Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Artificial Intelligence

Data4UrbanMobility was presented on the 20th November 2018 during the Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Artificial Intelligence. The PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH together with the Research Center L3S explained current project outcomes like the D4UM-App and the Dashboard to interested visitors.

We very much enjoyed the interesting discussion and are very happy about all participants in our Citizen Science App “MiC – Move in the City”.


  • Reclaiming digital sovereignty: A roadmap to build a digital stack for people and the planet. Rikap, Cecilia; Durand, Cédric; Paraná, Edemilson; Gerbaudo, Paolo; Marx, Paris (2024).
  • Towards Anti-Collision Coordination for UAVs with Serverless Edge Computing. Pfandzelter, Tobias; Bermbach, David; Vilter, Robert; Friese, Ingo; Melnyk, Sergiy; Zhou, Qiuheng; Schotten, Hans D. (2024). 247–248.
  • Hierarchical Graph Pooling Based on Minimum Description Length. von Pichowski, Jan; Blöcker, Christopher; Scholtes, Ingo (2024). abs/2409.10263
  • From Link Prediction to Forecasting: Information Loss in Batch-based Temporal Graph Learning. Lampert, Moritz; Blöcker, Christopher; Scholtes, Ingo (2024). abs/2406.04897
  • Friedrich Nerly - Von Erfurt en el mundo. Krember, Andreas Idras (2024).
  • Link Prediction with Untrained Message Passing Layers. Qarkaxhija, Lisi; Wegner, Anatol E.; Scholtes, Ingo (2024). abs/2406.16687
  • Inference of Sequential Patterns for Neural Message Passing in Temporal Graphs. von Pichowski, Jan; Perri, Vincenzo; Qarkaxhija, Lisi; Scholtes, Ingo (2024). abs/2406.16552
  • Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2023. Reischuk, Rüdiger; Apel, Sven; Bernstein, Abraham; Buchin, Maike; Förster, Anna; Freiling, Felix C.; Mendling, Jan; Neumann, Gustaf; Römer, Kay Uwe; Scheuermann, Björn; Scholtes, Ingo; Schweikardt, Nicole; Wehrle, Klaus in LNI (2024). (Vol. D-24) GI.
  • Generating Temporal Contact Graphs Using Random Walkers. Almasan, Anton-David; Shvydun, Sergey; Scholtes, Ingo; Mieghem, Piet Van (2024). abs/2409.08690
  • quais são afetadas pela microbiota intestinal. A estrutura da colônia de. Komar’cs (2024).
  • abrigando dez vezes mais bactérias que o número de células que formam. Komar’cs (2024).
  • Eine Geschichte des gemeinschaftlichen Wohnens. Krember, Andreas Idras (2024).
  • Una historia de vida colectiva. Krember, Andreas Idras (2024).
  • Tierras coloniales de Turingia. Krember, Andreas Idras (2024).
  • Las geografías materiales de la Iniciativa del Cinturón y la Ruta. Krember, Andreas Idras (2024).
  • Design und Anwendung von Algorithmen für die Genominferenz. Ebler, Jana R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 61–70.
  • Erklärung und Visualisierung von strukturellem Wissen in bipartiten Graphen. Dürrschnabel, Dominik R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 51–60.
  • Automatisierte Garantierte Blockchain-Technologie Verifizierung. Otoni, Rodrigo R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 191–200.
  • The Map Equation Goes Neural. Blöcker, Christopher; Tan, Chester; Scholtes, Ingo (2023). abs/2310.01144
  • Effiziente Zustandsverwaltung mit Persistentem Speicher. Benson, Lawrence R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 21–30.
  • Prototyp-basiertes Lernen von Repräsentationen mittels Deep Clustering. Miklautz, Lukas R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 181–190.
  • True 3D Holography: A Communication Service of Tomorrow and Its Requirements for a New Converged Cloud and Network Architecture on the Path to 6G. Friese, Ingo; Galkow-Schneider, Mandy; Bassbouss, Louay; Zoubarev, Alexander; Neparidze, Andy; Melnyk, Sergiy; Zhou, Qiuheng; Schotten, Hans D.; Pfandzelter, Tobias; Bermbach, David; Kritzner, Arndt; Zschau, Enrico; Dhara, Prasenjit; Göring, Steve; Menz, William; Raake, Alexander; Rüther-Kindel, Wolfgang; Quaeck, Fabian; Stuckert, Nick; Vilter, Robert (2023). 1–8.
  • Modulare and Parameter-effiziente Fine-abstimmung von Sprachmodellen. Pfeiffer, Jonas R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 211–220.
  • Die Verwendung Konzeptueller Räume für Künstliche Intelligenz. Bechberger, Lucas R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 11–20.
  • Eine dynamische, Dienste-orientierte Softwarearchitektur für die Anwendung im Automobil. Kampmann, Alexandru R. Reischuk, S. Apel, A. Bernstein, M. Buchin, A. Förster, F. C. Freiling, J. Mendling, G. Neumann, K. U. Römer, B. Scheuermann, I. Scholtes, N. Schweikardt, K. Wehrle (eds.) (2023). (Vol. D-24) 141–150.
  • Locating community smells in software development processes using higher-order network centralities. Gote, Christoph; Perri, Vincenzo; Zingg, Christian; Casiraghi, Giona; Arzig, Carsten; von Gernler, Alexander; Schweitzer, Frank; Scholtes, Ingo (2023). 13(1) 129.
  • Using Causality-Aware Graph Neural Networks to Predict Temporal Centralities in Dynamic Graphs. Heeg, Franziska; Scholtes, Ingo (2023). abs/2310.15865
  • Modeling social resilience: Questions, answers, open problems. Schweitzer, Frank; Andres, Georges; Casiraghi, Giona; Gote, Christoph; Roller, Ramona; Scholtes, Ingo; Vaccario, Giacomo; Zingg, Christian (2023). abs/2301.00183
  • Higher-Order Patterns Reveal Causal Timescales of Complex Systems. Petrovic, Luka V.; Wegner, Anatol E.; Scholtes, Ingo (2023). abs/2301.11623
  • De Bruijn goes Neural: Causality-Aware Graph Neural Networks for Time Series Data on Dynamic Graphs. Qarkaxhija, Lisi; Perri, Vincenzo; Scholtes, Ingo (2022). abs/2209.08311
  • One Graph to Rule them All: Using NLP and Graph Neural Networks to analyse Tolkien’s Legendarium. Perri, Vincenzo; Qarkaxhija, Lisi; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas; Scholtes, Ingo in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, F. Karsdorp, K. L. Nielbo (eds.) (2022). (Vol. 3290) 291–317.
  • Big Data = Big Insights? Operationalising Brooks’ Law in a Massive GitHub Data Set. Gote, Christoph; Mavrodiev, Pavlin; Schweitzer, Frank; Scholtes, Ingo (2022). 262–273.
  • Similarity-Based Link Prediction From Modular Compression of Network Flows. Blöcker, Christopher; Smiljanic, Jelena; Scholtes, Ingo; Rosvall, Martin in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, B. Rieck, R. Pascanu (eds.) (2022). (Vol. 198) 52.
  • Willing to Revise? Confidence and Recommendation Adoption in AI-Assisted Image Recognition. Röseler, Leonore; Scholtes, Ingo; Sendhoff, Bernhard; Hannák, Anikó in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, S. Schlobach, M. Pérez-Ortiz, M. Tielman (eds.) (2022). (Vol. 354) 295–297.
  • Similarity-based Link Prediction from Modular Compression of Network Flows. Blöcker, Christopher; Smiljanic, Jelena; Scholtes, Ingo; Rosvall, Martin (2022). abs/2208.14220
  • Predicting Influential Higher-Order Patterns in Temporal Network Data. Gote, Christoph; Perri, Vincenzo; Scholtes, Ingo (2022). 109–116.
  • Learning the Markov Order of Paths in Graphs. Petrovic, Luka V.; Scholtes, Ingo F. Laforest, R. Troncy, E. Simperl, D. Agarwal, A. Gionis, I. Herman, L. Médini (eds.) (2022). 1559–1569.
  • PaCo: Fast Counting of Causal Paths in Temporal Network Data. Petrovic, Luka V.; Scholtes, Ingo J. Leskovec, M. Grobelnik, M. Najork, J. Tang, L. Zia (eds.) (2021). 521–526.
  • Predicting Influential Higher-Order Patterns in Temporal Network Data. Gote, Christoph; Perri, Vincenzo; Scholtes, Ingo (2021). abs/2107.12100
  • Visualisation of Temporal Network Data via Time-Aware Static Representations with HOTVis. Perri, Vincenzo; Scholtes, Ingo J. Leskovec, M. Grobelnik, M. Najork, J. Tang, L. Zia (eds.) (2021). 533–534.
  • HOTVis: Higher-Order Time-Aware Visualisation of Dynamic Graphs. Perri, Vincenzo; Scholtes, Ingo in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, D. Auber, P. Valtr (eds.) (2020). (Vol. 12590) 99–114.
  • HYPA: Efficient Detection of Path Anomalies in Time Series Data on Networks. LaRock, Timothy; Nanumyan, Vahan; Scholtes, Ingo; Casiraghi, Giona; Eliassi-Rad, Tina; Schweitzer, Frank C. Demeniconi, N. V. Chawla (eds.) (2020). 460–468.
  • Counting Causal Paths in Big Times Series Data on Networks. Petrovic, Luka V.; Scholtes, Ingo (2019). abs/1905.11287
  • Detecting Path Anomalies in Time Series Data on Networks. LaRock, Timothy; Nanumyan, Vahan; Scholtes, Ingo; Casiraghi, Giona; Eliassi-Rad, Tina; Schweitzer, Frank (2019). abs/1905.10580
  • git2net: Mining Time-Stamped Co-Editing Networks from Large git Repositories. Gote, Christoph; Scholtes, Ingo; Schweitzer, Frank in LNI, K. David, K. Geihs, M. Lange, G. Stumme (eds.) (2019). (Vol. P-294) 259–260.
  • Data Science. Scholtes, Ingo; Strohmaier, Markus in LNI, K. David, K. Geihs, M. Lange, G. Stumme (eds.) (2019). (Vol. P-294) 187–188.
  • git2net: mining time-stamped co-editing networks from large git repositories. Gote, Christoph; Scholtes, Ingo; Schweitzer, Frank M.-A. D. Storey, B. Adams, S. Haiduc (eds.) (2019). 433–444.
  • When is a Network a Network?: Multi-Order Graphical Model Selection in Pathways and Temporal Networks. Scholtes, Ingo (2017). 1037–1046.
  • From Relational Data to Graphs: Inferring Significant Links Using Generalized Hypergeometric Ensembles. Casiraghi, Giona; Nanumyan, Vahan; Scholtes, Ingo; Schweitzer, Frank in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, G. L. Ciampaglia, A. J. Mashhadi, T. Yasseri (eds.) (2017). (Vol. 10540) 111–120.
  • Controllability of temporal networks: An analysis using higher-order networks. Zhang, Yan; Garas, Antonios; Scholtes, Ingo (2017). abs/1701.06331
  • Quantifying the effect of editor-author relations on manuscript handling times. Sarigöl, Emre; García, David; Scholtes, Ingo; Schweitzer, Frank (2017). 113(1) 609–631.
  • Workshop: Informatik-Begeisterung 2016. Michael, Judith; Scholtes, Ingo in LNI, H. C. Mayr, M. Pinzger (eds.) (2016). (Vol. P-259) 1147–1148.
  • From aristotle to ringelmann: A large-scale analysis of team productivity and coordination in open source software projects. Scholtes, Ingo; Mavrodiev, Pavlin; Schweitzer, Frank in LNI, J. Knoop, U. Zdun (eds.) (2016). (Vol. P-252) 53–54.
  • Decentralized Cluster Detection in Distributed Systems Based on Self-Organized Synchronization. Singh, Vikramjit; Esch, Markus; Scholtes, Ingo G. Cabri, G. Picard, N. Suri (eds.) (2016). 146–147.
  • From Aristotle to Ringelmann: a large-scale analysis of team productivity and coordination in Open Source Software projects. Scholtes, Ingo; Mavrodiev, Pavlin; Schweitzer, Frank (2016). 21(2) 642–683.
  • Automated Software Remodularization Based on Move Refactoring - A Complex Systems Approach. Scholtes, Ingo; Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Schweitzer, Frank in LNI, U. Aßmann, B. Demuth, T. Spitta, G. Püschel, R. Kaiser (eds.) (2015). (Vol. P-239) 85–86.
  • Higher-Order Aggregate Networks in the Analysis of Temporal Networks: Path structures and centralities. Scholtes, Ingo; Wider, Nicolas; Garas, Antonios (2015). abs/1508.06467
  • Integrated Modeling and Evolution of Social Software. Poetzsch-Heffter, Arnd; Paech, Barbara; Weber, Mathias K. A. Zweig, W. Neuser, V. Pipek, M. Rohde, I. Scholtes (eds.) (2014). 81–93.
  • Socioinformatics - The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT Zweig, Katharina Anna; Neuser, Wolfgang; Pipek, Volkmar; Rohde, Markus; Scholtes, Ingo (2014). Springer.
  • A Complex Networks Perspective on Collaborative Software Engineering. Cataldo, Marcelo; Scholtes, Ingo; Valetto, Giuseppe (2014). 17(7-8)
  • Categorizing Bugs with Social Networks: A Case Study on Four Open Source Software Communities. Scholtes, Ingo; Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Schweitzer, Frank in LNI, W. Hasselbring, N. C. Ehmke (eds.) (2014). (Vol. P-227) 27–28.
  • Anonymity, Immediacy and Electoral Delegation in Socio-Technical Computer Systems. Botev, Jean K. Zweig, W. Neuser, V. Pipek, M. Rohde, I. Scholtes (eds.) (2014). 139–143.
  • The Social Dimension of Information Ranking: A Discussion of Research Challenges and Approaches. Scholtes, Ingo; Pfitzner, René; Schweitzer, Frank K. A. Zweig, W. Neuser, V. Pipek, M. Rohde, I. Scholtes (eds.) (2014). 45–61.
  • Predicting scientific success based on coauthorship networks. Sarigöl, Emre; Pfitzner, René; Scholtes, Ingo; Garas, Antonios; Schweitzer, Frank (2014). 3(1) 9.
  • Automated software remodularization based on move refactoring: a complex systems approach. Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Scholtes, Ingo; Schweitzer, Frank W. Binder, E. Ernst, A. Peternier, R. Hirschfeld (eds.) (2014). 73–84.
  • Predicting Scientific Success Based on Coauthorship Networks. Sarigöl, Emre; Pfitzner, René; Scholtes, Ingo; Garas, Antonios; Schweitzer, Frank (2014). abs/1402.7268
  • Workshop on Social Influence - SI 2014 - Introduction. Michalski, Radoslaw; Shakarian, Paulo; Scholtes, Ingo; Jankowski, Jaroslaw in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, L. M. Aiello, D. A. McFarland (eds.) (2014). (Vol. 8852) 365–367.
  • Complex Structures and Collective Dynamics in Networked Systems: A Tutorial. Scholtes, Ingo; Esch, Markus (2013). 271–272.
  • Categorizing bugs with social networks: a case study on four open source software communities. Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Scholtes, Ingo; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Schweitzer, Frank D. Notkin, B. H. C. Cheng, K. Pohl (eds.) (2013). 1032–1041.
  • The rise and fall of a central contributor: Dynamics of social organization and performance in the GENTOO community. Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Scholtes, Ingo; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Schweitzer, Frank (2013). 49–56.
  • The Social Dimension of Information Ranking: A Discussion of Research Challenges and Approaches. Scholtes, Ingo; Pfitzner, René; Schweitzer, Frank in LNI, M. Horbach (ed.) (2013). (Vol. P-220) 1177–1179.
  • The Rise and Fall of a Central Contributor: Dynamics of Social Organization and Performance in the Gentoo Community. Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Scholtes, Ingo; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Schweitzer, Frank (2013). abs/1302.7191
  • Resilience in Enterprise Social Networks. Burger, Valentin; Hoßfeld, Tobias; García, David; Seufert, Michael; Scholtes, Ingo; Hock, David in LNI, M. Horbach (ed.) (2013). (Vol. P-220) 1165–1168.
  • A Tunable Mechanism for Identifying Trusted Nodes in Large Scale Distributed Networks. Chandra, Joydeep; Scholtes, Ingo; Ganguly, Niloy; Schweitzer, Frank G. Min, Y. Wu, L. (Chris) Liu, X. Jin, S. A. Jarvis, A. Y. Al-Dubai (eds.) (2012). 722–729.
  • Hierarchical Consensus Formation Reduces The Influence Of Opinion Bias. Perony, Nicolas; Pfitzner, René; Scholtes, Ingo; Tessone, Claudio J.; Schweitzer, Frank K. G. Troitzsch, M. Möhring, U. Lotzmann (eds.) (2012). 662–668.
  • A Quantitative Study of Social Organisation in Open Source Software Communities. Zanetti, Marcelo Serrano; Sarigöl, Emre; Scholtes, Ingo; Tessone, Claudio Juan; Schweitzer, Frank in OASIcs, A. V. Jones (ed.) (2012). (Vol. 28) 116–122.
  • TweetGames: A framework for twitter-based collaborative social online games. Esch, Markus; Kovacheva, Aleksandrina; Scholtes, Ingo; Rothkugel, Steffen D. Georgakopoulos, J. B. D. Joshi (eds.) (2011). 436–442.
  • HyperVerse: simulation and testbed reconciled. Botev, Jean; Esch, Markus; Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo; Sturm, Peter (2010). 4(2) 167–181.
  • Distributed Creation and Adaptation of Random Scale-Free Overlay Networks. Scholtes, Ingo (2010). 51–63.
  • Resilience and Multicast Aspects of the Structured Network Overlay GP3. Esch, Markus; Scholtes, Ingo L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, S. Vitabile, H.-H. Hsu (eds.) (2010). 1117–1122.
  • A self-organized resource allocation scheme for decentralized distributed virtual environments. Botev, Jean; Scholtes, Ingo K. Aberer, J. Joshi (eds.) (2010). 1–7.
  • P2P-Based Avatar Interaction in Massive Multiuser Virtual Environments. Esch, Markus; Botev, Jean; Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo L. Barolli, F. Xhafa, H.-H. Hsu (eds.) (2009). 977–982.
  • Epidemic Self-synchronization in Complex Networks. Scholtes, Ingo; Botev, Jean; Esch, Markus; Sturm, Peter in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, J. Zhou (ed.) (2009). (Vol. 5) 1794–1809.
  • Self-organizing collaborative filtering in global-scale massive multi-user virtual environments. Höhfeld, Alexander; Gratz, Patrick; Beck, Angelo; Botev, Jean; Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo S. Y. Shin, S. Ossowski (eds.) (2009). 1719–1723.
  • Performance Evaluation of GP3 - A Grid-Based Spatial Index Infrastructure. Esch, Markus; Botev, Jean; Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo S. Latifi (ed.) (2009). 663–670.
  • Evaluation of the HyperVerse Avatar Management Scheme Based on the Analysis of Second Life Traces. Esch, Markus; Ooi, Wei Tsang; Scholtes, Ingo (2009). 692–699.
  • Fuzzy Logic supported Consistency Management in DDVEs. Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo; Botev, Jean; Esch, Markus; Höhfeld, Alexander; Sturm, Peter (2009). 17
  • A scale-free and self-organized P2P overlay for massive multiuser virtual environments. Esch, Markus; Scholtes, Ingo J. B. D. Joshi, T. Zhang (eds.) (2009). 1–10.
  • Awareness-Driven Phase Transitions in Very Large Scale Distributed Systems. Scholtes, Ingo; Botev, Jean; Höhfeld, Alexander; Schloss, Hermann; Esch, Markus S. A. Brueckner, P. Robertson, U. Bellur (eds.) (2008). 25–34.
  • GP3 - A Distributed Grid-Based Spatial Index Infrastructure for Massive Multiuser Virtual Environments. Esch, Markus; Botev, Jean; Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo (2008). 811–816.
  • The HyperVerse: concepts for a federated and Torrent-based ’3D Web’. Botev, Jean; Höhfeld, Alexander; Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo; Sturm, Peter; Esch, Markus (2008). 2(4) 331–350.
  • TopGen - internet router-level topology generation based on technology constraints. Scholtes, Ingo; Botev, Jean; Esch, Markus; Höhfeld, Alexander; Schloss, Hermann; Zech, Benjamin S. Molnár, J. R. Heath, O. Dalle, G. A. Wainer (eds.) (2008). 30.
  • SimCon - a simulation and visualization environment for overlay networks and large-scale applications. Esch, Markus; Botev, Jean; Schloss, Hermann; Höhfeld, Alexander; Scholtes, Ingo; Zech, Benjamin S. Molnár, J. R. Heath, O. Dalle, G. A. Wainer (eds.) (2008). 68.
  • HiOPS overlay - efficient provision of multicast in peer-to-peer systems. Schloss, Hermann; Botev, Jean; Höhfeld, Alexander; Scholtes, Ingo; Oechsle, Rainer; Esch, Markus (2008). 1–6.
  • CrePes - Warum und wie Schüler ab 8 Jahren Programmieren lernen sollten. Esch, Markus; Gratz, Patrick; Rothkugel, Steffen; Jakoby, Jörg; Scholtes, Ingo; Sturm, Peter in LNI, S. Seehusen, U. Lucke, S. Fischer (eds.) (2008). (Vol. P-132) 413–424.
  • Using Epidemic Hoarding to Minimize Load Delays in P2P Distributed Virtual Environments. Scholtes, Ingo; Botev, Jean; Esch, Markus; Schloss, Hermann; Sturm, Peter in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, E. Bertino, J. B. D. Joshi (eds.) (2008). (Vol. 10) 578–593.
  • SISC: providing efficient XML-based service-orientation for core OS functionality. Schloss, Hermann; Scholtes, Ingo; Sturm, Peter K. Chiu, S. Chiba, D. Gannon, L. Villard (eds.) (2007). 45–52.
  • Web Federates - Towards a Middleware for Highly Scalable Peer-to-Peer Services. Scholtes, Ingo; Sturm, Peter J. A. M. Cordeiro, V. Pedrosa, B. Encarnação, J. Filipe (eds.) (2006). 13–20.
  • Web Service Interface Syndication and its Application to a Collaborative Weblog Search. Scholtes, Ingo; Görgen, Daniel; Gratz, Patrick E. Blanzieri, T. Zhang (eds.) (2006).
  • Web Federates - Towards A Middleware for Highly Scalable Peer-to-Peer Services. Scholtes, Ingo; Sturm, Peter in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro, V. Pedrosa (eds.) (2006). (Vol. 1) 138–149.

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