BSCITYHACK – D4UM at the Hackathon in Brunswick

The “Smart City Hackathon” took place in Braunschweig (#BSCITYHACK) on the first weekend in December. We had the opportunity to present the Data4UrbanMobility project, the MiC app, the accessibility score and the D4UM dashboard in a pitch. The first goal was to find out with which of the different applications we can best work on … Continue Reading

D4UM @ 27th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL’2019)

Data4UrbanMobility presented the poster “ST-Discovery: Data-Driven Discovery of Structural Dependencies in Urban Road Networks” at the 2019 SIGSPATIAL conference (International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems). The poster paper discusses the identification of dependencies in urban road networks that are caused by the road network topology. The full poster paper is available here:  ST-Discovery: Data-Driven Discovery of … Continue Reading

D4UM @ The 6th International Workshop on Dataset PROFlLing and Search (PROFILES 2019) @ ISWC 2019

Data4UrbanMobility was part of the organisation committee of the 5. PROFILES Workshop on Dataset Profiling and Search. The workshop took place an October 27th 2019 during the 18th International Semantic Web Conference in Auckland. Data from the Web, especially linked data, knowledge graphs and markup data are a rich source of mobility relevant and event … Continue Reading

D4UM @ 16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD’19)

Data4UrbanMobility was invited to present the paper  “Crosstown traffic – supervised prediction of impact of planned special events on urban traffic”, which was published in the GeoInformatic Journal, at the  SSTD-Conferenz (16th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, The paper describes how the impact of public special events on road traffic can be … Continue Reading

D4UM at MPH Lab

The event titled ‘Mobility as a Service – don’t hesitate to cooperate!’ which is an event series organized by MHP Lab ( a porsche Company )( gave the PROJEKTIONISTEN GmbH under their mobility brand 1KLANG ( the opportunity to present their take on the mobility challenges cities are facing in the coming years. As part … Continue Reading

Crosstown Traffic published in GeoInformatica

The Data4UrbanMobility paper “Crosstown traffic – supervised prediction of impact of planned special events on urban traffic” was published in the GeoInformatica journal. The article investigates the question how the impact of planned special events on road traffic can be measured and predicted. The full article is available here: Crosstown Traffic – Supervised Prediction of … Continue Reading

5th International Smart City Workshop @ The Webconf

Data4UrbanMobility presented the paper “Data4UrbanMobility: Towards Holistic Data Analytics for Mobility Applications in Urban Regions” at the 5th International Smart City Workshop at the Web Conference 2019. The workshop focused on enhancing every day life in urban environments using digital technologies. Thank you very much for the fruitful discussions! Strony Internetowe Żywiec. Kaczorowski, Karol (2024). … Continue Reading

Dienstleistungstagung 2019 Service Systems Innovation

During the “Dienstleistungstagung 2019 Service Systems Innovation” organized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research that took place in Paderbon on April 8th-9th. Data4UrbanMobility was presented by the Research Center L3S and the PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH. Visitors could explore the impacts of public events on traffic on a large display. Moreover, the D4UM-App and the … Continue Reading

D4UM @ Dienstleistungstagung 2019 Service Systems Innovation

Data4UrbanMobility is going to be presented at the “Dienstleistungstagung 2019 Service Systems Innovation” in Paderborn. The event takes place at April 8th and 9th 2019. Data4UrbanMobiltiy can be found  in Area 4”: “Individuell und Urban”. Strony Internetowe Żywiec. Kaczorowski, Karol (2024). Optimizing CNN-BiGRU Performance: Mish Activation and Comparative Analysis. Technical Report (PhD dissertation), BENCHAMA, Asmaa … Continue Reading

Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Artificial Intelligence

Data4UrbanMobility was presented on the 20th November 2018 during the Leibniz Startup & Industry Event Artificial Intelligence. The PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH together with the Research Center L3S explained current project outcomes like the D4UM-App and the Dashboard to interested visitors. We very much enjoyed the interesting discussion and are very happy about all participants in our Citizen … Continue Reading

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