak, Anna; Adamczak-Krysztofowicz, Sylwia (2023). 117(1) 44–71.
  • Misogyny, Women in Power, and Patterns of Social Media Harassment. Golbeck, Jennifer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. Thomson, S. Al khateeb, A. Burger, P. S. Park, A. A. Pyke (eds.) (2023). (Vol. 14161) 3–11.
  • Silence Speaks Volumes: Re-weighting Techniques for Under-Represented Users in Fake News Detection. Karami, Mansooreh; Mosallanezhad, David; Sheth, Paras; Liu, Huan (2023).
  • A language framework for modeling social media account behavior. Nwala, Alexander C.; Flammini, Alessandro; Menczer, Filippo (2023). 12(1)
  • On Methods of Data Standardization of German Social Media Comments. Melnyk, Lidiia; Feld, Linda (2023).
  • NeMig -- A Bilingual News Collection and Knowledge Graph about Migration. Iana, Andreea; Alam, Mehwish; Grote, Alexander; Nikolajevic, Nevena; Ludwig, Katharina; Müller, Philipp; Weinhardt, Christof; Paulheim, Heiko (2023).
  • A Workflow to Detect, Monitor, and Update Lists of Coordinated Social Media Accounts Across Time: The Case of the 2022 Italian Election. Giglietto, Fabio; Marino, Giada; Mincigrucci, Roberto; Stanziano, Anna (2023). 9(3) 20563051231196866.
  • Artificially Intelligent Opinion Polling. Cerina, Roberto; Duch, Raymond (2023).
  • Political Disaffection in the Digital Age: The Use of Social Media and the Gap in Internal and External Efficacy. Fierro, Pedro; Aroca, Patricio; Navia, Patricio (2023). 41(5) 1857–1876.
  • Polarization of Opinions on COVID-19 Measures: Integrating Twitter and Survey Data. Reiter-Haas, Markus; Klösch, Beate; Hadler, Markus; Lex, Elisabeth (2023). 41(5) 1811–1835.
  • A Comparative Study of Bot Detection Techniques With an Application in Twitter Covid-19 Discourse. Antenore, Marzia; Rodriguez, Jose Manuel Camacho; Panizzi, Emanuele (2023). 41(5) 1520–1545.
  • Integrated content-network analysis to discover influential collectives for studying social cyber-threats from online social movements. Amro, Falah; Purohit, Hemant (2023). 13(1) 120.
  • Quantifying participation biases on social media. Pokhriyal, Neeti; Valentino, Benjamin A.; Vosoughi, Soroush (2023). 12(1)
  • From alternative conceptions of honesty to alternative facts in communications by US politicians. Lasser, Jana; Aroyehun, Segun T.; Carrella, Fabio; Simchon, Almog; Garcia, David; Lewandowsky, Stephan (2023). 7(12) 2140–2151.
  • Enhancing prediction of user stance for social networks rumors. Khaled, Kholoud; ElKorany, Abeer; Ezzat, Cherry A. (2023).
  • Platform-controlled social media APIs threaten open science. Davidson, Brittany I.; Wischerath, Darja; Racek, Daniel; Parry, Douglas A.; Godwin, Emily; Hinds, Joanne; van der Linden, Dirk; Roscoe, Jonathan F.; Ayravainen, Laura; Cork, Alicia G. (2023). 7(12) 2054–2057.
  • Like-minded sources on Facebook are prevalent but not polarizing. Nyhan, Brendan; Settle, Jaime; Thorson, Emily; Wojcieszak, Magdalena; Barberá, Pablo; Chen, Annie Y.; Allcott, Hunt; Brown, Taylor; Crespo-Tenorio, Adriana; Dimmery, Drew; Freelon, Deen; Gentzkow, Matthew; González-Bailón, Sandra; Guess, Andrew M.; Kennedy, Edward; Kim, Young Mie; Lazer, David; Malhotra, Neil; Moehler, Devra; Pan, Jennifer; Thomas, Daniel Robert; Tromble, Rebekah; Rivera, Carlos Velasco; Wilkins, Arjun; Xiong, Beixian; de Jonge, Chad Kiewiet; Franco, Annie; Mason, Winter; Stroud, Natalie Jomini; Tucker, Joshua A. (2023). 620(7972) 137–144.
  • Domain-adaptive pre-training on a BERT model for the automatic detection of misogynistic tweets in Spanish. Rodríguez, Dalia A.; Diaz-Escobar, Julia; Díaz-Ramírez, Arnoldo; Trujillo, Leonardo (2023). 13(1) 126.
  • Text mining of veterinary forums for epidemiological surveillance supplementation. Munaf, Samuel; Swingler, Kevin; Brülisauer, Franz; O’Hare, Anthony; Gunn, George; Reeves, Aaron (2023). 13(1) 121.
  • Tracking the structure and sentiment of vaccination discussions on Mumsnet. Silva, Miguel E. P.; Skeva, Rigina; House, Thomas; Jay, Caroline (2023). 13(1) 152.
  • Social network dynamics, bots, and community-based online misinformation spread: Lessons from anti-refugee and COVID-19 misinformation cases. Zhen, Lichen (2023). 39(1) 17–34.
  • Of Stances, Themes, and Anomalies in COVID-19 Mask-Wearing Tweets. Low, Jwen Fai; Fung, Benjamin C. M.; Iqbal, Farkhund (2023). 11 87009–87033.
  • Measuring Online Emotional Reactions to Events. Guo, Siyi; He, Zihao; Rao, Ashwin; Jang, Eugene; Nan, Yuanfeixue; Morstatter, Fred; Brantingham, P. Jeffrey; Lerman, Kristina B. A. Prakash, D. Wang, T. Weninger (eds.) (2023). 315–319.
  • ChatGPT outperforms crowd workers for text-annotation tasks. Gilardi, Fabrizio; Alizadeh, Meysam; Kubli, Maël (2023). 120(30) e2305016120.
  • Discovering collective narratives shifts in online discussions. Zhao, Wanying; Guo, Siyi; Lerman, Kristina; Ahn, Yong-Yeol (2023).
  • How to handle web archive versions?. NielsBr¨ugger, ∗; Clavert, Fr´ed´eric; JoshgunSirajzade, ∗; KarinDeWild, ∗ (2023).
  • Utilizing ChatGPT Generated Data to Retrieve Depression Symptoms from Social Media. Bucur, Ana-Maria (2023).
  • Radical Mobilization in Times of Crisis: Use and Effects of Appeals and Populist Communication Features in Telegram Channels. Jost, Pablo; Dogruel, Leyla (2023). 9(3) 20563051231186372.
  • Fulmqa: a fuzzy logic-based model for social media data quality assessment. Reda, Oumaima; Zellou, Ahmed (2023). 13(1) 150.
  • Online Incivility in the 2020 Congressional Elections. Heseltine, Michael; Dorsey, Spencer (2022). 75(2) 512–526.
  • Twitter-Demographer: A Flow-based Tool to Enrich Twitter Data. Bianchi, Federico; Cutrona, Vincenzo; Hovy, Dirk W. Che, E. Shutova (eds.) (2022). 289–297.
  • Structural Scaffolding for Sensemaking in Document Collections Barrow, Joseph (2022). University of Maryland, College Park.
  • Mapping out Violence Against Women of Influence on Twitter Using the Cyber–Lifestyle Routine Activity Theory. Kumar, Priya; Gruzd, Anatoliy; Mai, Philip (2021). 65(5) 689–711.
  • Obesity treatment: Weight loss versus increasing fitness and physical activity for reducing health risks. Gaesser, Glenn A.; Angadi, Siddhartha S. (2021). 24(10) 102995.
  • Local Media and Geo-situated Responses to Brexit: A Quantitative Analysis of Twitter, News and Survey Data. Gorrell, Genevieve; Bakir, Mehmet E.; Temple, Luke; Maynard, Diana; Cifariello, Paolo; Harrison, Jackie; Kanai, J. Miguel; Bontcheva, Kalina (2020).
  • After the ‘APIcalypse’: social media platforms and their fight against critical scholarly research. Bruns, Axel (2019). 22(11) 1544–1566.
  • Hate Speech Detection is Not as Easy as You May Think: A Closer Look at Model Validation. Arango, Aymé; Pérez, Jorge; Poblete, Barbara B. Piwowarski, M. Chevalier, Éric Gaussier, Y. Maarek, J.-Y. Nie, F. Scholer (eds.) (2019). 45–54.
  • Revisiting Computational Models of Argument Schemes: Classification, Annotation, Comparison. Visser, Jacky; Lawrence, John; Wagemans, Jean H. M.; Reed, Chris in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, S. Modgil, K. Budzynska, J. Lawrence (eds.) (2018). (Vol. 305) 313–324.
  • Revisiting Computational Models of Argument Schemes: Classification, Annotation, Comparison. Visser, Jacky; Lawrence, John; Wagemans, Jean H. M.; Reed, Chris (2018).
  • Dictionaries and distributions: Combining expert knowledge and large scale textual data content analysis. Garten, Justin; Hoover, Joe; Johnson, Kate M.; Boghrati, Reihane; Iskiwitch, Carol; Dehghani, Morteza (2018). 50(1) 344–361.
  • What’s Wrong With the ‘War on Obesity?’ A Narrative Review of the Weight-Centered Health Paradigm and Development of the 3C Framework to Build Critical Competency for a Paradigm Shift. O’Hara, Lily; Taylor, Jane (2018). 8(2) 215824401877288.
  • A Collaborative Approach to Research Data Management in a Web Archive Context. Huurdeman, Hugo C.; Kamps, Jaap F. Kruse, J. B. Thestrup (eds.) (2017). 55–78.
  • Validity of claims made in weight management research: a narrative review of dietetic articles. Aphramor, Lucy (2010). 9(1) 30.
  • Have American’s Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?. DiMaggio, Paul; Evans, John; Bryson, Bethany (1996). 102(3) 690–755.

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