Night Of Science 2018 – Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft

On November the 10th departments and institutes of the Leibniz University Hannover offered visitors a comprehensive look into their current research efforts.

Together the research institute L3S (Leibniz University Hannover), ISU (the Institute for Sustainable Urbanism – TU Brunswig)  and 1KLANG®, (mobility brand – PROJEKTIONISTEN® GmbH), showcased their joint research project Data4UrbanMobility.

Interested visitors were able try out all of the apps and dashboards that are being developed as a part of the research project.

(for fruther details:

One of the highlights was the new iOS version of the “MiC” app that now supports Apple Watch.


We’re grateful for all of the insightful discussions we were able to have with the attendees at the event and are looking forward to sharing our beta of the Citizen Science App „MiC – Move in the City“ with so many new volunteers.

  • Solution-processed bismuth oxide iodide/organic-semiconductor heterojunction for UV–vis-NIR photoresponsive electronics. Dacha, Preetam; Lapalikar, Vaidehi; Rohitlal, Anju Kumari; Hambsch, Mike; Ruck, Michael; Mannsfeld, Stefan C. B. (2025). 2400726.
  • A Novel Stable Path Selection Algorithm for Enhancing Qos and Network Lifetime in RPL-Contiki-based IoT Networks. BOUKHOBZA, Mohamed Achref; ROUISSAT, Mehdi; BELKHEIR, Mohammed; MOKADDEM, Allel; LORENZ, Pascal (2025). 17(1) 81–99.
  • The Private Sphere, Privacy, and Digitization. Ochs, Carsten H. Friese, M. Nolden (eds.) (2025).
  • Higher-rank spin liquids and spin nematics from competing orders in pyrochlore magnets. Francini, Niccolò; Janssen, Lukas; Lozano-Gómez, Daniel (2025). 111(8) 085140.
  • NanoSoftController: A Minimal Soft Processor for System State Control in FPGA Systems. Weißbrich, Moritz; Seidlitz, Germain; Payá-Vayá, Guillermo L. Carro, F. Regazzoni, C. Pilato (eds.) (2025). 246–261.
  • A Novel Chaining-Based Indirect Addressing Mode in a Vertical Vector Processor. Gesper, Sven; Köhler, Daniel; Thieu, Gia Bao; Homann, Jasper; Meinl, Frank; Blume, Holger; Payá-Vayá, Guillermo L. Carro, F. Regazzoni, C. Pilato (eds.) (2025). 167–182.
  • Enhancing Congestion Control using a Load-Balanced Routing Algorithm for Distributed Networks Kumar, Jogendra in Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, (N. Meghanathan, ed.) (2025). (Vol. 17) Lepizig.
  • Performance of Aloha-Q with Adaptive Transmission Probability Sakakibara, Katsumi (N. Meghanathan, ed.) (2025). (Vol. 17) IJCNC, Lepizig.
  • Inference and applications of ancestral recombination graphs. Nielsen, Rasmus; Vaughn, Andrew H.; Deng, Yun (2025). 26(1) 47–58.
  • Introduction. Burkhardt, Marcus; Kropf, Jonathan; Ochs, Carsten; Seitz, Tatjana M. Burkhardt, J. Kropf, C. Ochs, T. Seitz (eds.) (2025). 5–15.
  • Do You Feel Better? The Impact of Embodying Photorealistic Avatars with Ideal Body Weight on Attractiveness and Self-Esteem in Virtual Reality. Holderrieth, Lena; Wolf, Erik; Fiedler, Marie Luisa; Botsch, Mario; Latoschik, Marc Erich; Wienrich, Carolin (2025).
  • Evaluating VR and AR Mirror Exposure for Anorexia Nervosa Therapy in Adolescents: A Method Proposal for Understanding Stakeholder Perspectives. Fiedler, Marie Luisa; Bürger, Arne; Mittermeier, Sabrina; Botsch, Mario; Latoschik, Marc Erich; Wienrich, Carolin (2025).
  • Nach dem Ende der Regierungskoalition: Offene Gesetzesvorhaben im Digital- und Datenrecht und Ausblick auf die nächste Legislaturperiode. Horstmann, Jan (2025). (1) 01104.
  • The Idiot’s Guide to Effective Population Size. Waples, Robin S. (2025). n/a(n/a) e17670.
  • Spatial close-kin mark-recapture models applied to terrestrial species with continuous natal dispersal. Sévêque, Anthony; Lonsinger, Robert C.; Waits, Lisette P.; Morin, Dana J. (2025). n/a(n/a)
  • The Political Consequences of Work: An Integrative Review. Selenko, Eva; Schilbach, Miriam; Brieger, Steven A.; Van Hootegem, Anahí; De Witte, Hans (2025).
  • Special Issue ‘Frictions: Conflicts, Controversies and Design Alternatives in Digital Valuation’. Digital Culture & Society (DCS) Burkhardt, Marcus; Kropf, Jonathan; Ochs, Carsten; Seitz, Tatjana (2025). (Vol. 9) transcript, Bielefeld.
  • Local Digital Practices, Worldwide. Ochs, Carsten H. Friese, M. Nolden (eds.) (2025).
  • Psychologische Online-Hilfe – ist sie ein gleichwertiger Ersatz für den herkömmlichen Besuch beim Psychotherapeuten?. Archipes (2025).
  • AMOC Variability in Climate Models and Its Dependence on the Mean State. Ferster, Brady S.; Fedorov, Alexey V.; Mignot, Juliette; Guilyardi, Eric (2025). 52(3) e2024GL110356.
  • Psychotherapie und ihre Rolle bei der Behandlung von Depressionen. Archipes (2025).
  • Verschiedene Gesichter der (Psycho-)Therapie – Arten und Unterschiede. Archipes (2025).
  • Malaria vaccine introduction in Africa: progress and challenges. Impouma, Benido; Adidja, Amani; Mboussou, Franck; Cabore, Joseph; Moeti, Matshidiso (2025). 405(10478) 521–524.
  • Efficacy and Safety of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists for Weight Loss Among Adults Without Diabetes: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Moiz, Areesha; Filion, Kristian B.; Toutounchi, Helia; Tsoukas, Michael A.; Yu, Oriana H.Y.; Peters, Tricia M.; Eisenberg, Mark J. (2025).
  • Gravitational Effects of a Small Primordial Black Hole Passing Through the Human Body. Scherrer, Robert J. (2025).
  • Association between sociodemographic variables, healthy habits and stress with metabolic syndrome. A descriptive, cross-sectional study. López-González, Á A; Martínez-Almoyna Rifá, E; Paublini Oliveira, H; Martorell Sánchez, C; Tárraga López, P J; Ramírez-Manent, J I (2025). 51(6) 102455–102455.
  • Vom Aufschwung der Rechtsradikalen – oder warum Friedrich Merz nach Österreich schauen sollte. Eisenreich, Ruth (2025).
  • ChatGPT and Beyond: Exploring the Responsible Use of Generative AI in the Workplace: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Söllner, M.; Arnold, T.; Benlian, A.; Bretschneider, U.; Knight, C.; Ohly, S. (2025). 1–15.
  • Gravitational Effects of a Small Primordial Black Hole Passing Through the Human Body. Scherrer, Robert J. (2025).
  • Remarkable 2023 North Atlantic Ocean Warming. Carton, James A.; Chepurin, Gennady A.; Hackert, Eric C.; Huang, Boyin (2025). 52(3) e2024GL112551.
  • Concepts for a German Small Sat Mission to (99942) Apophis. Männel, Jonathan; Neumann, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Riegler, Clemens; Amza, Andrei Alexandru (2024).
  • Messung, Modellierung und Vorhersage der Netzwerkqualität mit Fokus auf das Internet der Dinge (IoT). Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Herrnleben, Stefan (2024).
  • Does Employee Representation Foster Workplace Democracy?. Technical Report (13/24), Jirjahn, Uwe; Kiess, Johannes (2024).
  • Digital Interventions for Anxiety Management using AI-Driven Mobile Applications Bakhsh, Mohammed Majid; Saimon, Abu Saleh Muhammad; Khan, A J M Obaidur Rahman in Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur (2024). Lepizig.
  • Novel On-Board Data Processing Strategies on Nanosatellite SONATE-2. Maurer, Andreas; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Schwarz, Tobias (2024).
  • 6U+ CubeSat SONATE2: Operation of an Optical AI Payload in Low Earth Orbit. Herbst, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Schwarz, Tobias (2024).
  • Messung, Modellierung und Vorhersage der Netzwerkqualität mit Fokus auf das Internet der Dinge (IoT). Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Herrnleben, Stefan (2024).
  • Künstliche Intelligenz im Hochschulbereich und Datenschutz. Seckelmann, Margrit; Horstmann, Jan (2024). 2024(3) 169–184.
  • Erste Flugergebnisse der Satellitenmission SONATE-2. Balagurin, O.; Greiner, T.; Herbst, T.; Kaiser, T.; Kayal, H.; Männel, J.; Maurer, A.; Neumann, T.; Riegler, C.; Schwarz, T. (2024).
  • Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction. Fischer, Elisabeth; Schlör, Daniel; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
  • Concepts for a German Small Sat Mission to (99942) Apophis. Männel, Jonathan; Neumann, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Riegler, Clemens; Amza, Andrei Alexandru (2024).
  • Training Large Language Models to Reason in a Continuous Latent Space. Hao, Shibo; Sukhbaatar, Sainbayar; Su, DiJia; Li, Xian; Hu, Zhiting; Weston, Jason; Tian, Yuandong (2024).
  • EDSA: Leitlinien zur Datenverarbeitung aufgrund eines berechtigten Interesses. Horstmann, Jan (2024). 14(23) 01909.
  • Novel On-Board Data Processing Strategies on Nanosatellite SONATE-2. Maurer, Andreas; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Schwarz, Tobias (2024).
  • 6U+ CubeSat SONATE2: Operation of an Optical AI Payload in Low Earth Orbit. Herbst, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Schwarz, Tobias (2024).
  • Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction. Fischer, Elisabeth; Schlör, Daniel; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas (2024). abs/2408.15953
  • Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction. Fischer, Elisabeth; Schlör, Daniel; Zehe, Albin; Hotho, Andreas (2024).
  • Early Results and In-Flight Experience of the 6U-Mission SONATE-2. Schwarz, Tobias; Balagurin, Oleksii; Greiner, Tobias; Herbst, Tobias; Kaiser, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas (2024).
  • Evidence lacking for a pending collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Chen, Xianyao; Tung, Ka-Kit (2024). 14(1) 40–42.
  • Messung, Modellierung und Vorhersage der Netzwerkqualität mit Fokus auf das Internet der Dinge (IoT). Technical Report (PhD dissertation), Herrnleben, Stefan (2024).
  • Nachhaltige Intelligenz – intelligente Nachhaltigkeit: transdisziplinäre Forschungsperspektiven. Whitepaper Hornung, Gerrit; Blättel-Mink, Birgit; Helmke, Jan Torben; Döben-Henisch, Gerd-Dietrich; Lamla, Jörn (2024). (Vol. 17)
  • کتاب نانو سیم ها (دکتر افشین رشید) rashid, Afshin (2024). کتاب سبز.
  • Using Machine Learning for Optical Spectroscopy Data Analysis - Processing Multiple Spatially Resolved Reflection Spectroscopy Data with Continuous Feature Networks Magnussen, Birk Martin PhD thesis, kassel university press. (2024).
  • Zusammenfassung und Ausblick. Ohly, Sandra (2024). 79–81.
  • Callcenter. Ohly, Sandra; Sedefoglu, Didem (2024). 73–78.
  • Einleitung. Ohly, Sandra (2024). 1–5.
  • Arbeitsgestaltung in Zeiten von Digitalisierung und Homeoffice Implikationen für Lernen, Leistung und Work-Life Balance Ohly, Sandra; Bitter, Elisabeth; Harhoff, Nico; Hindiyeh, Alana; Schönne, Paulina; Urner, Lukasz; Sedefoglu, Didem (2024). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Zukunft gestalten. Strategien für Infrastruktur und Beschäftigung in der regionalen und industriellen Transformation. Faktencheck: Kernenergie Klöppelt, Christian; Wagner, Patrick; Drechsler, Elisa; :Unav (2024).
  • Translations and Participation. Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives Dinkelaker Jörg; Wenten, Klara-Aylin (2024). transcript, Bielefeld.
  • Die Zukunft des Konsums. Agenda zur Neuperspektivierung der Verbraucherforschung. Lamla, Jörn; Heidbrink, Ludger; Hohnsträter, Dirk; Loer, Kathrin; Roschka, Jakob (2024).
  • Die Zukunft des Konsums. Agenda zur Neuperspektivierung der Verbraucherforschung. Lamla, Jörn; Heidbrink, Ludger; Hohnsträter, Dirk; Loer, Kathrin; Roschka, Jakob (2024).
  • The Platformization of Media Structures as a Critical Juncture. A Pragmatist Perspective on Value Mediation by Journalistic Start-ups and Established Publishers. Uhlmann, Markus; Kropf, Jonathan; Horn, Viktoria; Draude, Claude; Lamla, Jörn (2024). (2/2024) 37–49.
  • کتاب نانو ترانزیستور ها (دکتر افشین رشید) Rashid, Afshin (2023). کتاب سبز.
  • A Step-by-Step Process of Thematic Analysis to Develop a Conceptual Model in Qualitative Research. Naeem, Muhammad; Ozuem, Wilson; Howell, Kerry; Ranfagni, Silvia (2023). 22 16094069231205789.
  • Reinterpreting Fundamental Plane Correlations with Machine Learning. Schafer, Chad; Singh, Sukhdeep; Jagvaral, Yesukhei (2023).
  • Fast fitting of neural ordinary differential equations by Bayesian neural gradient matching to infer ecological interactions from time-series data. Bonnaffé, Willem; Coulson, Tim (2023). 14(6) 1543–1563.
  • Reinterpreting Fundamental Plane Correlations with Machine Learning. Schafer, Chad; Singh, Sukhdeep; Jagvaral, Yesukhei (2023).
  • Forum Privatheit und selbstbestimmtes Leben in der Digitalen Welt (2023): White White Paper „Privacy and Children’s Rights.“ Stapf, Ingrid; Meinert, Judith; Heesen, Jessica; Krämer, Nicole; Ammicht Quinn, Regina; Bieker, Felix; Friedewald, Michael; Geminn, Christian; Martin, Nicholas; Nebel, Maxi; Ochs, C.; Watzinger, L.; Baur, A. (2023).
  • Size and velocity characteristics of spray droplets in near-region of liquid film breakup in a swirl atomizer. Vankeswaram, S.K.; Deivandren, Sivakumar (2022). 130 110505.
  • Predicting intent behind selections in scatterplot visualizations. Gadhave, Kiran; Görtler, Jochen; Cutler, Zach; Nobre, Carolina; Deussen, Oliver; Meyer, Miriah; Phillips, Jeff M.; Lex, Alexander (2021). 20(4) 207–228.
  • Machine-learning computation of distance modulus for local galaxies. Elyiv, A.; Melnyk, O.; Vavilova, I.; Dobrycheva, D.; Karachentseva, V. (2020).
  • Machine-learning computation of distance modulus for local galaxies. Elyiv, A.; Melnyk, O.; Vavilova, I.; Dobrycheva, D.; Karachentseva, V. (2020).
  • Triangulated categories of mixed motives. Cisinski, Denis-Charles; Déglise, Frédéric (2019).
  • Comparison of four TAM item formats: effect of response option labels and order. Lewis, James R. (2019). 14(4) 224–236.
  • InsideInsights: Integrating Data-Driven Reporting in Collaborative Visual Analytics. Mathisen, A.; Horak, T.; Klokmose, C. N.; Grønbæk, K.; Elmqvist, N. (2019). 38(3) 649–661.
  • Bridging Data Silos Using Big Data Integration. Patel, Jayesh (2019). 11(2) 1–6.
  • CMOS Based High Accuracy Miniaturized Digital Sun Sensor with Optimized Error Compensation on SONATE. Baumann, Tom; Balagurin, Oleksii; Kayal, Hakan; Krainovic, Anselm; Luechtrath, Ludwig; Maurer, Andreas (2019). (Vol. IAC 2019 Congress Proceedings)
  • WEB-BASED IRRIGATION MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM Wodadaya Nafutali, Semwogerere Twaibu (2019). (Vol. 11) IJCSEIT.
  • 3U satellite bus SONATE for technology demonstration of autonomous payloads,. Balagurin, Oleksii; Baumann, Tom; Greiner, Tobias; Kayal, Hakan; Maurer, Andreas; Rapp, Thomas; Schwarz, Tobias R. Sandau, K. Brieß, E. Gill (eds.) (2019). (Vol. 2) 297–301.
  • ArviZ a unified library for exploratory analysis of Bayesian models in Python. Kumar, Ravin; Carroll, Colin; Hartikainen, Ari; Martin, Osvaldo (2019). 4(33) 1143.
  • Practical Machine Learning with Python Sarkar, Dipanjan; Bali, Raghav; Sharma, Tushar (2018). Apress.
  • Thematic analysis. Clarke, Victoria; Braun, Virginia (2017). 12(3) 297–298.
  • HindSight: Encouraging Exploration through Direct Encoding of Personal Interaction History. Feng, Mi; Deng, Cheng; Peck, Evan M.; Harrison, Lane (2017). 23(1) 351–360.
  • Effects of Sensemaking Translucence on Distributed Collaborative Analysis. Goyal, Nitesh; Fussell, Susan R. in CSCW ’16 (2016). 288–302.
  • SERVICE SELECTION BASED ON DOMINANT ROLE OF THE CHOREOGRAPHY. Pandey, Ravi Shankar; Pathak, Richa (2016). 7(1) 23–39.
  • SenseMap: Supporting browser-based online sensemaking through analytic provenance. Nguyen, Phong H.; Xu, Kai; Bardill, Andy; Salman, Betul; Herd, Kate; Wong, B.L. William (2016). 91–100.
  • Evaluating How Level of Detail of Visual History Affects Process Memory. Ragan, Eric D.; Goodall, John R.; Tung, Albert in CHI ’15 (2015). 2711–2720.
  • Residual multiples attenuation based on AVO. chang*, Yi shu; zheng, Wang; xia, Jin ming (2015). 4490–4494.
  • Top Manufacturer of Orthocoir Sheets, Coir Cake & China Coir. coir, We (W. Coir, ed.) (2012).
  • Characterizing users’ visual analytic activity for insight provenance. Gotz, David; Zhou, Michelle X. (2008). 123–130.
  • Examining Statistics of Workflow Evolution Provenance: A First Study. Lins, Lauro; Koop, David; Anderson, Erik W.; Callahan, Steven P.; Santos, Emanuele; Scheidegger, Carlos E.; Freire, Juliana; Silva, Cláudio T. B. Ludäscher, N. Mamoulis (eds.) (2008). 573–579.
  • Graphical Histories for Visualization: Supporting Analysis, Communication, and Evaluation. Heer, Jeffrey; Mackinlay, Jock; Stolte, Chris; Agrawala, Maneesh (2008). 14(6) 1189–1196.
  • Defacement : public secrecy and the labor of the negative Taussig, Michael T. (1999). Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.
  • Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Results of Empirical and Theoretical Research. Hart, Sandra G.; Staveland, Lowell E. P. A. Hancock, N. Meshkati (eds.) (1988). (Vol. 52) 139–183.
  • Internal flow characteristics of simplex swirl atomizers. Rizk, N.K.; Lefebvre, A.H. (1985). 1(3) 193–199.
  • Uloga džamije Mehmed-bega Stočanina u formiranju Gornjeg Vakufa: povodom nove izgradnje džamije Hadžijahić, Muhamed; Mujezinović, Mehmed; Hadžiabdić, Fahrija (1971). 48. Odbor islamske zajednice Gornji Vakuf, Gornji Vakuf.
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