Dienstleistungstagung 2019 Service Systems Innovation

During the “Dienstleistungstagung 2019 Service Systems Innovation” organized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research that took place in Paderbon on April 8th-9th. Data4UrbanMobility was presented by the Research Center L3S and the PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH. Visitors could explore the impacts of public events on traffic on a large display. Moreover, the D4UM-App and the MiC-App (Move in the City) was presented and explained to interested participants.

  • Estimation of Cardiovascular Risk Using SCORE2, REGICOR and Vascular Age Scales in Spanish Healthcare Workers: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study. Marcos, Pedro Javier Tárraga; López, Pedro Juan Tárraga; López-González, Ángel Arturo; Rifá, Emilio Martínez-Almoyna; Oliveira, Hernán Paublini; Sánchez, Cristina Martorell; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio (2025). 13(4) 375-.
  • Body Fat and Visceral Fat Values in Spanish Healthcare Workers: Associated Variables. Tárraga Marcos, Pedro Javier; López-González, Ángel Arturo; Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio; Paublini Oliveira, Hernán; Martorell Sánchez, Cristina; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio (2025). 17(4) 649-.
  • Risk of Insulin Resistance in 44,939 Spanish Healthcare Workers: Association with Sociodemographic Variables and Healthy Habits. Tárraga Marcos, Pedro Javier; López-González, Ángel Arturo; Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, Emilio; Paublini Oliveira, Hernán; Martorell Sánchez, Cristina; Tárraga López, Pedro Juan; Ramírez-Manent, José Ignacio (2025). 13(2) 33-.
  • Compartment model of strategy-dependent time delays in replicator dynamics. Fic, Małgorzata; Bastian, Frank; Miȩkisz, Jacek; Gokhale, Chaitanya S. (2025). 601 112044.
  • Self-Aligned InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors and Circuits on Transparent Thin Glass and FEP Film. Corsino, Dianne C.; Catania, Federica; Garner, Sean; Cantarella, Giuseppe; Münzenrieder, Niko (2024). 3(11) 484–491.
  • Generating High-Quality Symbolic Music Using Fine-Grained Discriminators. Zhang, Zhedong; Li, Liang; Zhang, Jiehua; Hu, Zhenghui; Wang, Hongkui; Yan, Chenggang; Yang, Jian; Qi, Yuankai in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. Antonacopoulos, S. Chaudhuri, R. Chellappa, C.-L. Liu, S. Bhattacharya, U. Pal (eds.) (2024). (Vol. 15320) 332–344.
  • SM4Depth: Seamless Monocular Metric Depth Estimation across Multiple Cameras and Scenes by One Model. Liu, Yihao; Xue, Feng; Ming, Anlong; Zhao, Mingshuai; Ma, Huadong; Sebe, Nicu J. Cai, M. S. Kankanhalli, B. Prabhakaran, S. Boll, R. Subramanian, L. Zheng, V. K. Singh, P. César, L. Xie, D. Xu (eds.) (2024). 3469–3478.
  • MedIE-Instruct: A Comprehensive Instruction Dataset for Medical Information Extraction. Xiang, Zhuoyi; Wang, Xinda; Yan, Xiaodong; Zhao, Deng; Ding, Keyan; Zhang, Qiang V. S. Sheng, C. Hicks, C. Ling, V. Raghavan, X. Wu (eds.) (2024). 420–427.
  • Generating Multiple Choice Questions from Scientific Literature via Large Language Models. Luo, Shunyang; Tang, Yuqi; Jiang, Mingyuan; Feng, Kehua; Zhang, Qiang; Ding, Keyan V. S. Sheng, C. Hicks, C. Ling, V. Raghavan, X. Wu (eds.) (2024). 219–226.
  • Instance-Level Neural Feature Selection Based on Disentanglement Enhancement. Liu, Zihao; Pan, Jun; Wang, Hao; Yu, Kui V. S. Sheng, C. Hicks, C. Ling, V. Raghavan, X. Wu (eds.) (2024). 211–218.
  • Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Logics and Embeddings: Survey and Perspective. Zhang, Wen; Chen, Jiaoyan; Li, Juan; Xu, Zezhong; Pan, Jeff Z.; Chen, Huajun V. S. Sheng, C. Hicks, C. Ling, V. Raghavan, X. Wu (eds.) (2024). 492–499.
  • Deep Learning for SLP-based ISAC Waveform Design. Jiang, Peng; Liu, Rang; Li, Ming; Xiao, Zichao; Liu, Qian (2024). 2270–2275.
  • A Novel Dynamic Hybrid Beamforming Design for ELAA Systems. Liu, Mengzhen; Li, Ming; Liu, Rang; Liu, Qian (2024). 4494–4499.
  • MuSc: Zero-Shot Industrial Anomaly Classification and Segmentation with Mutual Scoring of the Unlabeled Images. Li, Xurui; Huang, Ziming; Xue, Feng; Zhou, Yu (2024).
  • Enhancing Risk Assessment in Transformers with Loss-at-Risk Functions. Zhang, Jinghan; Xie, Henry; Zhang, Xinhao; Liu, Kunpeng V. S. Sheng, C. Hicks, C. Ling, V. Raghavan, X. Wu (eds.) (2024). 477–484.
  • Impacts and State-Dependence of AMOC Weakening in a Warming Climate. Bellomo, Katinka; Mehling, Oliver (2024). 51(10) e2023GL107624.
  • Catalysing cooperation: the power of collective beliefs in structured populations. Fic, Małgorzata; Gokhale, Chaitanya S. (2024). 1(1) 6.
  • Effects of time spent in pregnancy or brooding on immunocompetence. Revathi Venkateswaran, Vandana; Gokhale, Chaitanya S.; Mangel, Marc; Eliassen, Sigrunn (2024). 14(1) e10764.
  • Terrain Classification Based on Wheel-terrain Interaction Measurements using Aside-Wheel Camera. Xue, Feng; Hu, Longteng; Yao, Chen; Wei, Jin; Li, Yunzhou; Wang, Peichen; Zhu, Zheng; Jia, Zhenzhong (2023). 1–6.
  • Theoretical assessment of persistence and adaptation in weeds with complex life cycles. Lauenroth, Dana; Gokhale, Chaitanya S. (2023). 9(8) 1267–1279.
  • Uncertainty-Aware Image Captioning. Fei, Zhengcong; Fan, Mingyuan; Zhu, Li; Huang, Junshi; Wei, Xiaoming; Wei, Xiaolin B. Williams, Y. Chen, J. Neville (eds.) (2023). 614–622.
  • Terrain Classification Using Inside-Wheel Cameras Based on Wheel-Terrain Interaction Characteristics. Hu, Longteng; Xue, Feng; Yao, Chen; Li, Yunzhou; Wei, Jin; Wang, Peichen; Zhu, Zheng; Jia, Zhenzhong (2023). 1–6.
  • The Effect of Mating Complexity on Gene Drive Dynamics. Verma, Prateek; Reeves, R Guy; Simon, Samson; Otto, Mathias; Gokhale, Chaitanya S (2023). 201(1) E1-E22.
  • Optimizing crop rotations via Parrondo’s paradox for sustainable agriculture. Gokhale, Chaitanya S.; Sharma, Nikhil (2023). 10(5) 221401.
  • Multimodal Counterfactual Learning Network for Multimedia-based Recommendation. Li, Shuaiyang; Guo, Dan; Liu, Kang; Hong, Richang; Xue, Feng H.-H. Chen, W.-J. (Edward) Duh, H.-H. Huang, M. P. Kato, J. Mothe, B. Poblete (eds.) (2023). 1539–1548.
  • A Quantize-then-Estimate Protocol for CSI Acquisition in IRS-Aided Downlink Communication. Wang, Rui; Wang, Zhaorui; Liu, Liang; Zhang, Shuowen; Jin, Shi (2023). 6127–6132.
  • Unknown Sniffer for Object Detection: Don’t Turn a Blind Eye to Unknown Objects. Liang, Wenteng; Xue, Feng; Liu, Yihao; Zhong, Guofeng; Ming, Anlong (2023). 3230–3239.
  • Bias Reduced Semidefinite Relaxation Method for Multistatic Localization in the Absence of Transmitter Position And Its Synchronization. Pei, Jian; Wang, Gang; Ho, K. C.; Huang, Lei (2023). 1–5.
  • Masked Auto-Encoders Meet Generative Adversarial Networks and Beyond. Fei, Zhengcong; Fan, Mingyuan; Zhu, Li; Huang, Junshi; Wei, Xiaoming; Wei, Xiaolin (2023). 24449–24459.
  • Social engineering: how crowdmasters, phreaks, hackers, and trolls created a new form of manipulative communication Gehl, Robert W.; Lawson, Sean T. (2022). Cambridge, The MIT Press.
  • Fast Road Segmentation via Uncertainty-aware Symmetric Network. Chang, Yicong; Xue, Feng; Sheng, Fei; Liang, Wenteng; Ming, Anlong (2022). 11124–11130.
  • Feature Selection and Extreme Learning Machine Tuning by Hybrid Sand Cat Optimization Algorithm for Diabetes Classification. Stankovic, Marko; Bacanin, Nebojsa; Zivkovic, Miodrag; Jovanovic, Dijana; Antonijevic, Milos; Bukmira, Milos; Strumberger, Ivana in Communications in Computer and Information Science, D. Simian, L. F. Stoica (eds.) (2022). (Vol. 1761) 188–203.
  • Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection with Few Positive Samples. Xue, Feng; Yan, Weizhong (2022). 1–7.
  • Monocular Depth Distribution Alignment with Low Computation. Sheng, Fei; Xue, Feng; Chang, Yicong; Liang, Wenteng; Ming, Anlong (2022). 6548–6555.
  • Morphable Detector for Object Detection on Demand. Zhao, Xiangyun; Zou, Xu; Wu, Ying (2021). 4751–4760.
  • Multi-stage Knowledge Propagation Network for Recommendation. Xue, Feng; Zhou, Wenjie; Hong, Zikun; Liu, Kang in Communications in Computer and Information Science, B. Qin, Z. Jin, H. Wang, J. Z. Pan, Y. Liu, B. An (eds.) (2021). (Vol. 1466) 253–264.
  • Spatial-Temporal Super-Resolution of Satellite Imagery via Conditional Pixel Synthesis. He, Yutong; Wang, Dingjie; Lai, Nicholas; Zhang, William; Meng, Chenlin; Burke, Marshall; Lobell, David B.; Ermon, Stefano M. Ranzato, A. Beygelzimer, Y. N. Dauphin, P. Liang, J. W. Vaughan (eds.) (2021). 27903–27915.
  • Graph Attention-Based Deep Neural Network for 3D Point Cloud Processing. Li, Xun; Xue, Feng; Chen, Chao; Yuan, Xiaohui; Lu, Qiang (2021). 1–6.
  • Learning Associations between Features and Clusters: An Interpretable Deep Clustering Method. Huang, Hao; Xue, Feng; Yan, Weizhong; Wang, Tianyi; Yoo, Shinjae; Xu, Chenxiao (2021). 1–10.
  • Intelligent Visualization System for Big Multi-source Medical Data Based on Data Lake. Ren, Peng; Mao, Ziyun; Li, Shuaibo; Xiao, Yang; Ke, Yating; Yao, Lanyu; Lan, Hao; Li, Xin; Sheng, Ming; Zhang, Yong in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, C. Xing, X. Fu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhang, C. Borjigin (eds.) (2021). (Vol. 12999) 706–717.
  • MHDP: An Efficient Data Lake Platform for Medical Multi-source Heterogeneous Data. Ren, Peng; Li, Shuaibo; Hou, Wei; Zheng, Wenkui; Li, Zhen; Cui, Qin; Chang, Wang; Li, Xin; Zeng, Chun; Sheng, Ming; Zhang, Yong in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, C. Xing, X. Fu, Y. Zhang, G. Zhang, C. Borjigin (eds.) (2021). (Vol. 12999) 727–738.
  • Science-utility and science-trust associations and how they relate to knowledge about how science works. Schoor, Cornelia; Schütz, Astrid (2021). 16(12) 1–21.
  • Flight data anomaly detection and diagnosis with variable association change. He, Sijie; Huang, Hao; Yoo, Shinjae; Yan, Weizhong; Xue, Feng; Wang, Tianyi; Xu, Chenxiao C.-C. Hung, J. Hong, A. Bechini, E. Song (eds.) (2021). 346–354.
  • Imbalanced Time Series Classification for Flight Data Analyzing with Nonlinear Granger Causality Learning. Huang, Hao; Xu, Chenxiao; Yoo, Shinjae; Yan, Weizhong; Wang, Tianyi; Xue, Feng M. d’Aquin, S. Dietze, C. Hauff, E. Curry, P. Cudré-Mauroux (eds.) (2020). 2533–2540.
  • On The Degrees Of Freedom in Total Variation Minimization. Xue, Feng; Blu, Thierry (2020). 5690–5694.
  • A Novel Multi-layer Framework for Tiny Obstacle Discovery. Xue, Feng; Ming, Anlong; Zhou, Menghan; Zhou, Yu (2019). 2939–2945.
  • An Iterative Sure-Let Deconvolution Algorithm Based on BM3D Denoiser. Xue, Feng; Li, Jizhou; Blu, Thierry (2019). 1795–1799.
  • Discriminative and Correlative Partial Multi-Label Learning. Wang, Haobo; Liu, Weiwei; Zhao, Yang; Zhang, Chen; Hu, Tianlei; Chen, Gang S. Kraus (ed.) (2019). 3691–3697.
  • Mining Graphs and Networks: A 15-Year Journey. Pei, Jian in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, A. Bifet, M. Berlingerio, J. Gama, J. Read, A. R. Nogueira (eds.) (2019). (Vol. 2579)
  • Occlusion-Shared and Feature-Separated Network for Occlusion Relationship Reasoning. Lu, Rui; Xue, Feng; Zhou, Menghan; Ming, Anlong; Zhou, Yu (2019). 10342–10351.
  • Generative Creativity: Adversarial Learning for Bionic Design. Yu, Simiao; Dong, Hao; Wang, Pan; Wu, Chao; Guo, Yike in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, I. V. Tetko, V. Kurková, P. Karpov, F. J. Theis (eds.) (2019). (Vol. 11729) 525–536.
  • Recursive Evaluation of Sure for Total Variation Denoising. Xue, Feng; Blu, Thierry; Liu, Jiaqi; Ai, Xia (2018). 1338–1342.
  • Security-Driven Task Scheduling for Multiprocessor System-on-Chips with Performance Constraints. Wang, Nan; Yao, Manting; Jiang, Dongxu; Chen, Song; Zhu, Yu (2018). 545–550.
  • Visual-SLIM: Integrated Sparse Linear Model with Visual Features for Personalized Recommendation. Chen, Siyang; Xue, Feng; Zhang, Haobo in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. Hong, W.-H. Cheng, T. Yamasaki, M. Wang, C.-W. Ngo (eds.) (2018). (Vol. 11164) 126–135.
  • A Novel Gcv-Based Criterion for Parameter Selection In Image Deconvolution. Xue, Feng; Blu, Thierry; Liu, Jiaqi; Ai, Xia (2018). 1403–1407.
  • How to Exploit Weaknesses in Biomedical Challenge Design and Organization. Reinke, Annika; Eisenmann, Matthias; Onogur, Sinan; Stankovic, Marko; Scholz, Patrick; Full, Peter M.; Bogunovic, Hrvoje; Landman, Bennett A.; Maier, Oskar; Menze, Bjoern H.; Sharp, Gregory C.; Sirinukunwattana, Korsuk; Speidel, Stefanie; van der Sommen, Fons; Zheng, Guoyan; Müller, Henning; Kozubek, Michal; Arbel, Tal; Bradley, Andrew P.; Jannin, Pierre; Kopp-Schneider, Annette; Maier-Hein, Lena in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. F. Frangi, J. A. Schnabel, C. Davatzikos, C. Alberola-López, G. Fichtinger (eds.) (2018). (Vol. 11073) 388–395.
  • Gaussian blur estimation for photon-limited images. Li, Jizhou; Xue, Feng; Blu, Thierry (2017). 495–499.
  • Same but different? Measurement invariance of the PIAAC motivation-to-learn scale across key socio-demographic groups. Gorges, Julia; Koch, Tobias; Maehler, Débora B.; Offerhaus, Judith (2017). 5(1)
  • Abstract: Können wir Rankings vertrauen? Eine systematische Analyse biomedizinischer Challenges hinsichtlich Reporting und Design. Eisenmann, Matthias; Scholz, Patrick; Stankovic, Marko; Jannin, Pierre; Stock, Christian; Maier-Hein, Lena in Informatik Aktuell, K. H. Maier-Hein, T. M. Deserno, H. Handels, T. Tolxdorff (eds.) (2017). 49.
  • An iterative sure-let approach to sparse reconstruction. Xue, Feng; Blu, Thierry; Du, Runle; Liu, Jiaqi (2016). 4493–4497.
  • Modelling Sentence Pairs with Tree-structured Attentive Encoder. Zhou, Yao; Liu, Cong; Pan, Yan N. Calzolari, Y. Matsumoto, R. Prasad (eds.) (2016). 2912–2922.
  • I Just Don’t Trust Them: The Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument to Measure Trust in Science and Scientists. Nadelson, Louis; Jorcyk, Cheryl; Yang, Dazhi; Jarratt Smith, Mary; Matson, Sam; Cornell, Ken; Husting, Virginia (2014). 114(2) 76–86.
  • A Localized Efficient Forwarding Algorithm in Large-Scale Delay Tolerant Networks. He, Yuxing; Liu, Cong; Pan, Yan; Zhang, Jun; Wu, Jie; Zhao, Yaxiong; Yang, Shuhui; Lu, Mingming (2014). 594–599.
  • SURE-LET image deconvolution using multiple Wiener filters. Xue, Feng; Luisier, Florian; Blu, Thierry (2012). 3037–3040.
  • Sure-based blind Gaussian deconvolution. Xue, Feng; Blu, Thierry (2012). 452–455.
  • A compact integrated 100 GS/s sampling module for UWB see through wall radar with fast refresh rate for dynamic real time imaging. Liu, Quanhua; Wang, Yazhou; Fathy, Aly E. (2012). 59–62.
  • Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Inhibition Provides Opportunities for Targeted Therapy by Sulforaphane in Regulating Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cell Self-Renewal. Rodova, Mariana; Fu, Junsheng; Watkins, Dara Nall; Srivastava, Rakesh K.; Shankar, Sharmila (2012). 7(9) 1–10.
  • Suggesting Topic-Based Query Terms as You Type. Fan, Ju; Wu, Hao; Li, Guoliang; Zhou, Lizhu W.-S. Han, D. Srivastava, G. Yu, H. Yu, Z. H. Huang (eds.) (2010). 61–67.
  • Firefly: illuminating future network-on-chip with nanophotonics. Pan, Yan; Kumar, Prabhat; Kim, John; Memik, Gokhan; Zhang, Yu; Choudhary, Alok N. S. W. Keckler, L. A. Barroso (eds.) (2009). 429–440.
  • Jet engine gas path fault diagnosis using dynamic fusion of multiple classifiers. Yan, Weizhong; Xue, Feng (2008). 1585–1591.
  • Temperature Control in Precalcinator with Dual Heuristic Dynamic Programming. Lin, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Zhigang; Liu, Derong (2007). 344–349.
  • Probabilistic Skylines on Uncertain Data. Pei, Jian; Jiang, Bin; Lin, Xuemin; Yuan, Yidong C. Koch, J. Gehrke, M. N. Garofalakis, D. Srivastava, K. Aberer, A. Deshpande, D. Florescu, C. Y. Chan, V. Ganti, C.-C. Kanne, W. Klas, E. J. Neuhold (eds.) (2007). 15–26.
  • Minimality Attack in Privacy Preserving Data Publishing. Wong, Raymond Chi-Wing; Fu, Ada Wai-Chee; Wang, Ke; Pei, Jian C. Koch, J. Gehrke, M. N. Garofalakis, D. Srivastava, K. Aberer, A. Deshpande, D. Florescu, C. Y. Chan, V. Ganti, C.-C. Kanne, W. Klas, E. J. Neuhold (eds.) (2007). 543–554.
  • Efficiently Answering Top-k Typicality Queries on Large Databases. Hua, Ming; Pei, Jian; Fu, Ada Wai-Chee; Lin, Xuemin; fung Leung, Ho C. Koch, J. Gehrke, M. N. Garofalakis, D. Srivastava, K. Aberer, A. Deshpande, D. Florescu, C. Y. Chan, V. Ganti, C.-C. Kanne, W. Klas, E. J. Neuhold (eds.) (2007). 890–901.
  • Parametric model-based anomaly detection for locomotive subsystems. Xue, Feng; Yan, Weizhong (2007). 3074–3079.
  • A Review of Two Industrial Deployments of Multi-criteria Decision-making Systems at General Electric. Subbu, Raj; Bonissone, Piero P.; Bollapragada, Srinivas; Chalermkraivuth, Kete Charles; Eklund, Neil H. W.; Iyer, Naresh; Shah, Rasik; Xue, Feng; Yan, Weizhong (2007). 136–145.
  • Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Data Streams Using Stream Cubes. Han, Jiawei; Cai, Yandong; Chen, Yixin; Dong, Guozhu; Pei, Jian; Wah, Benjamin W.; Wang, Jianyong C. C. Aggarwal (ed.) (2007). (Vol. 31) 103–125.
  • Minimum Description Length Principle: Generators Are Preferable to Closed Patterns. Li, Jinyan; Li, Haiquan; Wong, Limsoon; Pei, Jian; Dong, Guozhu (2006). 409–414.
  • Achieving k-Anonymity by Clustering in Attribute Hierarchical Structures. Li, Jiuyong; Wong, Raymond Chi-Wing; Fu, Ada Wai-Chee; Pei, Jian in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. M. Tjoa, J. Trujillo (eds.) (2006). (Vol. 4081) 405–416.
  • Catching the Best Views of Skyline: A Semantic Approach Based on Decisive Subspaces. Pei, Jian; Jin, Wen; Ester, Martin; Tao, Yufei K. Böhm, C. S. Jensen, L. M. Haas, M. L. Kersten, P.- Åke Larson, B. C. Ooi (eds.) (2005). 253–264.
  • Mining Most General Multidimensional Summarization of Probably Groups in Data Warehouses. Yu, Hui; Pei, Jian; Tang, Shiwei; Yang, Dongqing J. Frew (ed.) (2005). 185–194.
  • Efficiently Mining Frequent Closed Partial Orders. Pei, Jian; Liu, Jian; Wang, Haixun; Wang, Ke; Yu, Philip S.; Wang, Jianyong (2005). 753–756.
  • GraphMiner: a structural pattern-mining system for large disk-based graph databases and its applications. Wang, Wei; Wang, Chen; Zhu, Yongtai; Shi, Baile; Pei, Jian; Yan, Xifeng; Han, Jiawei F. Özcan (ed.) (2005). 879–881.
  • Preface to CoMWIM 2004. Yang, Dongqing; Tang, Shiwei; Pei, Jian; Wang, Tengjiao; Gao, Jun in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, S. Wang, D. Yang, K. Tanaka, F. Grandi, S. Zhou, E. E. Mangina, T. W. Ling, I.-Y. Song, J. Guan, H. C. Mayr (eds.) (2004). (Vol. 3289) 197.
  • Data Mining: The Next Generation. Ramakrishnan, Raghu; Agrawal, Rakesh; Freytag, Johann-Christoph; Bollinger, Toni; Clifton, Christopher W.; Dzeroski, Saso; Hipp, Jochen; Keim, Daniel A.; Kramer, Stefan; Kriegel, Hans-Peter; Leser, Ulf; Liu, Bing; Mannila, Heikki; Meo, Rosa; Morishita, Shinichi; Ng, Raymond T.; Pei, Jian; Raghavan, Prabhakar; Spiliopoulou, Myra; Srivastava, Jaideep; Torra, Vicenç in Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings, R. Agrawal, J.-C. Freytag, R. Ramakrishnan (eds.) (2004). (Vol. 04292)
  • Data Mining for Intrusion Detection: Techniques, Applications and Systems. Pei, Jian; Upadhyaya, Shambhu J.; Farooq, Faisal; Govindaraju, Venugopal Z. M. Özsoyoglu, S. B. Zdonik (eds.) (2004). 877.
  • A Fast Algorithm for Subspace Clustering by Pattern Similarity. Wang, Haixun; Chu, Fang; Fan, Wei; Yu, Philip S.; Pei, Jian (2004). 51–60.
  • MaPle: A Fast Algorithm for Maximal Pattern-based Clustering. Pei, Jian; Zhang, Xiaoling; Cho, Moonjung; Wang, Haixun; Yu, Philip S. (2003). 259–266.
  • SOCQET: Semantic OLAP with Compressed Cube and Summarization. Lakshmanan, Laks V. S.; Pei, Jian; Zhao, Yan A. Y. Halevy, Z. G. Ives, A. Doan (eds.) (2003). 658.
  • Mining Confident Colocation Rules without A Support Threshold. Huang, Yan; Xiong, Hui; Shekhar, Shashi; Pei, Jian G. B. Lamont, H. Haddad, G. A. Papadopoulos, B. Panda (eds.) (2003). 497–501.
  • QC-Trees: An Efficient Summary Structure for Semantic OLAP. Lakshmanan, Laks V. S.; Pei, Jian; Zhao, Yan A. Y. Halevy, Z. G. Ives, A. Doan (eds.) (2003). 64–75.
  • ApproxMAP: Approximate Mining of Consensus Sequential Patterns. Kum, Hye-Chung; Pei, Jian; Wang, Wei; Duncan, Dean D. Barbará, C. Kamath (eds.) (2003). 311–315.
  • On Computing Condensed Frequent Pattern Bases. Pei, Jian; Dong, Guozhu; Zou, Wei; Han, Jiawei (2002). 378–385.
  • Quotient Cube: How to Summarize the Semantics of a Data Cube. Lakshmanan, Laks V. S.; Pei, Jian; Han, Jiawei (2002). 778–789.
  • Online Analytical Processing Stream Data: Is It Feasible?. Chen, Yixin; Dong, Guozhu; Han, Jiawei; Pei, Jian; Wah, Benjamin W.; Wang, Jianyong (2002).
  • PrefixSpan: Mining Sequential Patterns by Prefix-Projected Growth. Pei, Jian; Han, Jiawei; Mortazavi-Asl, Behzad; Pinto, Helen; Chen, Qiming; Dayal, Umeshwar; Hsu, Meichun D. Georgakopoulos, A. Buchmann (eds.) (2001). 215–224.
  • Fault-Tolerant Frequent Pattern Mining: Problems and Challenges. Pei, Jian; Tung, Anthony K. H.; Han, Jiawei (2001).
  • Multi-Dimensional Sequential Pattern Mining. Pinto, Helen; Han, Jiawei; Pei, Jian; Wang, Ke; Chen, Qiming; Dayal, Umeshwar (2001). 81–88.
  • FreeSpan: frequent pattern-projected sequential pattern mining. Han, Jiawei; Pei, Jian; Mortazavi-Asl, Behzad; Chen, Qiming; Dayal, Umeshwar; Hsu, Meichun R. Ramakrishnan, S. J. Stolfo, R. J. Bayardo, I. Parsa (eds.) (2000). 355–359.
  • Humanisme de l’Autre Homme Lévinas, Emmanuel (1972). LGF/Le Livre de Poche, [Montpellier].

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