Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Künstliche Intelligenz

Am 20.11.2018 wurde im Lichthof der Leibniz Universität Hannover Forschung und Startups rund um das Thema künstliche Intelligenz vorgestellt.  Zusammen mit dem Forschungszentrum L3S von der Universität Hannover und 1KLANG®, die Marke der PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH, das Forschungsprojekt Data4UrbanMobility vorstellen.
Interessierte wurden über die Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt in Bezug auf die entwickelten Apps und das Dashboard informiert (s. unter Ergebnisse: https://data4urbanmobility.l3s.uni-hannover.de/index.php/de/ergebnisse/).

Wir freuen uns über die spannenden Gespräche, die geführt werden konnten und die neuen Tester, die uns bei der Citizen Science App „MiC – Move in the City“ unterstützen möchten.

  • Pulsating Waterjet Cutting Dataset. Schaller, Melanie (2025).
  • Psychosocial Work Factors, Job Stress, and Self-Rated Health Among Hotel Housekeepers. García-Buades, M Esther; Montañez-Juan, Maribel; Blahopoulou, Joanna; Ortiz-Bonnin, Silvia; Chela-Alvarez, Xènia; Bulilete, Oana; Llobera, Joan (2025). 73(3) 116–130.
  • AutoML for Multi-Class Anomaly Compensation of Sensor Drift. Schaller, Melanie; Kruse, Mathis; Ortega, Antonio; Lindauer, Marius; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2025).
  • S4ConvD: Adaptive Scaling and Frequency Adjustment for Energy-Efficient Sensor Networks in Smart Buildings. Schaller, Melanie; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2025).
  • Ausbildung Mit 50Ohm.de. Jung, Matthias (2025).
  • Enwrapped Perylene Bisimide Enables Room Temperature Polariton Lasing and Photonic Lattices. Horneber, Dominik; Düreth, Johannes; Schembri, Tim; Betzold, Simon; Stolte, Matthias; Höfling, Sven; Würthner, Frank; Klembt, Sebastian (2025).
  • S4D-Bio Audio Monitoring of Bone Cement Disintegration in Pulsating Fluid Jet Surgery under Laboratory Conditions. Schaller, Melanie; Hloch, Sergej; Nag, Akash; Klichova, Dagmar; Janssen, Nick; Pude, Frank; Zelenak, Michal; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2025).
  • Trial by FIRE: Probing the dark matter density profile of dwarf galaxies with GraphNPE. Nguyen, Tri; Read, Justin; Necib, Lina; Mishra-Sharma, Siddharth; Faucher-Giguère, Claude-André; Wetzel, Andrew (2025).
  • Künstliche Intelligenz in politischen Kampagnen: Akzeptanz, Wahrnehmung und Wirkung. Technical Report (75), Kruschinski, Simon; Jost, Pablo; Fecher, Hannah; Scherer, Tobias (2025).
  • Ausbildung Mit 50Ohm.de. Jung, Matthias (2025).
  • Usefulness of body and visceral fat determined by bioimpedancemetry versus body mass index and waist circumference in the identification of elevated values of different atherogenesis risk scales. Gordito Soler, María; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio; Paublini, Hernán; López González, Ángel Arturo (2025). 500772–500772.
  • Why Students Are Disruptive and Disengaged in Learning. Matteson, Harlen (2025, March).
  • Homological mirror symmetry for projective K3 surfaces. Hacking, Paul; Keating, Ailsa (2025).
  • An atlas of RNA-dependent proteins in cell division reveals the riboregulation of mitotic protein-protein interactions. Rajagopal, Varshni; Seiler, Jeanette; Nasa, Isha; Cantarella, Simona; Theiss, Jana; Herget, Franziska; Kaifer, Bianca; Klostermann, Melina; Will, Rainer; Schneider, Martin; Helm, Dominic; König, Julian; Zarnack, Kathi; Diederichs, Sven; Kettenbach, Arminja N; Caudron-Herger, Maïwen (2025). 16(1) 2325–2325.
  • Introducing a computationally light approach to estimate forest height and fractional canopy cover from Sentinel-2 data. Fakhra, Arvin; Latifi, Hooman; Samani, Kyumars Mohammadi; Fassnacht, Fabian Ewald (2025). 228
  • Coreference in Long Documents using Hierarchical Entity Merging. Gupta, Talika; Hatzel, Hans Ole; Biemann, Chris Y. Bizzoni, S. Degaetano-Ortlieb, A. Kazantseva, S. Szpakowicz (eds.) (2024). 11–17.
  • Graph Reinforcement Learning in Power Grids: A Survey. Hassouna, Mohamed; Holzhüter, Clara; Lytaev, Pawel; Thomas, Josephine M.; Sick, Bernhard; Scholz, Christoph (2024). abs/2407.04522
  • Clothing, Sublimation, and the Enjoyment of War. Gilligan, Ian (2024).
  • Bayesian Inference for Composition of Hypotheses in Sequential Data. Technical Report (Master thesis), Levermann, Max Johann PhD thesis, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Professur für Inverse Probleme. (2024, September 28).
  • ModeConv: A Novel Convolution for Distinguishing Anomalous and Normal Structural Behavior. Schaller, Melanie; Schlör, Daniel; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
  • Bone Cement Removal with Audio-Monitoring and Erosion Depth (Dataset). Schaller, Melanie; Hloch, Sergej; Nag, Akash; Klichova, Dagmar; Janssen, Nick; Pude, Frank; Zelenak, Michal; Rosenhahn, Bodo (2024).
  • Fluorescence Modulation through the Inverted Energy Gap Law in Triply N−B←N‐Containing Windmill‐Shaped Triazines. Feng, Yi; Wang, Liangxuan; Gao, Hongcheng; Zhou, Jiadong; Stolte, Matthias; Qiu, Honglin; Liu, Linlin; Adebayo, Victor; Boggio‐Pasqua, Martial; Würthner, Frank; Gierschner, Johannes; Xie, Zengqi (2024). 64(4)
  • Fault Detection for Agents in Power Grid Topology Optimization: A Comprehensive Analysis. Lehna, Malte; Hassouna, Mohamed; Degtyar, Dmitry; Tomforde, Sven; Scholz, Christoph (2024).
  • Managing power grids through topology actions: A comparative study between advanced rule-based and reinforcement learning agents. Lehna, Malte; Viebahn, Jan; Marot, Antoine; Tomforde, Sven; Scholz, Christoph (2023). 14 100276.
  • A comprehensive review and recent advances in dry mineral classification. Pukkella, Arjun Kumar; Cilliers, Jan J.; Hadler, Kathryn (2023). 201 108208.
  • Swarming Detection in Smart Beehives Using Auto Encoders for Audio Data. Janetzky, Pascal; Schaller, Melanie; Krause, Anna; Hotho, Andreas (2023).
  • Jews in suits : men’s dress in Vienna, 1890-1938 Kaplan-Wajselbaum, Jonathan C. (2023). Bloomsbury Visual Arts, London.
  • Koreni multikulturalnosti Bosne u franjevačkom redu za vreme bosanskih banova. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Vujković Šakanović, Ana PhD thesis, Novi Sad. (2023).
  • Targeted Adversarial Attacks on Wind Power Forecasts. Heinrich, René; Scholz, Christoph; Vogt, Stephan; Lehna, Malte (2023). 113(2) 863–889.
  • Liquor-HGNN: A heterogeneous graph neural network for leakage detection in water distribution networks. Schaller, Melanie; Steininger, Michael; Dulny, Andrzej; Schlör, Daniel; Hotho, Andreas (2023).
  • Defining Spaces of Exchange: Venice and the Eastern Adriatic Strunje, Petar PhD thesis, Università IUAV di Venezia. (2022).
  • Vlasi Vilićani (Vlasi Usorci). Agić, Admir (2022, November).
  • Towards IoT Standards Interoperability: A Tool-Assisted Approach. Popp, Laurell; Schaller, Melanie (2021). 514–518.
  • Matične knjige krštenih katoličkih župa Uskoplja odnosno Skopja od 1745. do 1883. godine Škegro, Ante (2021). Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb.
  • Prilozi prosopografiji Radivojevića – Jurjevića – Pavlovića – Petrovića. Kurtović, Esad (2021). 97–121.
  • کتاب نانو بیو سنسور الکتریکی(دکتر افشین رشید). Rashid, Afshin (2021).
  • Bosanska država u odjecima događaja iz 1373. godine. Đulović, Amar (2021). 93–123.
  • Neka razmatranja o Vlatkovićima, Krajini i Zaostrogu. Isailović, Neven; Jakovljević, Aleksandar (2021). 139–177.
  • Bosanska vlastela u XV veku : prospografska studija Rudić Srdjan; Rastović Aleksandar (2021). Istorijski Institut Beograd ; Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Beograd, Banja Luka.
  • Handbuch Sozialwissenschaftliche Gedächtnisforschung Berek, Mathias; Chmelar, Kristina; Dimbath, Oliver; Haag, Hanna; Heinlein, Michael; Leonhard, Nina; Rauer, Valentin; Sebald, Gerd (2020). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
  • Mythos. Corsten, Michael; Jafke, Larissa M. Berek, K. Chmelar, O. Dimbath, H. Haag, M. Heinlein, N. Leonhard, V. Rauer, G. Sebald (eds.) (2020). 97–108.
  • Migracijski tokovi, društveno-političke prilike u Bosanskom ejaletu (1683.-1718.). Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Smajić, Ramiza PhD thesis, Zagreb. (2019). 262.
  • Colluding with the Infidel: The Alliance between Ladislaus of Naples and the Turks. Filipović, Emir O. (2019). 8(2) 361–389.
  • Naselja i stanovništvo hrvatskih pokrajina 1750-1857. godine Koruni’c, Petar in Naselja i stanovništvo hrvatskih pokrajina 1750-1857. godine, (vZeljko Holjevac, ed.) (2018). FF Press.
  • Poljica u srednjem vijeku. Technical Report (Master thesis), Bulić, Ana PhD thesis, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli ; Filozofski fakultet. (2018).
  • Bračne veze bosanske vlastele. Rudić, Srđan (2018). 18 173–188.
  • Doseljavanje iz Dalmacije na područje sjeverozapadne Bosne do 1818. godine. Ivić, Anto (2017). 27 139–170.
  • Mala povijest Košuta Dukić, Josip; Dukić, Viktor; Marić, Miljenko; Žolo, Ivan (2017). Kulturno društvo Trilj ; Župa Presvetog Srca Isusova, Trilj ; Košute.
  • Prilozi poznavanju pučanstva Rame od srednjeg vijeka do konca osmanske vladavine. Ivić, Anto Brković T. (ed.) (2016).
  • Don Filip Banić (1858-1892) i obiteljska zadruga Banića u Donjem Docu. Banić, Ivan (2015). 835–850.
  • Portfolio Theory and Risk Management Capiński, M.J.; Kopp, E. in Mastering Mathematical Finance (2014). Cambridge University Press.
  • Naseljavanje Kupresa. Ivić, Anto M. Karaula (ed.) (2014). 239–282.
  • Uskoci i hajduci u usmenoj epici i povijesnom kontekstu. Technical Report (Master thesis), Lozić, Jeronim PhD thesis, Filozofski fakultet u Splitu, Split. (2013). 69.
  • Matične knjige umrlih uskopaljskih župa (od 1755. do 1883. godine) Škegro, Ante (2012). 505. Hrvatski institut za povijest, Zagreb.
  • Usmeno pamćenje i zaborav: krajiška epika i njeni junaci Kunić, Mirsad (2012). 197. Centar za kulturu i obrazovanje, Tešanj.
  • Frontier Elites of the Ottoman Empire During the War for Crete (1645- 1669): The Case of Ali-Pasha Čengić. Madunić, Domagoj (2012). 48 90–120.
  • "Jere ćete biti vi kakovi smo mi sada": (katolička groblja na području Uskoplja do 1883. g.). Škegro, Ante; Ivić, Anto (2011). (25) 75–131.
  • Stanford’s Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference Resolution System at the CoNLL-2011 Shared Task. Lee, Heeyoung; Peirsman, Yves; Chang, Angel; Chambers, Nathanael; Surdeanu, M.; Jurafsky, Dan (2011).
  • Prilog poznavanju nekih islamizovanih bosanskih porodica. Rudić, Srđan S. Rudić (ed.) (2011). 425–439.
  • A High-Performance Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parser. Björkelund, Anders; Bohnet, Bernd; Hafdell, Love; Nugues, Pierre Y. Liu, T. Liu (eds.) (2010). 33–36.
  • Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction. Bohnet, Bernd C.-R. Huang, D. Jurafsky (eds.) (2010). 89–97.
  • Introduction to air classification. DeCenso, A. J. (2009).
  • Normativi i standardi rada u građevinarstvu: niskogradnja: 7 Mijatović, Radoslav (2008). Građevinska knjiga, Beograd.
  • Estimation of Conditional Probabilities With Decision Trees and an Application to Fine-Grained POS Tagging. Schmid, Helmut; Laws, Florian (2008).
  • Razmišljanje o ranim banovima Bosne i neke pretpostavke o njihovom poreklu i pokušaj uspostavljanja rodoslova. Andrejić, Živojin (2007). 5 105–132.
  • Povelja kralja Stefana Dabiše braći Semković:1395, 17. maj. Rudić, Srđan (2006). 5 157–171.
  • Bosanski namjesnici Osmanskog doba: 1463-1878 Bišvcevi’c, Vedad in Biblioteka Antologija (2006). Connectum, Sarajevo.
  • Na klizištu povijesti : sveta kruna ugarska i sveta kruna bosanska 1387-1463 Lovrenović Dubravko (2006). Synopsis, Zagreb.
  • Granica između Splita i Poljica i splitsko-poljički sukobi u XIV. i XV. stoljeću (Dio prvi: Teritorijalna rasprostranjenost Poljica i politički okvir splitsko poljičkih odnosa u XIV. i XV. stoljeću). Nazor, Ante (2002). 20 29–57.
  • Donji Kraji: Krajina srednjovekovne Bosne Mrgi’c Radojvci’c, Jelena (2002). Filozofski fakultet, Beograd.
  • Donji Kraji: Krajina srednjovekovne Bosne Mrgi’c-Radojvci’c, Jelena (2002). Filozofski fakultet, Beograd.
  • Dramatični brak (Porodične i političke afere, pa i otvoreno neprijateljstvo između porodica Hrvatinića i Hranića-Kosača). Kurtović, Esad (2001). 26(134 (45) 73–76.
  • Stanovništvo duvanjskog kraja u XVII. i XVIII. stoljeću. Soldo, Josip Ante J. Krišto (ed.) (2000). 159–187.
  • Improvements in Part-of-Speech Tagging with an Application to German. Schmid, Helmut (1999).
  • AntiPatterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis Brown, William J.; Malveau, Raphael C.; III, Hays W. McCormick; Mowbray, Thomas J. (1998). Wiley, New York.
  • Sinjska krajina u 17. i 18. stoljeću Soldo, Josip Ante in Sinjska krajina u 17. i 18. stolje’cu (1997). Ogranak Matice Hrvatske, Sinj.
  • Antologija starih bosanskih tekstova Dizdar, Mak in Antologije (Alef (Firm))) (1997). Alef, Sarajevo.
  • The choice of sample size. Lindley, Dennis V. (1997). 46(2) 129–138.
  • Sample size determination: a review. Adcock, C. J. (1997). 46(2) 261–283.
  • Sinjska krajina u 17. i 18. stoljeću Soldo, Josip Ante in Sinjska krajina u 17. i 18. stoljeću (1995). Matica hrvatska, Sinj.
  • Probabilistic Part-of-Speech Tagging Using Decision Trees. Schmidt, Helmut (1994).
  • Razgraničenje između Bosanskog pašaluka i mletačke Dalmacije nakon kandijskog rata. Buzov, Snježana (1993). 12(12) 1–38.
  • Etničke promjene i migracije stanovništva u Sinjskoj krajini krajem 17. i početkom 18. stoljeća. Soldo, Josip Ante (1989). 4 81–133.
  • Oslobođenje Imotske krajine od Turaka. Nikić, Andrija M. Babić, B. Pezo (eds.) (1989). 173–189.
  • Seoba Ramljaka u Sinjsku krajinu. Soldo, Josip Ante (1988). 38 23–33.
  • Marks’ Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers Avallone, Eugene A.; Baumeister, Theodore (1987). (Ninth ) McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Senjski uskoci u narodnoj pjesmi i povijesti Mijatović, Anđelko in Biblioteka Vijenac (1983). Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
  • Sieve analysis, the Cinderella of particle size analysis methods?. Leschonski, Kurt (1979). 24(2) 115–124.
  • The Foundations of Survey Sampling: A Review. Smith, T. M. F. (1976). 139(2) 183–195.
  • Historijska narodna predanja i toponomastika u Fojnici i okolini Palavestra, Vlajko (1973). 101–153. Zemaljski muzej, Sarejevo.
  • Popis pučanstva splitske nadbiskupije 1725. godine. Zelić Bućan, Benedikta (1967). 6 257–287.
  • Stećci centralne Bosne Bešlagić, Šefik (1967). 115. Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo.
  • Naselja i kretanje stanovništva u Poljicama. Jutronić, Andre (1963). 25(1) 37–59.
  • Problem Slavca i Neretljanske krajine. Klaić, Nada (1960). 14 96–136.
  • Naseljenje starohrvatske Podmorske župe. Katić, Lovre (1960). 3(7) 159–184.
  • Brački zbornik Jutronić, Andre (1940). Udruženje Bračana u Splitu, Split.
  • Nekoliko isprava iz početka XV st. Šišić, Ferdo (1938). 39 131–320.
  • Naseljavanje Poljičana i drugih Dinaraca na Brač. Jutronić, Andre (1928). (14) 144–148.
  • Prilog za povjest Poljica u XV. stoljeću. Klaić, Vjekoslav (1914). 16 40–44.

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