
Forecasting of the Traffic Situation in the Hannover Region

The main requirement of road traffic participants is to know the current traffic situation. Such data is typically obtained from routing services where the time of many different individual trips is taken into account.

In the context of Data4UrbanMobility tools were developed that allow to predict the traffic situation based on such time series data. The following figure presents an interface to visualize typical time series patterns as well as outliers present in the data:

The prediction of the traffic situation is made available in the form of a map based interface for the end user:

Data4UrbanMobility Data Protection Regulation

The work on the Data4UrbanMobility data protection regulation is completed. The document is publicly available and can be found here.

First Version of MiC-App Available

A first version of the novel MiC-App (Move in the City) App is now available for D4UM-associates as well as a protected group of public users. The mobile MiC-App is a tool to gather data.

MiC was developed by the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism at the University of Braunschweig and the Projektionisten GmbH. MiC links the growing  awareness of  digital citizen rights with the potential of evaluation big datasets. Therefore MiC gives the opportunity to citizen to actively participate in a citizen science project to take part in the development of the mobility of the feature.

MiC gathers data of the users movement, where the user has the about which data should be recorded. All data is pseudonymised such that the privacy of the contributing citizen is ensured.

Current Status:

In the first version of the app, the user can easily start and end the tracking of his/her movement. It is worth to point out, that the user decides when he is tracked and when not. A summary of his/her activity is available for the user as well as the opportunity to issue feedback or even delete all of his contributed data.

Updated System with Dashboard V2

With the new version of our system,  the dashboard will provide even more insights into the impact of public events on the traffic situation.

The coloring and labels let us easily distinguish between the different type of events. By clicking on the label we show the typically affected subgraph for that event type. This allows the user to check what specific routes are typically affected by an event at that location.

Examples: Visualisation of a concert and a football game.

In addition, the graph at the top right gives additional information on how big the impact around the events start time tends to be.

We enriched the api endpoints with additional information from the data models that were developed as part of the research efforts.

D4UM App Version 1.0

We just released the first Version of the D4UM App. Every project member now has access to the application and can try out its features. Let’s quickly go over some of its main features.
The EFA integration (EFA is a routing engine covering Lower Saxony and Bremen ) allows for quick access to tip information using all available public transport options. Our focus, when designing the application, was on quick and easy navigation to provide a simple and easy to use trip planning tool.

Departures and Connections

On the departure screen we show the user the closes stops for public transportation in his immediate vicinity. On the connection screen the user can fill in his desired starting location( either an address or an existing stop ) and destination and query for what connections are available to him. The provided information contains real time data , meaning we are able to visualized delays for any given connection.




On the map screen you can see and or find all available stops of public transportation. This allows for providing the user with a great way to find out what stops are available in their city. By clicking on any of the shown stops will open the departure screen and provide you with the information mentioned above. To better visualize a selected connection, we show the route you plan to travel on the map.


Menu / Settings

Additional features can be found in the settings menu of the application. Here you can find settings that allow you to customize your routing results for both the departures and connection screen. The best way to let us know what you think about the application is to use the feedback module. This can be found here as well. First click on the emoji that best describe how you feel about the app. And then put in any additional information or ideas or thoughts you may have. Now what is left is just to press send and you will send us an email.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Quantification  and Prediction of Impact of Public Events

Current Data4UrbanMobility research results allow for measuring and prediction of spatial impact on road traffic of public events. Connected, affected street segments nearby public events are identified to measure the spatial impact. The approach is depicted in the following figure:

(Karte von

An event is marked as yellow dot, affected streets in red and the measured impact in dark blue. Moreover, an approach making use of machine learning algorithms was developed to predict the impact determined in this way, resulting an error-reduction of up to 40% when compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches.

D4UM – Platform V1 Released

The first version of the Data4UrbanMobiltiy platform has been released. The platform was designed and implemented following a 3-tier-architecture. The platform provides RESTfull Web services for mobility applications like dashboards or mobile apps. As a demonstration, an interactive map application has been developed that visualizes the spatial impact of public events. The following figure shows a screenshot of the application.

The figure shows 4 public events in the city of Hannover. The colors represent different types of public events (e.g. concerts, fairs, sport events). The circles visualize the spatial impact on road traffic caused by the public events.

Comprehensive Set of Requirements

The Data4UrbanMobility analysis of requirements includes requirements of the application partners Region Hannover (RH) and Wolfsburg AG (WAG) as well as non functional requirements. The requirements were collected by MOMA. The L3S derived research question for data analysis which are based  on the requirements of RH and WAG. The research question address especially the information needs of end-users.

The current research questions particularly include

  1. Automated verification of traffic warnings and prediction of their impact
  2. Identification of events and prediction of their impact
  3. Investigation of correlation of road traffic data, public transportation query logs, traffic warnings and twitterfeeds
  4. Determination of optimal traveling timepoints

Growing Data Collection

ISU create a comprehensive data matrix containing potential source of mobility related data. The Data4UrbanMobility data model describes all project relevant data sets and sets them into context. This makes the data available in a unified manor for both analysis and applications. The selected data sources were transformed according to the Data4UrbanMobility data model by L3S. The data quality of selected data sources (i.e. public transportation query logs and road traffic data) was examined.

Tools for extracting the relevant information from the datasets were developed to enable the integration of the datasets.

  • Street and graph extraction from OpenStreetMap
  • Bulkloader for public transportation queries
  • Integration of “Zentrales Haltestellen Verzeichniss” (central registry of public transportation stops)

The current collection (December 12th 2017) contians

EFA-Logs: 17 million public transportation queries
Road traffic data: 174 thousand street sements with a frequency of 15 minutes
GTFS-data: 90 thousand. public transportation stops, 2.6 thousand routes
Weather: Radolan “Regenraster” (rain grid)
Twitter: 2,5 Mio. Tweets starting at June 2017

OSM: 440 thousand streets 
Events: 21 thousand public events (August 14th 2016-July 17th 2018)

Traffic warnings: 13 thousand warning (since June 2017)

Visualization of Public Transportation Information

In order to allow intuitive analytics of public transportation information, the PROJEKTIONISTEN (PROJ) developed a dashboard web application. First prototypes visualize queries addressed to the regional timetable information system EFA ( The prototypes serve as foundations for exploration analyses as well as the implementation of future versions of the dashboard. The following figure shows an integrated visualization of the most frequent origins and destinations of the queries.

Analysen der EFA-Logs

Analysis of EFA Public Transportation Query Logs

Analyses regarding the impact of public events on public transportation are currently conducted to address early research questions. To this extend, explorative data analyses of the impact of major public events such as football games and medium sized events such as concerts were conducted. Visual analytics were used as a first step towards comprehensive analyses, which show start-like patterns for city center which identify mobility hubs of central importance.

The figure shows the direct connection between origin and destination of public transportation queries. Darker colors correspond to more frequent queried trips. Star-like pattern identify the central train station and the central metro station.

Analyses of single stations reveal weekday dependent patterns.

The figure depicts the average number of queries with the destination “Hannover Stadionbrücke”. Differences emerge between Weekends and workdays.

The impact of public events on the queries can be visualized  as well.

The figure shows the number of queries with the Destination “Hannover Stadionbrücke” for Wednesday, April 26th 2017 (orange) as well as the average number of queries on a Wednesday for the same destination. On this day a concert took place in venue nearby. The concert start at 8 pm. The significant deviations between 5 pm and 7 pm is highly likely to be caused by visitors of the concert. This shows that public transportation queries are a valuable information source to investigate the impact of public events on mobility infrastructure.


  • Cardiac function in a large animal model of myocardial infarction at 7 T: deep learning based automatic segmentation increases reproducibility. Kollmann, Alena; Lohr, David; Ankenbrand, Markus J.; Bille, Maya; Terekhov, Maxim; Hock, Michael; Elabyad, Ibrahim; Baltes, Steffen; Reiter, Theresa; Schnitter, Florian; Bauer, Wolfgang R.; Hofmann, Ulrich; Schreiber, Laura M. (2024). 14(1) 11009.
  • Ageing-Dependent Thiol Oxidation Reveals Early Oxidation of Proteins with Core Proteostasis Functions. Jonak, Katarzyna; Suppanz, Ida; Bender, Julian; Chacinska, Agnieszka; Warscheid, Bettina; Topf, Ulrike (2024). 7(5)
  • Magnetism in the axion insulator candidate Eu\($_\mathbf5$\)In\($_\mathbf2$\)Sb\($_\mathbf6$\). Rahn, M. C.; Wilson, M. N.; Hicken, T. J.; Pratt, F. L.; Wang, C.; Orlandi, F.; Khalyavin, D. D.; Manuel, P.; Veiga, L. S. I.; Bombardi, A.; Francoual, S.; Bereciartua, P.; Sukhanov, A. S.; Thompson, J. D.; Thomas, S. M.; Rosa, P. F. S.; Lancaster, T.; Ronning, F.; Janoschek, M. (2024). 109(17) 174404.
  • Intermembrane Space-Localized TbTim15 Is an Essential Subunit of the Single Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Protein Translocase of Trypanosomes. von Känel, Corinne; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Wenger, Christoph; Stettler, Philip; Harsman, Anke; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André (2024).
  • Identification of TFG- and Autophagy-Regulated Proteins and Glycerophospholipids in B Cells. Steinmetz, Tobit D.; Thomas, Jana; Reimann, Lena; Himmelreich, Ann-Kathrin; Schulz, Sebastian R.; Golombek, Florian; Castiglione, Kathrin; Jäck, Hans-Martin; Brodesser, Susanne; Warscheid, Bettina; Mielenz, Dirk (2024). 23(5) 1615–1633.
  • The Mba1 Homologue of Trypanosoma Brucei Is Involved in the Biogenesis of Oxidative Phosphorylation Complexes. Wenger, Christoph; Harsman, Anke; Niemann, Moritz; Oeljeklaus, Silke; von Känel, Corinne; Calderaro, Salvatore; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André (2023). 119(5) 537–550.
  • A Msp1-containing Complex Removes Orphaned Proteins in the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane of T. Brucei. Gerber, Markus; Suppanz, Ida; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Niemann, Moritz; Käser, Sandro; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André; Dewar, Caroline E. (2023). 6(11)
  • Conformational Regulation and Target-Myristoyl Switch of Calcineurin B Homologous Protein 3. Becker, Florian; Fuchs, Simon; Refisch, Lukas; Drepper, Friedel; Bildl, Wolfgang; Schulte, Uwe; Liang, Shuo; Heinicke, Jonas Immanuel; Hansen, Sierra C.; Kreutz, Clemens; Warscheid, Bettina; Fakler, Bernd; Mymrikov, Evgeny V.; Hunte, Carola (2023). 12
  • Analysis of Yeast Peroxisomes via Spatial Proteomics. Das, Hirak; Zografakis, Alexandros; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina (2023). 2643 13–31.
  • COX17 Acetylation via MOF-KANSL Complex Promotes Mitochondrial Integrity and Function. Guhathakurta, Sukanya; Erdogdu, Niyazi Umut; Hoffmann, Juliane J.; Grzadzielewska, Iga; Schendzielorz, Alexander; Seyfferth, Janine; Maartensson, Christoph U.; Corrado, Mauro; Karoutas, Adam; Warscheid, Bettina; Pfanner, Nikolaus; Becker, Thomas; Akhtar, Asifa (2023). 5(11) 1931–1952.
  • ADGym: Design Choices for Deep Anomaly Detection. Jiang, Minqi; Hou, Chaochuan; Zheng, Ao; Han, Songqiao; Huang, Hailiang; Wen, Qingsong; Hu, Xiyang; Zhao, Yue (2023).
  • Immunoproteasome-Specific Subunit PSMB9 Induction Is Required to Regulate Cellular Proteostasis upon Mitochondrial Dysfunction. Kim, Minji; Serwa, Remigiusz A.; Samluk, Lukasz; Suppanz, Ida; Kodroń, Agata; Stk epkowski, Tomasz M.; Elancheliyan, Praveenraj; Tsegaye, Biniyam; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Wasilewski, Michal; Warscheid, Bettina; Chacinska, Agnieszka (2023). 14(1) 4092.
  • Phosphorylation of the Receptor Protein Pex5p Modulates Import of Proteins into Peroxisomes. Fischer, Sven; Bürgi, Jérôme; Gabay-Maskit, Shiran; Maier, Renate; Mastalski, Thomas; Yifrach, Eden; Obarska-Kosinska, Agnieszka; Rudowitz, Markus; Erdmann, Ralf; Platta, Harald W.; Wilmanns, Matthias; Schuldiner, Maya; Zalckvar, Einat; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Drepper, Friedel; Warscheid, Bettina (2023). 404(2-3) 135–155.
  • A Newly Identified Secreted Larval Antigen Elicits Basophil-Dependent Protective Immunity against N. Brasiliensis Infection. Thuma, Natalie; Döhler, Daniela; Mielenz, Dirk; Sticht, Heinrich; Radtke, Daniel; Reimann, Lena; Warscheid, Bettina; Voehringer, David (2022). 13 979491.
  • The Endoplasmic Reticulum Membrane Protein Complex Localizes to the Mitochondrial - Endoplasmic Reticulum Interface and Its Subunits Modulate Phospholipid Biosynthesis in Trypanosoma Brucei. Iyer, Advaitha; Niemann, Moritz; Serricchio, Mauro; Dewar, Caroline E.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Farine, Luce; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André; Bütikofer, Peter (2022). 18(5) e1009717.
  • Characterization of a Highly Diverged Mitochondrial ATP Synthase F(o) Subunit in Trypanosoma Brucei. Dewar, Caroline E.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Wenger, Christoph; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André (2022). 298(4) 101829.
  • Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Universally Conserved ATPase Ola1p as a Positive Regulator of Heat Shock Response in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Dannenmaier, Stefan; Desroches Altamirano, Christine; Schüler, Lisa; Zhang, Ying; Hummel, Johannes; Milanov, Martin; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Koch, Hans-Georg; Rospert, Sabine; Alberti, Simon; Warscheid, Bettina (2021). 297(5) 101050.
  • Order from Disorder in the Sarcomere: FATZ Forms a Fuzzy but Tight Complex and Phase-Separated Condensates with \($\alpha$\)-Actinin. Sponga, Antonio; Arolas, Joan L.; Schwarz, Thomas C.; Jeffries, Cy M.; Rodriguez Chamorro, Ariadna; Kostan, Julius; Ghisleni, Andrea; Drepper, Friedel; Polyansky, Anton; De Almeida Ribeiro, Euripedes; Pedron, Miriam; Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk, Anna; Mlynek, Georg; Peterbauer, Thomas; Doto, Pierantonio; Schreiner, Claudia; Hollerl, Eneda; Mateos, Borja; Geist, Leonhard; Faulkner, Georgine; Kozminski, Wiktor; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Warscheid, Bettina; Zagrovic, Bojan; Gautel, Mathias; Konrat, Robert; Djinovi’c-Carugo, Kristina (2021). 7(22)
  • Author Correction: Mitochondrial Proteins: From Biogenesis to Functional Networks. Pfanner, Nikolaus; Warscheid, Bettina; Wiedemann, Nils (2021). 22(5) 367.
  • Quantitative Proteomics Identifies PTP1B as Modulator of B Cell Antigen Receptor Signaling. Schwarz, Jennifer J.; Grundmann, Lorenz; Kokot, Thomas; Kläsener, Kathrin; Fotteler, Sandra; Medgyesi, David; Köhn, Maja; Reth, Michael; Warscheid, Bettina (2021). 4(11)
  • Defining the Interactome of the Human Mitochondrial Ribosome Identifies SMIM4 and TMEM223 as Respiratory Chain Assembly Factors. Dennerlein, Sven; Poerschke, Sabine; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Wang, Cong; Richter-Dennerlein, Ricarda; Sattmann, Johannes; Bauermeister, Diana; Hanitsch, Elisa; Stoldt, Stefan; Langer, Thomas; Jakobs, Stefan; Warscheid, Bettina; Rehling, Peter (2021). 10
  • DNA Repair Protein APE1 Degrades Dysfunctional Abasic mRNA in Mitochondria Affecting Oxidative Phosphorylation. Barchiesi, Arianna; Bazzani, Veronica; Jabczynska, Agata; Borowski, Lukasz S.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina; Chacinska, Agnieszka; Szczesny, Roman J.; Vascotto, Carlo (2021). 433(18) 167125.
  • Quantitative High-Confidence Human Mitochondrial Proteome and Its Dynamics in Cellular Context. Morgenstern, Marcel; Peikert, Christian D.; Lübbert, Philipp; Suppanz, Ida; Klemm, Cinzia; Alka, Oliver; Steiert, Conny; Naumenko, Nataliia; Schendzielorz, Alexander; Melchionda, Laura; Mühlhäuser, Wignand W. D.; Knapp, Bettina; Busch, Jakob D.; Stiller, Sebastian B.; Dannenmaier, Stefan; Lindau, Caroline; Licheva, Mariya; Eickhorst, Christopher; Galbusera, Riccardo; Zerbes, Ralf M.; Ryan, Michael T.; Kraft, Claudine; Kozjak-Pavlovic, Vera; Drepper, Friedel; Dennerlein, Sven; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Pfanner, Nikolaus; Wiedemann, Nils; Warscheid, Bettina (2021). 33(12) 2464–2483.e18.
  • DIMA: Data-Driven Selection of an Imputation Algorithm. Egert, Janine; Brombacher, Eva; Warscheid, Bettina; Kreutz, Clemens (2021). 20(7) 3489–3496.
  • 2nSILAC for Quantitative Proteomics of Prototrophic Baker’s Yeast. Dannenmaier, Stefan; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina (2021). (Vol. 2228) 253–270.
  • Molecular Basis of F-actin Regulation and Sarcomere Assembly via Myotilin. Kostan, Julius; Pavv siv c, Miha; Puv z, Vid; Schwarz, Thomas C.; Drepper, Friedel; Molt, Sibylle; Graewert, Melissa Ann; Schreiner, Claudia; Sajko, Sara; van der Ven, Peter F. M.; Onipe, Adekunle; Svergun, Dmitri I.; Warscheid, Bettina; Konrat, Robert; Fürst, Dieter O.; Lenarv civ c, Brigita; Djinovi’c-Carugo, Kristina (2021). 19(4) e3001148.
  • COA6 Facilitates Cytochrome c Oxidase Biogenesis as Thiol-reductase for Copper Metallochaperones in Mitochondria. Pacheu-Grau, David; Wasilewski, Michal; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Gibhardt, Christine Silvia; Aich, Abhishek; Chudenkova, Margarita; Dennerlein, Sven; Deckers, Markus; Bogeski, Ivan; Warscheid, Bettina; Chacinska, Agnieszka; Rehling, Peter (2020). 432(7) 2067–2079.
  • Mitochondrial Proteins: From Biogenesis to Functional Networks. Pfanner, Nikolaus; Warscheid, Bettina; Wiedemann, Nils (2019). 20(5) 267–284.
  • Noncompetitive Binding of PpiD and YidC to the SecYEG Translocon Expands the Global View on the SecYEG Interactome in Escherichia Coli. Jauss, Benjamin; Petriman, Narcis-Adrian; Drepper, Friedel; Franz, Lisa; Sachelaru, Ilie; Welte, Thomas; Steinberg, Ruth; Warscheid, Bettina; Koch, Hans-Georg (2019). 294(50) 19167–19183.
  • Mitochondrial Protein Translocation-Associated Degradation. Maartensson, Christoph U.; Priesnitz, Chantal; Song, Jiyao; Ellenrieder, Lars; Doan, Kim Nguyen; Boos, Felix; Floerchinger, Alessia; Zufall, Nicole; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina; Becker, Thomas (2019). 569(7758) 679–683.
  • The Highly Diverged Trypanosomal MICOS Complex Is Organized in a Nonessential Integral Membrane and an Essential Peripheral Module. Eichenberger, Claudia; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Bruggisser, Julia; Mani, Jan; Haenni, Beat; Kaurov, Iosif; Niemann, Moritz; Zuber, Benoît; Lukev s, Julius; Hashimi, Hassan; Warscheid, Bettina; Schimanski, Bernd; Schneider, André (2019). 112(6) 1731–1743.
  • The Diverged Trypanosome MICOS Complex as a Hub for Mitochondrial Cristae Shaping and Protein Import. Kaurov, Iosif; Vancová, Marie; Schimanski, Bernd; Cadena, Lawrence Rudy; Heller, Jiv rí; Bíl’y, Tomáv s; Potv ev sil, David; Eichenberger, Claudia; Bruce, Hannah; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina; Zdráhal, Zbynv ek; Schneider, André; Lukev s, Julius; Hashimi, Hassan (2018). 28(21) 3393–3407.e5.
  • Complete Native Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino Acids of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae for Global Proteomic Analysis. Dannenmaier, Stefan; Stiller, Sebastian B.; Morgenstern, Marcel; Lübbert, Philipp; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Wiedemann, Nils; Warscheid, Bettina (2018). 90(17) 10501–10509.
  • Vps39 Interacts with Tom40 to Establish One of Two Functionally Distinct Vacuole-Mitochondria Contact Sites. González Montoro, Ayelén; Auffarth, Kathrin; Hönscher, Carina; Bohnert, Maria; Becker, Thomas; Warscheid, Bettina; Reggiori, Fulvio; van der Laan, Martin; Fröhlich, Florian; Ungermann, Christian (2018). 45(5) 621–636.e7.
  • The Mitochondrial TMEM177 Associates with COX20 during COX2 Biogenesis. Lorenzi, Isotta; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Aich, Abhishek; Ronsör, Christin; Callegari, Sylvie; Dudek, Jan; Warscheid, Bettina; Dennerlein, Sven; Rehling, Peter (2018). 1865(2) 323–333.
  • Quantitative Proteomics Identifies Redox Switches for Global Translation Modulation by Mitochondrially Produced Reactive Oxygen Species. Topf, Ulrike; Suppanz, Ida; Samluk, Lukasz; Wrobel, Lidia; Böser, Alexander; Sakowska, Paulina; Knapp, Bettina; Pietrzyk, Martyna K.; Chacinska, Agnieszka; Warscheid, Bettina (2018). 9(1) 324.
  • The Interaction Network of the YidC Insertase with the SecYEG Translocon, SRP and the SRP Receptor FtsY. Petriman, Narcis-Adrian; Jauß, Benjamin; Hufnagel, Antonia; Franz, Lisa; Sachelaru, Ilie; Drepper, Friedel; Warscheid, Bettina; Koch, Hans-Georg (2018). 8(1) 578.
  • Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Cells Lacking Pex3 Contain Membrane Vesicles That Harbor a Subset of Peroxisomal Membrane Proteins. Wróblewska, Justyna P.; Cruz-Zaragoza, Luis Daniel; Yuan, Wei; Schummer, Andreas; Chuartzman, Silvia G.; de Boer, Rinse; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Schuldiner, Maya; Zalckvar, Einat; Warscheid, Bettina; Erdmann, Ralf; van der Klei, Ida J. (2017). 1864(10) 1656–1667.
  • Membrane Localization of Acetylated CNK1 Mediates a Positive Feedback on RAF/ERK Signaling. Fischer, Adrian; Mühlhäuser, Wignand W. D.; Warscheid, Bettina; Radziwill, Gerald (2017). 3(8) e1700475.
  • Biogenesis of the Mitochondrial DNA Inheritance Machinery in the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane of Trypanosoma Brucei. Käser, Sandro; Willemin, Mathilde; Schnarwiler, Felix; Schimanski, Bernd; Poveda-Huertes, Daniel; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Haenni, Beat; Zuber, Benoît; Warscheid, Bettina; Meisinger, Chris; Schneider, André (2017). 13(12) e1006808.
  • Identification of Novel STAT6-Regulated Proteins in Mouse B Cells by Comparative Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis. Mokada-Gopal, Lavanya; Boeser, Alexander; Lehmann, Christian H. K.; Drepper, Friedel; Dudziak, Diana; Warscheid, Bettina; Voehringer, David (2017). 198(9) 3737–3745.
  • INA Complex Liaises the F(1)F(o)-ATP Synthase Membrane Motor Modules. Naumenko, Nataliia; Morgenstern, Marcel; Rucktäschel, Robert; Warscheid, Bettina; Rehling, Peter (2017). 8(1) 1237.
  • Charting Organellar Importomes by Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. Peikert, Christian D.; Mani, Jan; Morgenstern, Marcel; Käser, Sandro; Knapp, Bettina; Wenger, Christoph; Harsman, Anke; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Schneider, André; Warscheid, Bettina (2017). 8 15272.
  • Expanding the Archaellum Regulatory Network - the Eukaryotic Protein Kinases ArnC and ArnD Influence Motility of Sulfolobus Acidocaldarius. Hoffmann, Lena; Schummer, Andreas; Reimann, Julia; Haurat, Maria F.; Wilson, Amanda J.; Beeby, Morgan; Warscheid, Bettina; Albers, Sonja-V. (2017). 6(1)
  • Xilmass: A New Approach toward the Identification of Cross-Linked Peptides. Yilmaz, c Sule; Drepper, Friedel; Hulstaert, Niels; v Cerniv c, Mav sa; Gevaert, Kris; Economou, Anastassios; Warscheid, Bettina; Martens, Lennart; Vandermarliere, Elien (2016). 88(20) 9949–9957.
  • Identification of Cell Cycle Dependent Interaction Partners of the Septins by Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. Renz, Christian; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Grinhagens, Sören; Warscheid, Bettina; Johnsson, Nils; Gronemeyer, Thomas (2016). 11(2) e0148340.
  • Pex17p-Dependent Assembly of Pex14p/Dyn2p-subcomplexes of the Peroxisomal Protein Import Machinery. Chan, Anna; Schummer, Andreas; Fischer, Sven; Schröter, Thomas; Cruz-Zaragoza, Luis Daniel; Bender, Julian; Drepper, Friedel; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Kunau, Wolf-H.; Girzalsky, Wolfgang; Warscheid, Bettina; Erdmann, Ralf (2016). 95(12) 585–597.
  • Mitochondrial OXA Translocase Plays a Major Role in Biogenesis of Inner-Membrane Proteins. Stiller, Sebastian B.; Höpker, Jan; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Schütze, Conny; Schrempp, Sandra G.; Vent-Schmidt, Jens; Horvath, Susanne E.; Frazier, Ann E.; Gebert, Natalia; van der Laan, Martin; Bohnert, Maria; Warscheid, Bettina; Pfanner, Nikolaus; Wiedemann, Nils (2016). 23(5) 901–908.
  • Mistargeted Mitochondrial Proteins Activate a Proteostatic Response in the Cytosol. Wrobel, Lidia; Topf, Ulrike; Bragoszewski, Piotr; Wiese, Sebastian; Sztolsztener, Malgorzata E.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Varabyova, Aksana; Lirski, Maciej; Chroscicki, Piotr; Mroczek, Seweryn; Januszewicz, Elzbieta; Dziembowski, Andrzej; Koblowska, Marta; Warscheid, Bettina; Chacinska, Agnieszka (2015). 524(7566) 485–488.
  • Assembly of \($\beta$\)-Barrel Proteins in the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane. Höhr, Alexandra I. C.; Straub, Sebastian P.; Warscheid, Bettina; Becker, Thomas; Wiedemann, Nils (2015). 1853(1) 74–88.
  • Mitochondrial Heat Shock Protein (Hsp) 70 and Hsp10 Cooperate in the Formation of Hsp60 Complexes. Böttinger, Lena; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Guiard, Bernard; Rospert, Sabine; Warscheid, Bettina; Becker, Thomas (2015). 290(18) 11611–11622.
  • Structural Insights into Cargo Recognition by the Yeast PTS1 Receptor. Hagen, Stefanie; Drepper, Friedel; Fischer, Sven; Fodor, Krisztian; Passon, Daniel; Platta, Harald W.; Zenn, Michael; Schliebs, Wolfgang; Girzalsky, Wolfgang; Wilmanns, Matthias; Warscheid, Bettina; Erdmann, Ralf (2015). 290(44) 26610–26626.
  • Phytoene Desaturase from Oryza Sativa: Oligomeric Assembly, Membrane Association and Preliminary 3D-Analysis. Gemmecker, Sandra; Schaub, Patrick; Koschmieder, Julian; Brausemann, Anton; Drepper, Friedel; Rodriguez-Franco, Marta; Ghisla, Sandro; Warscheid, Bettina; Einsle, Oliver; Beyer, Peter (2015). 10(7) e0131717.
  • Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Reveals the Protein Tyrosine Kinase Pyk2 as a Central Effector of Olfactory Receptor Signaling in Prostate Cancer Cells. Wiese, Heike; Gelis, Lian; Wiese, Sebastian; Reichenbach, Christa; Jovancevic, Nikolina; Osterloh, Markus; Meyer, Helmut E.; Neuhaus, Eva M.; Hatt, Hanns H.; Radziwill, Gerald; Warscheid, Bettina (2015). 1854(6) 632–640.
  • Role of Membrane Contact Sites in Protein Import into Mitochondria. Horvath, Susanne E.; Rampelt, Heike; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina; van der Laan, Martin; Pfanner, Nikolaus (2015). 24(3) 277–297.
  • MITRAC7 Acts as a COX1-Specific Chaperone and Reveals a Checkpoint during Cytochrome c Oxidase Assembly. Dennerlein, Sven; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Jans, Daniel; Hellwig, Christin; Bareth, Bettina; Jakobs, Stefan; Deckers, Markus; Warscheid, Bettina; Rehling, Peter (2015). 12(10) 1644–1655.
  • Cox17 Protein Is an Auxiliary Factor Involved in the Control of the Mitochondrial Contact Site and Cristae Organizing System. Chojnacka, Magdalena; Gornicka, Agnieszka; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina; Chacinska, Agnieszka (2015). 290(24) 15304–15312.
  • Mitochondrial Protein Import Receptors in Kinetoplastids Reveal Convergent Evolution over Large Phylogenetic Distances. Mani, Jan; Desy, Silvia; Niemann, Moritz; Chanfon, Astrid; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Pusnik, Mascha; Schmidt, Oliver; Gerbeth, Carolin; Meisinger, Chris; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André (2015). 6 6646.
  • Differential Tyrosine Phosphorylation Controls the Function of CNK1 as a Molecular Switch in Signal Transduction. Fischer, Adrian; Brummer, Tilman; Warscheid, Bettina; Radziwill, Gerald (2015). 1853(11 Pt A) 2847–2855.
  • SILAC Labeling of Yeast for the Study of Membrane Protein Complexes. Oeljeklaus, Silke; Schummer, Andreas; Suppanz, Ida; Warscheid, Bettina (2014). 1188 23–46.
  • The Mitochondrial ADP/ATP Carrier Associates with the Inner Membrane Presequence Translocase in a Stoichiometric Manner. Mehnert, Carola S.; Rampelt, Heike; Gebert, Michael; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Schrempp, Sandra G.; Kochbeck, Lioba; Guiard, Bernard; Warscheid, Bettina; van der Laan, Martin (2014). 289(39) 27352–27362.
  • The Membrane Proteome of Sensory Cilia to the Depth of Olfactory Receptors. Kuhlmann, Katja; Tschapek, Astrid; Wiese, Heike; Eisenacher, Martin; Meyer, Helmut E.; Hatt, Hanns H.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Warscheid, Bettina (2014). 13(7) 1828–1843.
  • Mitochondrial Translation Factors of Trypanosoma Brucei: Elongation Factor-Tu Has a Unique Subdomain That Is Essential for Its Function. Cristodero, Marina; Mani, Jan; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Aeberhard, Lukas; Hashimi, Hassan; Ramrath, David J. F.; Lukev s, Julius; Warscheid, Bettina; Schneider, André (2013). 90(4) 744–755.
  • A Combined Approach of Quantitative Interaction Proteomics and Live-Cell Imaging Reveals a Regulatory Role for Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Reticulon Homology Proteins in Peroxisome Biogenesis. David, Christine; Koch, Johannes; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Laernsack, Alexandra; Melchior, Sophie; Wiese, Sebastian; Schummer, Andreas; Erdmann, Ralf; Warscheid, Bettina; Brocard, Cécile (2013). 12(9) 2408–2425.
  • The Proteome of Human Liver Peroxisomes: Identification of Five New Peroxisomal Constituents by a Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics Survey. Gronemeyer, Thomas; Wiese, Sebastian; Ofman, Rob; Bunse, Christian; Pawlas, Magdalena; Hayen, Heiko; Eisenacher, Martin; Stephan, Christian; Meyer, Helmut E.; Waterham, Hans R.; Erdmann, Ralf; Wanders, Ronald J.; Warscheid, Bettina (2013). 8(2) e57395.
  • A Bacterial Toxin Catalyzing Tyrosine Glycosylation of Rho and Deamidation of Gq and Gi Proteins. Jank, Thomas; Bogdanovi’c, Xenia; Wirth, Christophe; Haaf, Erik; Spoerner, Michael; Böhmer, Kira E.; Steinemann, Marcus; Orth, Joachim H. C.; Kalbitzer, Hans Robert; Warscheid, Bettina; Hunte, Carola; Aktories, Klaus (2013). 20(11) 1273–1280.
  • Coupling of Mitochondrial Import and Export Translocases by Receptor-Mediated Supercomplex Formation. Qiu, Jian; Wenz, Lena-Sophie; Zerbes, Ralf M.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Bohnert, Maria; Stroud, David A.; Wirth, Christophe; Ellenrieder, Lars; Thornton, Nicolas; Kutik, Stephan; Wiese, Sebastian; Schulze-Specking, Agnes; Zufall, Nicole; Chacinska, Agnieszka; Guiard, Bernard; Hunte, Carola; Warscheid, Bettina; van der Laan, Martin; Pfanner, Nikolaus; Wiedemann, Nils; Becker, Thomas (2013). 154(3) 596–608.
  • Promiscuous Targeting of Polytopic Membrane Proteins to SecYEG or YidC by the Escherichia Coli Signal Recognition Particle. Welte, Thomas; Kudva, Renuka; Kuhn, Patrick; Sturm, Lukas; Braig, David; Müller, Matthias; Warscheid, Bettina; Drepper, Friedel; Koch, Hans-Georg (2012). 23(3) 464–479.
  • Role of Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Organizing System in Protein Biogenesis of the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane. Bohnert, Maria; Wenz, Lena-Sophie; Zerbes, Ralf M.; Horvath, Susanne E.; Stroud, David A.; von der Malsburg, Karina; Müller, Judith M.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Perschil, Inge; Warscheid, Bettina; Chacinska, Agnieszka; Veenhuis, Marten; van der Klei, Ida J.; Daum, Günther; Wiedemann, Nils; Becker, Thomas; Pfanner, Nikolaus; van der Laan, Martin (2012). 23(20) 3948–3956.
  • A Universally Conserved ATPase Regulates the Oxidative Stress Response in Escherichia Coli. Wenk, Meike; Ba, Qiaorui; Erichsen, Veronika; MacInnes, Katherine; Wiese, Heike; Warscheid, Bettina; Koch, Hans-Georg (2012). 287(52) 43585–43598.
  • Find Pairs: The Module for Protein Quantification of the PeakQuant Software Suite. Eisenacher, Martin; Kohl, Michael; Wiese, Sebastian; Hebeler, Romano; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Stephan, Christian (2012). 16(9) 457–467.
  • MITRAC Links Mitochondrial Protein Translocation to Respiratory-Chain Assembly and Translational Regulation. Mick, David U.; Dennerlein, Sven; Wiese, Heike; Reinhold, Robert; Pacheu-Grau, David; Lorenzi, Isotta; Sasarman, Florin; Weraarpachai, Woranontee; Shoubridge, Eric A.; Warscheid, Bettina; Rehling, Peter (2012). 151(7) 1528–1541.
  • Identification of Core Components and Transient Interactors of the Peroxisomal Importomer by Dual-Track Stable Isotope Labeling with Amino Acids in Cell Culture Analysis. Oeljeklaus, Silke; Reinartz, Benedikt S.; Wolf, Janina; Wiese, Sebastian; Tonillo, Jason; Podwojski, Katharina; Kuhlmann, Katja; Stephan, Christian; Meyer, Helmut E.; Schliebs, Wolfgang; Brocard, Cécile; Erdmann, Ralf; Warscheid, Bettina (2012). 11(4) 2567–2580.
  • Mgr2 Promotes Coupling of the Mitochondrial Presequence Translocase to Partner Complexes. Gebert, Michael; Schrempp, Sandra G.; Mehnert, Carola S.; Heißwolf, Anna K.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Ieva, Raffaele; Bohnert, Maria; von der Malsburg, Karina; Wiese, Sebastian; Kleinschroth, Thomas; Hunte, Carola; Meyer, Helmut E.; Haferkamp, Ilka; Guiard, Bernard; Warscheid, Bettina; Pfanner, Nikolaus; van der Laan, Martin (2012). 197(5) 595–604.
  • Dual Function of Sdh3 in the Respiratory Chain and TIM22 Protein Translocase of the Mitochondrial Inner Membrane. Gebert, Natalia; Gebert, Michael; Oeljeklaus, Silke; von der Malsburg, Karina; Stroud, David A.; Kulawiak, Bogusz; Wirth, Christophe; Zahedi, René P.; Dolezal, Pavel; Wiese, Sebastian; Simon, Oliver; Schulze-Specking, Agnes; Truscott, Kaye N.; Sickmann, Albert; Rehling, Peter; Guiard, Bernard; Hunte, Carola; Warscheid, Bettina; van der Laan, Martin; Pfanner, Nikolaus; Wiedemann, Nils (2011). 44(5) 811–818.
  • Ubp15p, a Ubiquitin Hydrolase Associated with the Peroxisomal Export Machinery. Debelyy, Mykhaylo O.; Platta, Harald W.; Saffian, Delia; Hensel, Astrid; Thoms, Sven; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Girzalsky, Wolfgang; Erdmann, Ralf (2011). 286(32) 28223–28234.
  • Composition and Topology of the Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mitochondria Encounter Structure. Stroud, David A.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Wiese, Sebastian; Bohnert, Maria; Lewandrowski, Urs; Sickmann, Albert; Guiard, Bernard; van der Laan, Martin; Warscheid, Bettina; Wiedemann, Nils (2011). 413(4) 743–750.
  • Genome-Wide Characterization of miR-34a Induced Changes in Protein and mRNA Expression by a Combined Pulsed SILAC and Microarray Analysis. Kaller, Markus; Liffers, Sven-Thorsten; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Kuhlmann, Katja; Röh, Simone; Hoffmann, Reinhard; Warscheid, Bettina; Hermeking, Heiko (2011). 10(8) M111.010462.
  • Dual Role of Mitofilin in Mitochondrial Membrane Organization and Protein Biogenesis. von der Malsburg, Karina; Müller, Judith M.; Bohnert, Maria; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Kwiatkowska, Paulina; Becker, Thomas; Loniewska-Lwowska, Adrianna; Wiese, Sebastian; Rao, Sanjana; Milenkovic, Dusanka; Hutu, Dana P.; Zerbes, Ralf M.; Schulze-Specking, Agnes; Meyer, Helmut E.; Martinou, Jean-Claude; Rospert, Sabine; Rehling, Peter; Meisinger, Chris; Veenhuis, Marten; Warscheid, Bettina; van der Klei, Ida J.; Pfanner, Nikolaus; Chacinska, Agnieszka; van der Laan, Martin (2011). 21(4) 694–707.
  • Mitochondrial Preprotein Translocase of Trypanosomatids Has a Bacterial Origin. Pusnik, Mascha; Schmidt, Oliver; Perry, Andrew J.; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Niemann, Moritz; Warscheid, Bettina; Lithgow, Trevor; Meisinger, Chris; Schneider, André (2011). 21(20) 1738–1743.
  • Coa3 and Cox14 Are Essential for Negative Feedback Regulation of COX1 Translation in Mitochondria. Mick, David U.; Vukotic, Milena; Piechura, Heike; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Deckers, Markus; Rehling, Peter (2010). 191(1) 141–154.
  • RhoA Regulates Peroxisome Association to Microtubules and the Actin Cytoskeleton. Schollenberger, Lukas; Gronemeyer, Thomas; Huber, Christoph M.; Lay, Dorothee; Wiese, Sebastian; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Saffrich, Rainer; Peränen, Johan; Gorgas, Karin; Just, Wilhelm W. (2010). 5(11) e13886.
  • Top-down de Novo Protein Sequencing of a 13.6 kDa Camelid Single Heavy Chain Antibody by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time-of-Flight/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Resemann, Anja; Wunderlich, Dirk; Rothbauer, Ulrich; Warscheid, Bettina; Leonhardt, Heinrich; Fuchser, Jens; Kuhlmann, Katja; Suckau, Detlev (2010). 82(8) 3283–3292.
  • Kazal-Type Inhibitors in the Stomach of Panstrongylus Megistus (Triatominae, Reduviidae). Meiser, Christian Karl; Piechura, Heike; Werner, Tanja; Dittmeyer-Schäfer, Saskia; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Schaub, Günter A.; Balczun, Carsten (2010). 40(4) 345–353.
  • Uncoupled Responses of Smad4-deficient Cancer Cells to TNFalpha Result in Secretion of Monomeric Laminin-Gamma2. Zboralski, Dirk; Warscheid, Bettina; Klein-Scory, Susanne; Malas, M. Bassel; Becker, Heiko; Böckmann, Miriam; Meyer, Helmut E.; Schmiegel, Wolff; Simon-Assmann, Patricia; Schwarte-Waldhoff, Irmgard (2010). 9(1) 65.
  • Immunoscreening of the Extracellular Proteome of Colorectal Cancer Cells. Klein-Scory, Susanne; Kübler, Salwa; Diehl, Hanna; Eilert-Micus, Christina; Reinacher-Schick, Anke; Stühler, Kai; Warscheid, Bettina; Meyer, Helmut E.; Schmiegel, Wolff; Schwarte-Waldhoff, Irmgard (2010). 10 70.
  • Identification of PEX33, a Novel Component of the Peroxisomal Docking Complex in the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora Crassa. Managadze, David; Würtz, Christian; Wiese, Sebastian; Schneider, Michael; Girzalsky, Wolfgang; Meyer, Helmut E.; Erdmann, Ralf; Warscheid, Bettina; Rottensteiner, Hanspeter (2010). 89(12) 955–964.
  • Advancements in Plant Proteomics Using Quantitative Mass Spectrometry. Oeljeklaus, Silke; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina (2009). 72(3) 545–554.
  • Identification of Proteomic Differences between Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung and Bronchial Epithelium. Poschmann, Gereon; Sitek, Barbara; Sipos, Bence; Ulrich, Anna; Wiese, Sebastian; Stephan, Christian; Warscheid, Bettina; Klöppel, Günter; Vander Borght, Ann; Ramaekers, Frans C. S.; Meyer, Helmut E.; Stühler, Kai (2009). 8(5) 1105–1116.
  • Peroxisomal Targeting of PTS2 Pre-Import Complexes in the Yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Grunau, Silke; Schliebs, Wolfgang; Linnepe, Ruth; Neufeld, Christian; Cizmowski, Christian; Reinartz, Benedikt; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Girzalsky, Wolfgang; Erdmann, Ralf (2009). 10(4) 451–460.
  • Detection of Novel Biomarkers of Liver Cirrhosis by Proteomic Analysis. Mölleken, Christian; Sitek, Barbara; Henkel, Corinna; Poschmann, Gereon; Sipos, Bence; Wiese, Sebastian; Warscheid, Bettina; Broelsch, Christoph; Reiser, Markus; Friedman, Scott L.; Tornoe, Ida; Schlosser, Anders; Klöppel, Günter; Schmiegel, Wolff; Meyer, Helmut E.; Holmskov, Uffe; Stühler, Kai (2009). 49(4) 1257–1266.
  • Study of Early Leaf Senescence in Arabidopsis Thaliana by Quantitative Proteomics Using Reciprocal 14N/15N Labeling and Difference Gel Electrophoresis. Hebeler, Romano; Oeljeklaus, Silke; Reidegeld, Kai A.; Eisenacher, Martin; Stephan, Christian; Sitek, Barbara; Stühler, Kai; Meyer, Helmut E.; Sturre, Marcel J. G.; Dijkwel, Paul P.; Warscheid, Bettina (2008). 7(1) 108–120.
  • Members of the E2D (UbcH5) Family Mediate the Ubiquitination of the Conserved Cysteine of Pex5p, the Peroxisomal Import Receptor. Grou, Cláudia P.; Carvalho, Andreia F.; Pinto, Manuel P.; Wiese, Sebastian; Piechura, Heike; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Sá-Miranda, Clara; Azevedo, Jorge E. (2008). 283(21) 14190–14197.
  • Shy1 Couples Cox1 Translational Regulation to Cytochrome c Oxidase Assembly. Mick, David U.; Wagner, Karina; van der Laan, Martin; Frazier, Ann E.; Perschil, Inge; Pawlas, Magdalena; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Rehling, Peter (2007). 26(20) 4347–4358.
  • Psb27, a Cyanobacterial Lipoprotein, Is Involved in the Repair Cycle of Photosystem II. Nowaczyk, Marc M.; Hebeler, Romano; Schlodder, Eberhard; Meyer, Helmut E.; Warscheid, Bettina; Rögner, Matthias (2006). 18(11) 3121–3131.
  • A Targeted Proteomics Approach to the Rapid Identification of Bacterial Cell Mixtures by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry. Warscheid, Bettina; Fenselau, Catherine (2004). 4(10) 2877–2892.
  • Complete Sequences of Small Acid-Soluble Proteins from Bacillus Globigii. Whiteaker, Jeffrey R.; Warscheid, Bettina; Pribil, Partick; Hathout, Yetrib; Fenselau, Catherine (2004). 39(10) 1113–1121.
  • MALDI Analysis of Bacilli in Spore Mixtures by Applying a Quadrupole Ion Trap Time-of-Flight Tandem Mass Spectrometer. Warscheid, Bettina; Jackson, Kathryn; Sutton, Chris; Fenselau, Catherine (2003). 75(20) 5608–5617.
  • Direct Quantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds in the Gas and Particle Phase Using a Modified Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Source in Combination with Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry. Warscheid, Bettina; Kückelmann, Ulrich; Hoffmann, Thorsten (2003). 75(6) 1410–1417.
  • Bacillus Spore Identification via Proteolytic Peptide Mapping with a Miniaturized MALDI TOF Mass Spectrometer. English, Robert D.; Warscheid, Bettina; Fenselau, Catherine; Cotter, Robert J. (2003). 75(24) 6886–6893.

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